This is simply hell on earth!


The fourth update today, the [-]D update is complete

Which monster upgrade package is better?

The Jiangdong Zhang family is looking for Zhang Chen!

Special reminder, only beautiful, good-looking female monsters~.

Chapter 98

It was specially established as the Huaxia Kingdom.

Yamen that exists against supernatural disasters such as demons and ghosts.

For 20 years, the Demon Killing Division has long been familiar with monsters.

Anyone who can become a field officer of the Demon Slayer Division must have experienced at least one mission to slay demons.


How can you be scared to pee when you see a monster?

Will it turn pale?

Even your legs are weak and you can't stand firmly?


Many police officers in Jiangdong City's patrol room were frightened and lost their footing.

Even the head catcher had no blood on his face.

"This, all of these, all of them?"

at his level.

In fact, some unknown secrets are still heard.

So it will be instructed by the above.

Actively cooperate with Zhanma Division to deal with various supernatural disaster cases.

But even if you know!


This is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes!

The key is to see so much at once?

Hundred ghosts at night?

This is hundreds of times scarier than horror movies!

"Ghost king-level battle!"

Director Wei is the strongest among this group of people.

The status is also the highest one.

I tried my best not to pee, but I still kept swallowing.

That expression in the eyes, don't mention how exciting it is.

If it weren't for the consideration that I couldn't lose my temper.

Never be the first to turn around and run.

Oil the soles of your feet early and leave quickly!

"Be careful, everyone! Don't get close to those things! Get close!"

Han Bai and other members of the Demon Killing Division were actually trembling with fright.

Fortunately, the ghost king who frightened them the most didn't pay attention to them.

That is, the group of ghost zombies that are everywhere around.

"Yes! Yes! All hide within the range covered by the Dao Talisman!"

Director Wei also shouted loudly, then gritted his teeth!

An eye began to emerge like blood!

There is also a powerful breath emerging from his body.

Although it is far inferior to the existence of the two ghost kings, the wedding gown ghost and Xia Ruyun.

But at this time.

Instead, it frightened the ordinary ghosts and zombies around.


Han Bai and the others took out the Dao Talismans on their bodies one after another.

Take a closer look.

It is far worse than what Zhang Chen draws and redeems from the system.

Simple, low-level, and unimaginable power.

But at this time, it was barely able to protect everyone.

A scream.

Some people still had no time to react, and hid behind Director Wei and the others.

Get caught by those spooky zombies around.

Then the more brutal and bloody scenes were presented in front of those patrolling arrests.

They are all ordinary people.

Although you can face those vicious criminals without changing your face.

But these monsters and ghosts in front of me.

Let them have no way to start.

Someone pulled the trigger in a panic, but Zidan didn't have much effect on the demon at all.

That is, some of the lowest-level zombies will be restricted in their actions.

But that's all!

As for those ghosts, they simply ignored them.

They can pass through walls at will, unless enchanted.

Otherwise you can't touch them at all.

Just a few seconds.

At least a dozen patrolmen died tragically in front of everyone.


"Xiao Xu!"

"Captain Xu!"

Seeing the tragic death of their companions, everyone shouted in grief.

Several patrolmen wanted to rush out.

But he was immediately stopped by Han Bai and others!

"Go elsewhere to die!"

"No! Even if you die, you have to bring Xu Dui's corpses back!"

Afterwards, several young and energetic patrolmen rushed out regardless of the danger.

The result can be imagined.

Followed the fate of those people before.

This time.

Let everyone else calm down.

"Hurry up like a law! Go!"

One of the girls in the Demon Killing Division bit off her finger.

Then throw a dao talisman!

It can be seen that the power of the Dao talisman is not bad, directly forming a light mask in front of everyone.

Directly block those ghost zombies around.

However, there were still a lot of people coming because they didn't have time to get close.

It was torn apart by countless ghost zombies swarming up.

Last look.

Only less than half of the original number of people survived.

Everyone's face was pale, with panic and grief in their eyes.

"Director, the range of ghosts is too large, we can't find the way out!"

Han Bai had narrowly escaped death before, but the headless horseman he was controlling had been instantly killed by the wedding dress ghost.

Now he has nothing to do.

But he can only rely on the few Taoist symbols on his body to persevere.

The other Demon Slayer Division members could barely find time to save people.

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