They got separated from Zhang Chen!

"Should we continue to look for Young Master Zhang?"

Han Bai asked with a wry smile.

No one else knew whether to speak or not.

"Look for it! Now we can't get out at all!"

Director Wei nodded fiercely, a group of people can persist until now.

Almost entirely by him alone.

Anyway, it is a level 6 impermanence.

The strength is second only to level 7 overhaul.

Can't beat the ghost king.

Can it still be trapped by a group of low-level ghost zombies?

But the 900 ants killed the elephant, and Director Wei is also physically and mentally exhausted at the moment.

"Be careful! It's a deadly ghost!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed!

After taking a closer look, everyone saw a man with a foul smell appearing in front of them.

A ghost with a distorted and hideous expression.

After seeing them, they screamed harshly.

It's like a magic sound piercing your ears.

"I'll deal with it! Be careful!"

At this time, Director Wei is the only strong man who can fight against the deadly monster.

Others are useless at all.

But at this moment, Director Wei is also close to running out of fuel.

He could only grit his teeth and prepare to fight to the death.

A snort!

A monster made entirely of blood emerged from Director Wei's back.

That is the monster controlled by Director Wei!

But every time this kind of monster appears, it will crazily consume the blood and yang energy in its body.

Director Wei never used this part of his power lightly unless it was absolutely necessary.

And now, the time of last resort has arrived!

A face to face!

That deadly ghost directly left a few dark scratches on Director Wei's chest.

Director Wei retreated, he was no match at all.



When everyone saw it, they all exclaimed in despair.

"Old monster Yinshan? Damn it!"

Director Wei even recognized the identity of the ghost in front of him.

Unbelievable face!

A level 7 evil cultivator in the Nether Palace?

How could it become a ghost?

Still here?

Seeing that he was about to die in the hands of Li Gui.


That vicious ghost was directly trampled to death by a high-heeled shoe.

Brutely stomped out of thin air.

From top to bottom, there is not even a chance to resist.


Second update today.

Chapter 104


A deadly ghost?

Was trampled to death just like that?

The Demon Killing Division and everyone in the patrol room have seen so many incredible scenes tonight.

Not even an hour.

Trapped in this ghostly creature.

They saw the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts!

Saw a vision of hell!

He even experienced indescribable torture.

Some people couldn't bear it, and finally went crazy.

There were also some people who were affected by ghosts and monsters and collapsed on the spot.

But only!

What did you just see?

A deadly ghost!

Just gone?

The people in the patrol room are more or less normal.

They don't understand the difference between demons and ghosts.

In their eyes, any ghost is similar.

It's scary anyway.

But it fell into the eyes of the people who killed the magic division.

But it is completely different.

"You have persisted until now, it seems that your life is still very hard."

Just when a group of people lost their minds and were speechless.

Finally, I heard a slightly indifferent voice mixed with a hint of banter ringing in my ears.

At this moment, they finally saw clearly who killed that deadly ghost just now.

The perfectly fitting cheongsam, with thin heels and thin silk, made people dare not take a second look.

Not too ugly.

But it's so beautiful!

People can't help feeling ashamed.

The key is that they have recognized the person!

Xia Ruyun!

not long ago!

She once had an inseparable fight with the chief culprit of this land of ghosts, the wedding dress female ghost of the horror-level ghost king!

The woman they suspected to be the horror-level ghost king!

Seeing Xia Ruyun's appearance, Han Bai and the others' expressions changed.

Very exciting.

Their mood is like riding a roller coaster.


"That's great, thanks to my brother and sister for helping me, otherwise we really don't know what to do!"

Director Wei reacted the fastest.

He knew Xia Ruyun's identity was a terrifying ghost king.

But who would worry about such a small problem at a time like this?

Can't you see the incomparably beautiful ghost king in front of you?

Unclear relationship with Zhang Chen?

This brother and sister call made the indifference and killing intent on Xia Ruyun's face fade a bit.

Obviously very useful.

"My man said to let you get out alive'¨."

Xia Ruyun gently raised her hair on her temples.

His tone and demeanor are not at all reminiscent of the ghost king.

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