It was Director Wei.

Be smart.

Immediately she burst into tears of gratitude: "Yeah, if it wasn't for the help of my siblings, all of us would have died here tonight."

This is not flattery.

Han Bai and others are also clear.

And they also reacted at once.

After all, Xia Ruyun is a judge-level powerhouse.

Or another terrifying ghost king monster.

What does it have to do with them?

Now it's all up to others to hold back the ghost king, the wedding dress female ghost.

Otherwise, a group of people will die!

"Yes, Young Master Zhang is righteous!"

Others realized it one after another and responded immediately.

and so.

So what if Xia Ruyun's identity is exposed?

Although the plan for tonight was slightly different, Xia Ruyun's identity was known.

But he really didn't take it to heart.

Prove it again from the side.

Villains still have villain benefits.

Especially the villain with the background of Niubi.

Try being a lucky son like Xiao Han?

Every minute, a group of people scolded and accused them righteously!

Then turned into a white-eyed wolf, crossing the river and demolishing bridges one by one.

I don't miss the old feelings at all, and feel that the son of luck is deviant.

Even associate with evil spirits!

Everyone gets it and kills it!

No matter how bad it is, he will ask the son of luck and the demon to draw a clear line with righteous words.

He even stood on the moral high ground and forced the son of luck to kill the demons around him with his own hands.

And Zhang Chen's current treatment.

Can the son of luck have it?

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth turned up, reacting deliberately confused to everyone.

See it all.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time' ¨!"

Director Wei's tone was serious, "We must get out of the range of the ghosts as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, after a long time, the consequences will be unpredictable!"

Everyone actually understands this truth.

But the problem is.

From which they were drawn into the range of ghosts and creatures.

The front, back, left, and right scenes have already changed.

It looks like a nearby commercial area.

In fact, the environment in the ghost creature is true and false.

The people in the Demon Slayer Division are experienced, so they didn't rush to lead people to find a way out.

Several tries.


Many people even died.

Finally, there was a look of despair on everyone's face.

"what should I do now?"

The chief arrester of Jiangdong City couldn't help asking.

"It looks like we won't be able to get out unless we kill the source of the ghosts and creatures."

Director Wei also looked helpless.

Demons such as ghosts and zombies in the ghost creature are basically inexhaustible.

How much to kill, how much to come.

more and more.

It's even like stabbing a hornet's nest.

"The source of killing?"

This is telling the truth, even Director Wei himself doesn't believe it.

That was a terrifying ghost king.


Whether they can walk in front of each other alive is hard to say.

and so.

At last hope fell on one person all at once.

However this time.

Director Wei and the others turned pale with fright!

Because I don't know when.

Zhang Chen has separated from them!


No one found out.

"not good!"

"Where's Brother Zhang?"

"Did none of you find out?"

Director Wei is even more nervous now.

If Zhang Chen had an accident and died here.

That will definitely lead to a huge turmoil!

Not to mention that the Jiangdong Zhang family is just such a direct son and grandson.

The news from the imperial capital has spread to Jiangdong City.

It means that Zhang Chen will soon become the real prince!

Even if you don't mention Jiangdong Zhang's family.

When I think of Zhang Chen, there are two terrifying existences of ghost king level around him.

Director Wei's face turned pale.

"Director, Young Master Zhang has those powerful Dao Talismans on him! It will definitely be fine!"

Han Bai also realized that the problem was serious.

I can only say a word of consolation.

But they all know.

It's just self comforting.

In such a strange ghost creature.

Once they are alone, no one can guarantee that they can leave alive.

What's more, Zhang Chen is just an ordinary person?

"I hope Brother Zhang will be fine, otherwise..."

otherwise what?

No one dared to speak.


Zhang Chen got separated from everyone?


But that's what he did on purpose.

When a group of people are looking for a way out.

With a shrink to an inch, leave in an instant.

The gap is too big, with his current ability unless he is a judge-level powerhouse.

Otherwise, you can't limit him at all.

In addition, shrinking the ground to an inch belongs to the cultivation method of immortality.

Far beyond the power level of the plane of terror recovery.

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