This is true.

Zhang Chen said straight to the point through the mobile phone: "The proprietress of Zhuyulou is dead."

Han Bai's expression changed.

"Young Master Zhang, don't worry, you will never be involved."

"Also, I'm very interested in the monster you're chasing."

One simple sentence.

The tone is unmistakable.

Han Bai was never given a chance to refuse.

"Young Master Zhang, this is not very good, is it?"

He understood Zhang Chen's request.

The corner of Han Bai's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Zhang Chen didn't explain either.

Then hang up.

Listen to the blind tone on the phone.

For a while, Han Bai really didn't understand why.

But soon he pushed his doubts out of his head.

The reason why he is here.

The reason is simple.

Recently, the Demon Killing Division discovered the traces of a certain demon.

Several times of tracking failed, and I am still considering whether to continue the investigation.

Whoever thought of it, the news came.

It seems that the monster they investigated appeared in Jiangdong City.

Then rushed over.

"Why is the young master of the Zhang family interested in demons?"

Han Bai frowned, but Zhang San had already left.

"Team Han, who is it? Make such a big deal?"

"The young master of the Zhang family."

"Ah! The Zhang family? What did he say?"

"He said he was interested in the mysterious demon we were tracking."

"Ah? What does that mean? It's not good for him to be a good young master. Isn't it good to eat, drink and have fun? The taste is so strong?"

Obviously, neither Han Bai nor his companions.

They didn't quite understand Zhang Chen's thoughts.

Of course, Han Bai didn't dare to make a decision lightly.

Immediately reported the matter up.

"Director, this is what happened. How do you think we should deal with this matter?"

···Seeking flowers 0··

If it were someone else.

Even if it's Jiangdong City's parent officer, Zhang Chen's cheap father.

There is no way to make the Demon Slayer give in.

After all, the Demon Slayer Division has a very special status and is not under the jurisdiction of the local parent officials.

Only obey the orders from the imperial capital.

In addition, their identities are very special, and they really don't take ordinary people seriously in their bones.


Facing Zhang Chen, they dared not lose face.

"You said Brother Zhang made a special call and said he was interested?"

"Judging from his tone, it's true."

"You deal with the corpse and the traces of the investigation at the patrol room first, and wait for my news for the time being."

Director Wei, who had just swallowed the elixir, was trying to break through his own bottleneck.

After receiving a call from his subordinates.

Also feel confused.

But just accepted such a big favor from Zhang Chen.

He quickly dialed Zhang Chen's phone number.


........................ 0

the other side.

Zhang Chen looked at the caller ID.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Brother Zhang, do you know the identity of the mysterious monster that recently appeared in Jiangdong?"

Director Wei was very straightforward and asked questions immediately.

Zhang Chen smiled, and then said: "Now those people under your command, how long can they last when they encounter a terrifying monster?"

There is no positive answer.

Instead, he asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

But Director Wei immediately heard the overtones.

His face suddenly froze.

The tone also became serious, "Horror-level, ghost king?"

From the sound, it could be heard that Director Wei took a deep breath at this moment.

Smart people don't need to speak out.

"No surprises."

Zhang Chen said lightly.

Then there was a brief silence on the phone.

In the end, Director Wei's voice showed a trace of gratitude.

But there was also a trace of doubt, "Brother Zhang, is your news reliable?"

"What do you say?"

Director Wei was finally convinced by Zhang Chen's answer.

So he said directly without hesitation: "If it's really a terrifying ghost king, the people on my side can't deal with it at all."

Not modesty.

There is really no way to deal with it.

The staff of the Jiangdong Branch of the Devil Slayer Division.

The strongest one is level 6 impermanence.

It is barely enough to deal with deadly monsters.


Meet the terrifying ghost king?


If we really met, it wasn't that they were exorcising demons and defending Taoism.

Instead, he took the initiative to send him to his door looking for death.

But horror level ah!

Ghost king level demon.

Director Wei felt more and more that he didn't read the almanac when he went out recently?

Why did they all pop out?

He suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the recent feng shui in Jiangdong City?

Incomparably powerful monsters appeared frequently one after another?


TodayChapter 1

The female ghost that Zhang Chen likes should not try to be the first.

Chapter 87

"If this goes on like this, if the situation gets out of control, it will cause a huge commotion!"

The first blood moon in the sky since 21 years ago.

So far, countries around the world have worked hard to keep the resurgence of terror a secret.

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