Director Wei and the others opened their mouths.



Today's third update.

Chapter 105

Although in their opinion, the only one who has the ability to deal with ghost kings and monsters is Zhang Chen.

After all, Zhang Chen was accompanied by a ghost king!

Using the ghost king to deal with the ghost king does hope to solve the problem.


They still can't believe it.

"That's good! It's good if it's resolved!"

Director Wei suppressed the doubt in his heart, he actually guessed something more or less.

But not sure.

And there are many things that he dare not think deeply about.

at the same time.

Han Bai and others also noticed changes in the surrounding ghosts.


"The power of ghosts and creatures is decreasing!"


The level of ghosts around is weakening. After all, such a big ghost was caused by accident.

It is reasonable to start to weaken now.

"Oh, by the way, this area still needs to be cleaned up, and I've already arranged it."

Zhang Chen's tone was still so flat.

But it made the people in the Demon Slayer Division a little ashamed.

Ghosts are disappearing.

But the ghost creature created thousands of ghost zombies.

So demons and ghosts.

Definitely needs to be cleaned up.

Otherwise, letting go of any of them will cause Jiangdong City to fall into riots.

But how can they have the energy to do the aftermath work now?

I was still struggling with what to do.

Who would have thought that Zhang Chen would take care of everything, he had already arranged it in advance.

"Thanks to brother Zhang for helping me tonight, otherwise!"

Director Wei's face was full of sincerity, he no longer considered how many monsters Zhang Chen had around him.

As long as he doesn't kill people and do evil indiscriminately, why should he ask for trouble?

Is it not good for the two sides to maintain the current friendship?

Say 900 again.

He survived this catastrophe, already feeling that a breakthrough is imminent!

In the final analysis, this opportunity was created.

It was also given to him by Zhang Chen!

It is naturally extremely grateful to everyone.


A disaster involving tens of millions of people.

It was handled silently.

Everyone who knows the truth tonight.

They were also issued strict orders by the relevant yamen!

No information shall be disclosed.

Including your closest relatives and friends.

Anyone who dares to reveal even a few words will face the most severe charges.

It even involves your family and friends.

Under this strict order.

Those patrols and others involved in the operation tonight.

They all shut their mouths.

"Director, I'm still worried that the fishing boat will not be able to control what happened tonight."

Watching the range of ghosts gradually shrink and disappear.

The people on the Demon Slayer's side have already started from the outer area.

Start gradually with the aftermath.

Han Bai limped closer, with a worried look on his face.

"As much as you can control, the hot searches on the Internet will pass in two or three days at most."

Director Wei calmed down.

Although this time the situation was a little bit louder.

But fortunately, the results are still within the controllable range.

"I hope. By the way, Young Master Zhang is really willing to give out one billion yuan as a pension?"

Han Bai still feels a little unbelievable now.

A billion!

Tsk tsk, rich people are really too capricious.

Director Wei couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Have you ever seen Brother Zhang's words are not words?"

"Like, not yet?"

(cdac) "That's fine. One billion is a huge amount, but given the strength of the Zhang family, it's simply not worth it."

And there is a sentence that Director Wei didn't say.

Now the Lin Group has become Zhang Chen's pocket.

Just got hundreds of billions of assets.

"I really admire Young Master Zhang, he is so generous!"

Han Bai said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

More than him.

Many people in the Jiangdong branch of the Devil Slayer Division think so.

Even tonight's joint patrol house and several yamen.

I also admire Zhang Chen.

After all, the person who died in the ghost tonight has nothing to do with Zhang Chen.

There is absolutely no need for him to pay this pension out of his own pocket.

"Okay, hurry up and finish the aftermath!"

Director Wei patted Han Bai on the shoulder.

But he smiled wryly in his heart: "Compared to that elixir, what is a billion?"

Let him successfully break through to level 7 overhaul realm!

Don't say one billion!

Tens of billions can't buy this kind of opportunity.

So Director Wei is now aware of some doubts about what happened tonight.

He's also smart enough to put those thoughts out of his mind right away.

It's rare to be confused as a human being.

"I want to get off this thief ship now, but I don't have a chance."

Director Wei is not a fool.

Said to himself.

Then he laughed, "No, why should I get off the boat?"


Why did he disembark?

This kind of thief ship is simply a colossus!

It may bring him more benefits in the future.


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