They are all ancient people hundreds of years ago.

Many ideas are more traditional.

"Xia Ruyan! Are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?!"

at last.

Xia Ruyun was not interested in going around in circles, and cut straight to the point.

She just took advantage of Zhang Chen's absence to have a showdown with the wedding gown ghost.

"I don't believe you don't remember anything! Even if you didn't remember it before, after he helped you find your natal object, you should have recovered!"

Xia Ruyun's tone carried a sneer.

She is also a ghost, and she has lived for hundreds of years.


Xia Ruyun had also lost her destiny before.

For spirit ghosts like her and the wedding dress ghost.

The things of life are indeed important, once lost or the strength will be greatly damaged.

Otherwise, you will lose part of your intelligence and become confused.

Obviously Xia Ruyun is the former, while the wedding gown ghost is the latter.

"You must know who I am now! You also know that he is not your husband!"


Xia Ruyun's tone was a little tasteful.



She is a fierce ghost, even a terrifying ghost king.

But also women.

The female ghost in the wedding dress tilted her head, her expression still looking cute.

His eyes are clear, no one will believe him if he doesn't know the truth.

Such a beautiful woman who looks like she walked out of a painting.

It turned out to be a murderer without blinking an eye, casually turning a neighborhood of one or two kilometers into ghosts.

The ghost king who caused the tragic death of thousands of people.

"He, just, yes, husband, sir!"

The tone is aggravated, although the speech is still intermittent.

But it is obvious that the wedding dress female ghost has indeed regained her mind.

Xia Ruyun was happy.

"Xia Ruyan, you fought with me everywhere in life, and you can't change this stinky problem after death?"


Xia Ruyun's devilish energy began to bloom, obviously angry.

And the same is true for the female ghost in wedding dress.

The two women are of the same level of strength, and they are both ghost kings.

Then the two terrifying auras collided directly.

How much impact can it cause?

most immediate change.

The ghost creature, which had been stagnant, expanded again!

And in an instant, the distance expanded by ten meters!

This startled the Demon Killing Division and the patrol room who were waiting in full force outside the ghosts and monsters.

They have no idea what happened inside the ghost creature.

I only know that ghosts and creatures suddenly expand!

Then, two powerful auras that crushed everyone and even changed the color of the situation for a few kilometers appeared from the ghost creature and collided together.

that moment.

The power system in Jiangdong City was directly scrapped!

Wide area blackout!

The dark night sky is even more cloudy!

As if the end is coming.

Countless people turned pale with fright.


Today is the third and the second.

Chapter 97

"Okay, what an exaggerated impact!"

"Is this the strength of a horror-level ghost king?"

"It's too scary! No wonder it's called a horror class. If you really want to do evil with this kind of strength, more than 2000 million people in Jiangdong City will die!"

Everyone turned pale with fright.

Including Director Wei.

His strength stagnated at level 6 impermanence for many years.

Still can't find a breakthrough opportunity.

Recently, he also got a high-level Qi and Blood Pill from Zhang Chen, which gave him a glimmer of hope.

But now!

The corner of Director Wei's mouth twitched, "At this level, even if I successfully break through to level 7 judge strength, there is no chance of winning at all, right?"

Before he asked for help from the headquarters of the Imperial Capital Slayer Division, it was half-truth and half-false.

It was more to repay Zhang Chen's favor that he made the situation extremely serious.

After all, there are strong and weak ghost kings at the horror level.

Weaker ones, level 7 inspectors still have a chance to kill them.

But now he realizes he was wrong.

"I don't know if the level 8 inspector will do it, what are the chances of winning?"

   Director Wei didn't feel very confident, after all, these two auras were too exaggerated.

He knew very well that one of the breaths was the woman next to Zhang Chen.

"Stronger than last time!"

Director Wei had a headache. Before Zhang Chen brought Xia Ruyun to reveal his strength, but it was far less powerful than this time.

It's only been a few days?

The monster grows so fast?

Let him be puzzled!

After all, the growth of demons is different from that of demon slayers like them.

The monster wants to improve its strength, the only way is to devour the blood and yang energy of living people!

Or just devour other powerful monsters.

Either way, there will be a lot of commotion.

But these days, Jiangdong City is calm.

That's why a terrifying ghost king suddenly appeared tonight, leaving them helpless.

"It's okay! Brother Zhang doesn't know of any means to subdue these monsters, otherwise I can't even imagine it!"

As the local official of Jiangdong City.

Director Wei thought of his own three-acre land.

There are actually three terrifying ghost kings and monsters.

that pressure.

Hair loss is a trivial matter.

He is afraid of a greater disaster.

Fortunately, the two ghost kings are their own people now!

Now there is only one left doing evil.

Director Wei and the others were inexplicably terrified and trembling.

Zhang Chen is as stable as Mount Tai.

By the way, I was also in the mood to look at those people who killed the magic division.

"Well, some of them are not bad, but they are much worse than the few flowers at home."

"There are a few people in the patrol room who look okay, and they are really heroic. Why don't you ask the chief arrester for some clothes to give to them?"

Zhang Chen rubbed his chin and began to think.

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