Otherwise, there is no chance of a one-hit kill.

A strong man at the level of the Lord of the Nether Palace only needs to avoid the fatal blow.

There are countless means of escape.

Then wait for an opportunity to recuperate and make a comeback.

So these 20 years.

The Nether Palace and the Demon Slayer formed a relative balance.

They stare at each other, and rarely collide head-on on a large scale.

There seems to be some kind of tacit understanding.

and so.

Nightmare-level monsters are indeed strong, but they can't be called invincible.

Wanting to run amok without hindrance, even the world fears.

Only in the rumors, breaking through the legendary level above the nightmare level!

To know is to know.

Zhang Chen didn't point it out, after all, the blood crystal he got was indeed a top-level treasure.

Xie Xiu is also striking while the iron is hot, "Master, even if you can't find all the blood crystals to resurrect the nightmare-level corpse king."

"The blood crystal that my lord has now is extremely precious!"

"This kind of blood crystal contains a huge devilish energy that is bottomless!"

"It can be used for cultivation and absorption, to enhance and temper the body, and to nourish demons!"

Also as a ghost master, the various means mastered by evil cultivators...

It is much richer than the people who killed the magic division.

This is also Zhang Chen's original setting according to common sense.

Conforming to the rules is definitely not as good as deviant.

As for who is superior and who is inferior, this can only be judged by future generations.

"It seems that your strength is rubbish, but you know a lot?"

Zhang Chen laughed.

One sentence made the evil cultivator in front of him almost choked to death.

His strength is rubbish?

Level 6 ghost hunter!

Is it rubbish?


He looked at the corpses of several companions around him.

Then he looked up at the well-behaved female ghost in wedding dress behind Zhang Chen.

This cultivator has been here for many years, and for the first time, he began to doubt himself.

Is it really too rubbish?

"My lord taught me that!"

Xie Xiu lowered his eyebrows and was pleasing to the eye, anyway, he would not refute whatever Zhang Chen said.

They even flattered them in various ways, "In addition, if these blood crystals are directly swallowed by living people! There will be unexpected benefits!"

Xiexiu laughed while talking.

"The beauty?"

Zhang Chen discovered that there are still knowledge points that he doesn't know?

But it's normal to think about it.

As the original author, he sets the worldview and framework.

But many details are naturally passed over.

Not even set at all.

But the current plane is not a comic, but a reality.

So it's okay to have certain details that he doesn't know about.

"Yes, my lord! It only takes such a small blood crystal, and after being swallowed by a living person, it can be turned into a blood corpse!"

Xiexiu smiled a bit meanly, "And these 0.2 kinds of blood corpses are closer to living people than ordinary zombies!"

"It's not as ugly as zombies, and it can maintain the appearance and touch of life to the greatest extent!"

"And this kind of blood corpse can maintain a higher mentality, and it is more convenient to manipulate!"


Evil cultivation is evil cultivation.

Such a cruel method.

It is impossible for the people who kill the magic division to do it.

No wonder!

Doesn't Zhang Chen still know the inside story of the Demon Slayer?

In the final analysis, it's just half a catty.

That is to say, a coat of justice has been approved.

Xie Xiu didn't know Zhang Chen's thoughts at all, and thought he was trying to show himself.

Finally won a glimmer of life.

He even looked at the female ghost in wedding dress behind Zhang Chen, as if he had a flash of inspiration!

"My lord, the blood corpse made of blood crystals has something special! And it's very obedient. It's perfect for dealing with those chaste women!"


Today's first update

As a villain, good things will never be let go.

Chapter 103


Zhang Chen frowned.

Does this mean that he is regarded as a hungry old naughty skin?


Zhang Chen admits that he is not a good person.

But would he do such a disgusting thing?

"Is that a good idea?"

Zhang Chen rubbed his chin, "It seems that you people from the Nether Palace have done such things before?"

Will he try?

It doesn't seem to work either.

Of course it went through my mind.

In the end, Zhang Chen threw him out of his mind.

Which woman does he want.

need so much trouble?

Who do you look down on?

Xiexiu smiled awkwardly.

Apparently including him, the people of Netherworld have indeed done similar evil things.

"Good performance, it seems that you have some value."

One sentence from Zhang Chen made the evil cultivator in front of him burst into joy!

I thought to myself that my choice was right.

Finally saved his life.

"It's all thanks to your lord!"

Evil cultivation is evil cultivation, which can bend and stretch.

Zhang Chen nodded, "You Nether Palace has its own contact channels, right?"

"Yes, my lord is indeed exhaustive!"

This sucks.

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth raised, and then he said, "You send the news back to Nether Palace."

"Let's say that in Jiangdong City, I accidentally discovered a very special ghost king."

Xie Xiu was taken aback, probably because he didn't understand Zhang Chen's intentions.

"Remember to inform the people in the Nether Mansion that the 23 ghost kings haunting Jiangdong City are seriously injured, and their strength is less than [-]% of that of the real ghost kings."

Following Zhang Chen's explanation of the matter.

The evil cultivator in front of him is also a smart person, so he suddenly thought of something.

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