"Terror level! Ghost King?!"

Han Bai and the others turned pale!

Guessing is one thing!

It's another matter to actually see it!


Second update today

May I ask what is the experience of a daughter-in-law who is well-behaved and obedient at home, but very aggressive outside?two.

Chapter 92

Everyone is afraid of death.

The operatives of the Demon Killing Division are also human beings.

Even if they are more powerful than ordinary people.

Many people have integrated or borrowed the power of demons.

But in the end.

All mortals.

Looking at the teammates who were alive just now.

He just died silently before his eyes.

Anyone else would turn pale with fright.


Han Bai is the most experienced among them.

Also the strongest one.

He reacted almost instantly.

Shout out now!


The female ghost in the wedding dress has casually pierced the chest of another member of the Demon Killing Division.

"Come on!"

Han Bai roared, and then a headless horseman appeared before him.

"I'll hold her back! You guys go away!"

As the captain of the action team, Han Bai already knew that they were doomed tonight!

But even if you know you will die.

At least give it a go!

"Escape separately! Only one can escape!"

"Come on!"

Almost when Han Bai roared.

The other members of the Demon Slayer Division didn't leave at all.

Even if their faces were pale with fright at this moment, their legs were trembling.

But at this moment, a few people still gritted their teeth!

They released their power one after another.

Some people turned into half-human, half-beast, and some, like Han Bai, called out the demons they controlled.

Some people even had a mahogany sword in their hands, and a faint light began to appear on Nianyouci's body.

"Team Han, let's go together!"

"Yes! We won't leave you alone!"

"It's a big deal to die together!"

"Let's do it together! Maybe there is still a chance to leave alive!"

I have to say that this kind of touching scene, Zhang Chen is not only in film and television dramas.

It's really the first time I've seen it.


is that useful?

This is not a film and television novel.

Zhang Chen looked at everything that happened in front of him with cold eyes.

"A terrifying ghost king, can he survive with just a few passionate lines?"

as predicted.

Don't look at the strength of the few people who risked their lives to come in from the Demon Killing Division this time.

But in front of the wedding dress female ghost, she really has no resistance at all.

Just grab and kill one, there is no resistance at all.

The ghost king will do it, unless it is a monster of the same level.

Or it is a strong man in the Demon Slayer Division whose strength has reached the level of a judge or above.

Otherwise, one will die.

Come a group, die a group.

It's that simple.

Just a few seconds.

A few members of the Demon Slayer Division who had just erupted in passionate friendship.

There is no breath at the moment.

The only one who is still alive is Han Bai, the strongest person.

But even Han Bai.

Also desperate at the moment.

He conjures a face-to-face with the Headless Horseman.

He didn't even touch the skirt of the female ghost's wedding dress.

It was shattered inch by inch in front of the wedding gown ghost.



A group of people didn't even have time to swallow the elixir and take out the Dao talisman just now.

Instantly killed.

But also because the companion 'delayed' precious time!

Han Bai finally had the opportunity to take out a Taoist talisman from his body!

"You monster!"

Han Bai let out an angry roar, and the Dao talisman in his hand burst into flames!

At the same time, the intense light also bloomed completely along with the burning of the Dao Talisman.

That tao talisman seemed to have the magical power to restrain demons.

as soon as it appears.

This made the wedding gown ghost obviously hesitate.

He didn't step forward to kill Han Bai immediately.

Even look closely.

As the Dao Talisman burned, even the surrounding ghosts and creatures that lost their color and only remained in black and white were distorted to a certain extent.

"Really useful?!"

that moment.

Han Bai felt that his heartbeat was almost about to stop.

He didn't expect the dao talisman on his body to be really useful.

Even the horror-level ghost king was forced to freeze by the power of the Taoist talisman.

"It's a pity! There is only one!"

Han Bai gritted his teeth.

He turned his head and fled in embarrassment, without any backbone.

The appearance of running away was completely seen by Zhang Chen.

However, Han Bai didn't notice it at all.

After he turned around and ran away, he rolled and crawled away.

The female ghost in wedding dress has no influence at all.

He even came to the burning tao talisman curiously.

He stretched out his slender hand, curiously took the Dao Talisman in his hand and looked at it carefully.

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