Just like the Huaxia Kingdom.

The Demon Slayer Division was established with the purpose of killing all evil spirits in their cradles.

It was well controlled.

But lately I always feel that the situation is a little out of control.

Now that he knew that the monster that his group was chasing turned out to be a terrifying ghost king.

Director Wei is not an idiot either.

Immediately notify the people below not to act rashly.

Are you still investigating?

Isn't that a sheep into a tiger's mouth?

Looking for death?

hang up the phone.

Director Wei couldn't help pacing back and forth.

He is really caught in a dilemma.

"If it's really a terrifying ghost king, I don't have enough people on hand."

Can be left alone.

What if the situation gets out of control and a terrifying ghost king runs rampant in Jiangdong City?

Think of that image.

Director Wei's face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Headache, do you really want to apply to the headquarters for a judge-level master?"

to be frank.

A local official like Director Wei really doesn't want to let go of his dignity.

Go to the masters at the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division.

At first, I couldn't hold back my face.

Secondly, it is easier to invite God than to send God away.

Even if the matter is resolved.

If the person from the headquarters refuses to leave, won't he be left behind?


Just because of Zhang Chen's "kind" reminder.

As a result, Director Wei didn't even think about breaking through.

Temporarily suppressing the turbulent Qi and blood in his body, he summoned several strongest demon slayers from the Jiangdong branch.

After all, it is about the appearance of the horror-level ghost king and monster.

One is not handled well.

Jiangdong City's population of more than 2000 million may become the rations of ghost kings and monsters overnight.

That kind of thing happened.

It is not enough for these people to apologize with death.


Demon Killing Division, Jiangdong branch building.

meeting room.

Director Wei sat at the top.

Several Level 5 Demon Slayers were sitting on both sides.

At this moment, they also learned the specific news.

They don't even look good.

All of them looked sad.

"It's exactly what I just said. What's your opinion?"

Director Wei is also undecided now.

And the meeting room.

Others didn't speak easily.

"If it's really a ghost king with terror-level strength, I suggest asking the headquarters directly for help."

Finally someone spoke.

Immediately others joined in.

"I agree."

"Yeah, why don't you explain the situation to the headquarters and ask for help?"

"The existence of the ghost king level is not something that our group can deal with."

A group of people are obviously a little timid.

Of course no one will look down on anyone.

The terrifying ghost king.

Who dares to say no?

"Actually, there is another option."

Someone said again: "Why don't we turn to the Zhang family for help?"

Everyone listens.

All eyes lit up.

"That's right, the Zhang family has a master by his side!"

"I remember the woman next to Zhang Chen, she is not weak, right?"

"The specific strength is not clear, but didn't it be detected that there was a demonic energy in the residence of the young master of the Zhang family?"

"Yes yes yes! Just a week ago!"

In the conference room, a group of people thought of their original experience.

Someone couldn't help but smile, "The devilish energy that emerged at that time is also equivalent to the level of terror?"

"In this way, there must be an extremely powerful master by the side of the eldest young master of the Zhang family!"

"If Young Master Zhang is willing to make a move, maybe he can find a way to deal with this ghost king in Jiangdong."

Everyone you speak, I speak.

They couldn't handle it anyway.

So we can only look for foreign aid.

The only ones who can ask for help are the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division.

Think about it.

Only Zhang Chen was left.

But no one noticed.

Director Wei remained silent.

Ask Zhang Chen for help?

Director Wei didn't know how to explain it.

He can't tell these people here.

Zhang Chen didn't have any masters in exorcising demons and defending Dao at all.

It's raising a terrible monster, right?

Not even just one!

Instead, I raised several!

Two of them happened to be ghost king level existences.

But think carefully.

If Zhang Chen is willing to help, it seems that they can indeed solve their urgent needs.

So in the end it was to ask for help from the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division.

Or ask Zhang Chen for help.

The opinions are not unified.

However, when the debate is endless.

A piece of news directly made everyone, including Director Wei, change their faces.

Suspected horror-level ghost king monster.

Show up again!

And this time!

Appeared in an antique shop.

Because of the bizarre murder that happened just this afternoon.

The investigation of the patrol room found that the deceased was the young owner of an antique shop.

More importantly!

That antique business is located in the most prosperous commercial district in Jiangdong City!

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