Of course, the monks in the plane of terror recovery are far behind the level of cultivating immortals.

Just like that old monster from Yinshan who was shot to death by Zhang Chen casually.

Also level 7 overhaul.

But even Zhang Chen couldn't catch a slap.

And Zhang Chen guessed how long he had practiced the Yin-Yang Art of Absolute Beginning?

That's still a basic article, at best it's an entry level for cultivating immortals.

"In this way, the Nether Palace should have a lot of stock in its hands?"

Zhang Chen really hadn't considered Nether Palace before.

After all, Netherworld is a bunch of ugly people who are neither human nor ghost.

Really can't get their attention.

but now.

It seems different.

Nightmare corpse king!

That one is as beautiful as a fairy!

In terms of appearance, it seems to be slightly better than those lucky girls?

Can this be tolerated?


The fourth change, today's [-]D update is complete

It's getting hotter and hotter, and the air conditioner is broken

Sad reminder!

Which brand is more durable when buying a new air conditioner?two.

Chapter 102

The blood crystal left behind after the death of the nightmare corpse king.

For many ghost hunters.

Definitely a rare find.

For example.

Just the five blood crystals that Zhang Chen got now.

Its value is even more valuable than five high-level pills.

After all, although high-level pills are rare, at least from a theoretical point of view.

It can be refined by artificial means.

of course.

In this day and age, let alone refining high-grade pills.

Even those primary pills that Zhang Chen casually threw to Zhan Mosi.

It was enough to make Demon Slayer kneel and lick.

what reason?

It's not because there are very few people who know how to refine elixir.

Even if there is.

It also barely refines some semi-finished products.

Just like the life-saving medicines provided by the Demon Killing Division for insiders.

In fact, to put it bluntly.

It's just a semi-finished product.

It can't be called a pill at all.

Zhang Chen once randomly took some and threw it into the system for testing.

The answer given by the system is straightforward.

Medicine dregs!


It's medicine dregs!

Even the dregs of medicine can be regarded as treasures, and there is no limitless supply in the Demon Slayer Division.

What if it is a complete pill?

Why is Director Wei so polite to Zhang Chen?

Being awed by Zhang Chen's terrifying strength and background is a factor.

Another reason is that Zhang Chen is the only one in China who can give so many pills.

So from the preciousness and rarity of the pill.

Reverse the blood crystal left behind by the Nightmare Corpse King!

Its preciousness can be imagined.

"My lord, these blood crystals are good things!"

That evil cultivator is also a smart person.

If you don't have a brain in this line of work.

Can't live now.

He has long been a stepping stone for other evil cultivators in the cannibalistic Netherworld organization.

"If enough blood crystals can be collected, according to what our Palace Master said, it is even possible to resurrect a nightmare corpse king!"

Xie Xiu said while observing Zhang Chen's expression.

To live.

He said everything he knew in one go.

As for leaking secrets?

Are the people in the Nether Palace still afraid of this?

They were a bunch of heinous scumbags.

Don't care about betrayal and betrayal at all.

All for their own benefit!

Even if you take refuge in the Nether Palace, it is based on interests!

"According to what you said, it is indeed a good thing."

Can Zhang Chen not know?

He knows better than the evil cultivator in front of him.

Even the most mysterious palace master in the Nether Palace couldn't possibly know more than him.

"It's definitely a good thing! My lord, think about it, if you can resurrect the nightmare-level corpse king, then prepare the means in advance!"

A cruel and sinister smile appeared on Xiexiu's face, "At that time, once the Lord controls the nightmare corpse king!"

"Wouldn't it be possible to run rampant in Huaxia Kingdom?"

Sure enough, he would risk his life at all.

Even rainbow farts are not stingy.

For other people, maybe it's really a little bit smug.

But who is Zhang Chen?

"Rampaging without hindrance?"

Zhang Chen smiled, and said lightly: "It's really exciting."

Nightmare level can run amok, how was Xiao Han's mother killed ten years ago?

It is undeniable.

Nightmare-level monsters have already stood at the apex of the world.

There are only a handful of existences that can threaten the existence of nightmare level monsters.

According to Zhang Chen's own setting, only an existence like Yan Luo, the tenth hall of the Demon Slayer Division, can do it.

The other is the Palace Master of the Nether Palace!

From the setting point of view, the strength is slightly stronger than Yan Luo, the tenth palace of Demon Slayer Division.

This is also the reason why the Demon Slayer has not been able to clear the Nether Palace for so many years.

There has always been only one person in the Nether Palace!

It was the Lord of the Nether Palace!

The other evil cultivators are, at best, subordinates or even servants of the Lord of the Nether Palace.

As long as the Lord of the Nether Palace does not die, the Nether Palace will exist forever.

And want to kill the Lord of the Nether Palace?

Give me a break.

Zhang Chen is very clear, unless more than five of Yan Luo from the Ten Temples of the Demon Slayer Division attack at the same time!

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