【Ding!The host kills a dangerous ghost and gets 5 contribution points]

With a casual slap, a ghost was turned into a wisp of smoke.

Zhang Chen is not like Director Wei and others.

Walk on eggshells in this area.

He is completely idle, and the ghost zombies around him can be easily killed.

"Sure enough, it can collect a lot of contribution points."

Zhang Chen is quite satisfied with this environment.

His physical attributes are more than 200 times that of ordinary people.

How grateful is that?

Zhang Chen tried it.

A light punch.

It directly knocked out a small truck weighing more than three tons.

It's that exaggerated.

So there is no need for Samadhi True Fire.

As far as his brute strength is concerned, other than spirits like ghosts, he can't touch it.

The rest of those zombie monsters.

Anything can be killed.

"Movement is almost enough."

There is only one purpose for Zhang Chen to leave alone.

Separate Xia Ruyun from the female ghost in wedding dress, otherwise the result of these two fights for three days and three nights will be indistinguishable.

at this time.

Zhang Chen actually saw something other than him.

There are still people traveling through this ghostly creature.

And at first glance, he was different from the people from the Demon Slayer.

The whole body is full of demonic energy, and the breath is even more evil.

"There are still living people?"

The other party also saw Zhang Chen and was obviously taken aback.

Next up!

"Boy, heaven has..."

The skinny old man in the lead hadn't finished speaking.

Zhang Chen walked in front of the opponent with a shrinking inch.

Then he slapped the opponent's head away with a slap.

The body that lost its head crashed to the ground.

 (Qian Nuozhao) 【Ding!The host kills a level 7 evil cultivator and gets 50 contribution points]

"Huh? Evil cultivator?"

Zhang Chen showed a weird smile when he heard the system reminder.

He glanced at the corpse on the ground.

Then he looked up at the few evil cultivators who were astonished.


"Want to live?"

Zhang Chen's smile directly made those evil cultivators subconsciously feel cold all over.

I couldn't help shivering.

"What are you..."

One of the evil cultivators then revealed a fierce look.

But the end was the same as that skinny old man just now.

Zhang Chen went directly in front of the other party and crushed his neck casually.

【Ding!The host kills a level 6 evil cultivator and gets 8 contribution points]

Such a straightforward approach.

Let the remaining few evil cultivators be scared out of their wits!

Without saying a word, he turned around and fled.

But when they just turned around the country.

I saw two more figures behind me.

Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be two unbelievably beautiful women.

One is wearing a cheongsam with outstanding and elegant temperament.

The other is wearing a big red wedding dress similar to ancient times.

looking at them.

"Ghost... ghost king!?"


Second update today

Guaranteed to update more than [-] words every day.

Chapter 100

A plane of terror revival.

In addition to all kinds of demons and ghosts rampant.

There is also the Demon Killing Division who specializes in removing demons and guarding the way.

Naturally, those evil ghost hunters are also indispensable.

Zhang Chen is very aware of this.

But he didn't expect to meet him so soon.

"Both of you restrain your breath a bit, don't scare the kids."

Zhang Chen saw the expressions of the wedding gown ghost and Xia Ruyun who wanted to eat people.

He spoke quickly.

"Don't scare them to death. Wouldn't it be a waste of time to find some more?"

Take a closer look.

Those evil cultivators who were still vicious in the first place.

They were indeed trembling with fear at the moment.

That picture makes it impossible to connect them with those evil ghost slayers who have done a lot of evil.

The essential.

The few evil cultivators were already frightened by Zhang Chen's thunderous iron-blooded methods.

Just wanted to run.

Turning around, he ran into two terrifying ghost kings.

They really wondered if they didn't read the almanac when they went out today?

So sad!

"My lord, forgive me, forgive me!"

Evil cultivators are also human beings.

In the face of life and death, he is very knowledgeable about current affairs.

That expression makes me almost cry!

"Look, they're so unintimidated."

Zhang Chen shook his head.

But at this moment, the female ghost in wedding dress had restrained her breath obediently and obediently.

It looks a little awkward except that she is wearing a bright red wedding dress.

In other aspects, it is really hard to connect that this is an extremely terrifying ghost king.

Xia Ruyun gave someone a pretty look.

He also restrained his breath.

"Are you also interested in them 897?"


It's sour.

and many more.

Why are you jealous of this?

Zhang Chen could naturally hear the dissatisfaction in Xia Ruyun's tone.

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