"Yeah, I don't think anyone can handle supernatural cases of this level except the headquarters of the imperial capital?"

A group of people shook their heads.

However, just before they were about to leave.

There are several special operations teams patrolling in the patrol room, even ignoring the order.

Go straight into the block in front of you.

"Damn, didn't you tell them not to go in?!"

"What the hell is going on over there at the patrol room?"

"It's over, those people don't seem to be coming back."

Han Bai and the others cursed secretly.

Director Wei also had an ugly face.

as predicted.

As soon as those people entered, they disappeared in an instant.

It's only a few meters away, but it seems to have entered a different dimension.

People outside can't see them.

They also found that the road behind them had also turned into darkness.

"Captain, the way in has disappeared!"

"what happened?"

"The night vision device has lost its function, and the positioning system has no response!"

As a member of the special operations team of the Jiangdong City Patrol House.

Absolutely carefully selected and professionally trained.

Able to cope with various mutation situations.


What happened in front of them made them helpless.

more importantly!

As soon as they entered, they found one figure after another appeared on both sides of the street.

Before they opened their mouths to reveal their identities.


Those figures turned into ghosts and rushed towards them.

In less than half a minute.

The few members of the special operations team who came in lost their breath.

Even death is horrible.

"There are still ordinary people coming in to die?"

Zhang Chen walked up to several corpses.

After sizing up, he tutted out.

The ghosts around have been dealt with by Xia Ruyun and the wedding dress female ghost.

With two terrifying ghost kings by his side, the fate of those little ghosts can be imagined.

You must know the existence of demons and ghosts.

Not only against the living, but also against each other in various ways.

Like the law of the jungle.

The strongest survive.

It can even devour other monsters to increase the strength of its own magic energy.

Even if Zhang Chen was present, otherwise Xia Ruyun and the female ghost in wedding dress would have already started fighting.

The so-called one mountain does not allow two tigers.

Two terrifying ghost kings met.

Can we still live in peace?

What's more, there is a deep relationship between them!

"He, they, come in, come."

The female ghost in wedding dress suddenly spoke.

In fact, Zhang Chen also noticed that other people stepped into this ghostly place.

Of course, the wedding gown ghost reacted the fastest.

After all, this piece of ghost has something to do with her, even if it was only produced unconsciously by her.

The same is closely related to her.

"They probably don't know that you have subdued her, do they?"

Xia Ruyun smiled but wasn't smiling.

Also as a horror-level ghost king.

···Seeking flowers 0··

With such a keen sense, it is natural to discover who is coming in.

Kill the magician!

Only the Demon Slayer has experience in this kind of thing.

Zhang Chen smiled when he heard this, "It seems that they didn't take my kind reminder seriously."

The voice just fell.

Zhang Chen had already disappeared in place.

Shrink to the ground!

This has gone beyond the plane of horror recovery and reached the level of primary immortal cultivation.

It allows him to move in a short distance, similar to short-distance teleportation.

Not to mention the wedding gown ghost and Xia Ruyun.

Among the ghosts, his actions are even more strange, and he naturally disappears with him.

Take a closer look.

Sure enough, several figures had already cautiously walked into this ghostly creature.

You can tell from the expressions on their faces, they are full of vigilance!

The tense expression undoubtedly proves how frightened the heart is.

........................ 0


Several corpses on the ground caught the eyes of several people.

"Sure enough, it's too late!"

"So what do ordinary people come in for? It's all about dying!"

"Don't talk about it, we don't know if we can get out alive."

The operatives of the Demon Killing Division.

And it was Han Bai who led the team!

He glanced at the corpse on the ground, then took a deep breath.

"Everyone, don't get separated, remember that we came in to find out the truth! Don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"

Han Bai obviously has self-knowledge.

A reminder, "At least make sure what level of monsters appear here!"

"Then we left immediately and waited for someone from the headquarters to come over!"

Han Bai said in a deep voice, this level of supernatural disaster cases.

All they have to do is determine the situation beyond what they can handle.

Then stall for time!

At most, tomorrow morning, the headquarters will send someone over.

But he has absolutely no idea.

Someone was watching him in the dark.

"It's still a little clever, what a pity."

Zhang Chen sneered.

What a pity?

It's a pity that I will die soon.

The ghost in the wedding dress disappeared.

Appeared again.

Right in front of Han Bai and the others.

And next to Han Bai were three members of the Demon Slayer Division.

Not even a hum.

He just lost his breath and fell down softly.

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