Who said that domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers?

He felt that his own flowers were very fragrant.

What if there were more fragrant wildflowers?

Isn't that easy?

Grab it back and turn it into a house flower!

【Ding!Dangerous ghosts were shocked to death by the ghost king's breath, and got 5 contribution points]

【Ding!Ordinary-level ghosts*30 are shocked to death, and get 30 contribution points]


Zhang Chen: "..."

This movement is bigger than he imagined?

"The sisters reunited after a long absence, it seems very intense."

Doesn't Zhang Chen know about the relationship between the wedding gown ghost and Xia Ruyun?

he knows.

He even deliberately brought Xia Ruyun over tonight, instead of Xing Lingyun and Ye Yiyi.

It was to help their sisters reunite.


Koto City is very lively.

Inside Zhang Chen's villa.

Ye Yiyi was looking at the two powerful demonic energy rising into the sky in the distance.

"Sister Lingyun, when will I be as powerful as you?"

The little girl always felt that she was useless.

Although awakened a very special ghost power.

But he still found that he couldn't help Zhang Chen.

Xing Lingyun naturally saw what she was thinking, and said softly: "Soon, when you completely control the power in your body, you will be so powerful."

This is not consolation, it is different from Xia Ruyun's hundreds of years of ghosts.

Both Xing Lingyun and Ye Yiyi became demonized by coincidence.

To some extent, some sympathy.

In addition, she was one of the most powerful Yan Luo ever in the Division of Demon Slayer.

Know how to channel and practice that power.

This is an advantage that many purebred monsters cannot match.

"Well! I will definitely become stronger, and then I can help Brother Chen!"

Ye Yiyi clenched her small fists.

Xing Lingyun's eyes were soft, but she couldn't help but mutter in her heart: "Another horror class?"

the first time.

Xing Lingyun actually felt a sense of crisis.

Whether he was a Yan Luo-level powerhouse before his death, or he was transformed into a demon now.

She never felt this way.

But in less than a month.

Xing Lingyun saw Zhang Chen become more and more invisible from an ordinary person.


To be able to crush her terrifying demon energy at the top of the canyon?

"The strength must be fully restored as soon as possible, otherwise, wouldn't it be compared to those evil spirits?"

Xing Lingyun hummed slightly inwardly.

Even though she has degenerated into a demon, she still never regards herself as a demon in her bones.

So she has a good relationship with Ye Yiyi, but she has more or less for Xia Ruyun.

Not so kind.

"The opportunity to restore strength..."

Xing Lingyun blushed, she had actually found out how to recover her strength as soon as possible.

But think of that process.

I can't help but blush all the time.

So in order to successfully recover to the nightmare level, shouldn't she be more proactive?


The two ghost kings clashed...

How much turmoil and impact it caused.

At this time in the ghost.

Xia Ruyun and the wedding gown ghost didn't think about the reaction from outside at all.

Originally according to Zhang Chen's request.

They just need to go through the motions and start a little bit.

Then make the noise a little louder, so that Demon Killing Division and the world know how terrifying the horror-level ghost king is.

Only this.

Zhang Chen finally came forward to subdue the ghost in the wedding dress.

Only then will it appear glorious and majestic.

But for some things, there will always be one person who is not as good as God.

Just like this time.

Xia Ruyun has already turned into the image of a fierce ghost.

A head of beautiful hair rises without wind, and ten fingernails are more terrifying than the sharpest blade.

The female ghost in the wedding dress didn't give in either.

Looking up, her cherry lips parted slightly.

The silent magic sound directly shattered all the buildings within hundreds of meters around.

The fighting methods of the ghost kings each have their own advantages.

It is not easy to tell the winner.

Even in a battle of this level, winning or losing means life and death.

It is often the winning side that completely devours the losing side.

"Xia Ruyan! I will completely swallow you today!"

Xia Ruyun said viciously, her eyes were shining with purple light.

But the ghost in the wedding dress did not speak, and expressed her thoughts with actions.

The figure disappeared directly, and then appeared behind Xia Ruyun.

The bright red wedding dress turned into a cage, trying to drag Xia Ruyun into it.

That movement.


Even ghosts outside.

Zhang Chen felt that the movement was a little loud.

"It looks like it's really fighting, the sisters are so affectionate, the feeling of reunion after a long absence is 0.2 intense."


Just for a moment.

The ghost creature in front of him jumped hundreds of meters away.

All the people including the Demon Slayer, the Patrol Room, etc. were enveloped in it.

A bunch of people didn't even have a chance to react.

Let alone retreat.

Then they saw a scene they would never forget.

The two ghost kings...

Like a shrew.


Of course, the scene that made their faces pale even more.

Countless ordinary and even dangerous ghost zombies.

Pieces of them were annihilated and disappeared in the fight between the two ghost kings.

That scene scared Director Wei and the others to pee.

What did they see?

The ghost king fights!

Hundred Ghosts Night Walk!

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