But she is such a beautiful woman that two people dare not blaspheme.

Just start!

It was so powerful that it was suffocating.

The ordinary people in the patrol room didn't feel that strongly.

But the person who killed the magic division was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Brother Zhang? Sure enough, Brother Zhang remembers us!"

Director Wei immediately said in surprise.

The others were also shocked and showed joy.

But at this time.

Xia Ruyun glanced at everyone.

Followed by a sentence.

It almost didn't make everyone turn pale with fright.

"He wants to protect you, but I want to kill you all, wouldn't it be easier?"

This sentence is exported.

Director Wei's expression changed first.

Han Bai and the others are facing a formidable enemy!

Their faces were vigilant, but their eyes were full of despair and powerlessness.


This one in front of him is a horror-level ghost king!

What are they fighting against?

Even Director Wei was speechless, and opened his mouth, full of bitterness.

"Siblings, are you kidding us?"

"Joke? Do you think I'm interested in joking with you?"

Xia Ruyun sneered.

She is a ghost that has lived for hundreds of years.

Li Gui is not a good ghost!

Even though she doesn't like killing people, it doesn't mean she won't kill people.

The voice did not fall.

Xia Ruyun's terrifying aura that belonged exclusively to the ghost king has not been concealed.

Anyway, in the ghost.

The demon is not restricted at all, and even completely released.


Cover the sky!

All the members of the Demon Killing Division showed desperate expressions, and many of them had never really seen how terrifying the Ghost King was.

just now.

They finally feel it.

"It's over!"

"Is it so hard to persist until now, are you going to die here?"

"I still have my wife and children waiting for me to go back! I can't die here!"

When it comes to life and death, everyone reacts differently.

But the only thing in common is that they don't want to die!

"Siblings! Speak up if you have something to say! Don't do anything!"

Director Wei is still making his last effort!


What a joke.

He can't even beat a deadly ghost, and fight against a terrifying ghost king?

It's like an old birthday star hanging himself!

Tired of living?


Xia Ruyun just gave everyone a cold look.

Then lightly raised her slender hands, about to kill everyone.

Do not doubt.

The horror-level ghost king will do it, unless the magic-killing judge-level powerhouse.

Otherwise, there is no way to escape.

But just as everyone desperately waited for death to come.

But found that the expected death did not come.

Open your eyes.

It was found that someone shot and blocked Xia Ruyun.

After seeing who it is.

Director Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"Don't worry, everyone, she's just joking with you."

At this time, who can stop a terrifying ghost king?

There is only one answer.

Zhang Chen!

And this moment.

Zhang Chen said with a smile on his face: "Yun'er, you are so naughty, it looks like you scared Brother Wei and the others."

"I just made a joke casually, who would have thought that they would take it seriously."

Xia Ruyun chuckled lightly.

How could he still have the terrifying look of devouring people just now?

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, even if they were killed, they would not believe the two extreme appearances before and after.

It turned out to be the same person.

Oh no!

The same ghost king!

"Okay, the matter has been resolved, and I can finally go back and sleep well."

Zhang Chen smiled lightly.

As for Director Wei and others.

What can be said?


They are not fools!

Still can't tell the difference between jokes and seriousness?

"It turned out to be a joke with us, fortunately, fortunately..."

Han Bai and the others laughed a few times.

But there is only one thought in my heart.

"God is just kidding! Just now it was clear that he really wanted to kill (Nuo's) us!"

They are now 100% sure!

Xia Ruyun is a monster!

And it's a horror-level ghost king!

It's just that they couldn't figure out what method Zhang Chen used.

To be able to subdue a ghost king?

It’s incredible!

He clearly knew that Xia Ruyun wanted to kill them, but who would dare to tell the truth now?

Zhang Chen said it all, it was just a joke.

They could only laugh and respond.

At least this life is saved!

"Brother Zhang, you just said that the matter is settled?"

Director Wei is most concerned about this huge supernatural disaster.

It is related to the existence of ghost kings doing evil.

If it is not handled well, the subsequent impact and losses cannot be described as serious.

"Yeah, it's hard to solve."

Zhang Chen's tone was a bit flat, but it fell into the ears of others completely differently.

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