What a big deal!


"It's miserable..."

Zhang Chen looked at the block in front of him that was completely shrouded in a strong cloud.

Couldn't help but tsk-tsk.

Who would have thought.

here not so long ago.

Also very lively.

There are a variety of shops.

The colorful neon lights are even more characteristic of this neighborhood.

Not to mention it was just dark.

Even in the middle of the night.

There are also various lively atmospheres here.

after all.

This is the most famous commercial street in Jiangdong City.

All kinds of entertainment are available.

Attracted countless late-night carnivals and drunk men and women.

However, it is such a lively and noisy neighborhood.

It was silent at the moment.

There seemed to be a faint smell of blood in the air.

At a glance.

Not even half a figure was seen.

And the lights that used to be as bright as day are now flickering.

The whole atmosphere looks like entering the world of horror movies.

"With such a big commotion, I really don't pay attention to Zhan Mosi."

Zhang Chen walked directly into the block in front of him.

Except for the sound of his footsteps, the surrounding was eerily quiet.

But Zhang Chen's face showed a strong sense of interest and expectation.

Take a casual look.

He could feel that there were pairs of pale and cold eyes staring at him in the darkness around him.

"A ghost?"

Zhang Chen actually knew what he would meet before he came in.

"As expected of a terrifying ghost king, in the blink of an eye, he turned the whole block into a ghostly monster."

How many people died in the block in front of me by 0.2?

Zhang Chen actually didn't care.

All he cared about was that the person he was looking for finally showed up.


Zhang Chen saw a woman.

The back is beautiful, and the hair is soft and smooth.

It was like hearing Zhang Chen's footsteps.

The other party also turned around slowly.

The first thing I saw was a beautiful and delicate face.


Can't find any flaws.

Except that his face was too pale and bloodless.

Really hard to forget.

And a pair of jade feet just stood on the cold ground.

Anyone who sees it can't help feeling pity.


Zhang Chen just glanced at it.

Then he opened his mouth and asked lightly.

"Could the girl be looking for the pair of embroidered shoes in my hand?"


the second

Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever tried to wear shoes for girls? .

Chapter 88

any normal person.

Walking in a silent, eerie street.

Then what would be your reaction when you saw a beautiful woman in a bright red wedding dress?

Run away?

Or do you piss in fright and sit on the ground paralyzed?

No matter which one it is, it is the reaction that normal people should have.

Only Zhang Chen.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the woman in the red wedding dress was stunned.

However, there is no need to even cover up.

Terrible Yin Qi crazily surged out from all over his body.

In just an instant, the entire surrounding neighborhood is enveloped.

The surrounding environment was already extremely eerie.

Now it loses its color in an instant!


Everything around is like the picture presented on the black and white TV decades ago.

Only black and white.

Even more eerie!

The neon lights of the shops on both sides of the street are also useless at this moment.

In the whole environment, even a fool would know how to hit a ghost.

"Give me……"

The terrifying sound is enough to scare the timid to death.

Unfortunately, however.

Zhang Chen is very courageous, and not ordinary.

"Give you?"

In Zhang Chen's hands, there was an extra pair of embroidered shoes.

It was the same pair that the hapless antique dealer's wife got her hands on.

of course.

The process deviated slightly from his original intention.

But 23 what he wants is the result.

"Are you talking about these embroidered shoes?"

There was no trace of fear on Zhang Chen's face, and there was even a half-smile mixed with it.

Obviously, the female ghost in the wedding dress has released her own ghost.

At the same time, there were various shrill screams and venomous roars from all around.

On the ground in front of him, various bone arms pierced the concrete floor, as if they were going to drag Zhang Chen down.

On both sides of the street.

It was in the empty store.

All I saw were ghosts with ferocious faces rushing towards Zhang Chen.

The scene in front of me.

More exaggerated than any scene in a horror movie.

Don't talk about ordinary people.

Even if the people from the Demon Slayer appear here.

He will also be frightened and run away.

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