
Wanzi updated today.

Chapter 106

Jiangdong this night.

Countless people are looking forward to it.

Ordinary people are waiting to eat melons.

The residents who were evacuated were also appeased by the relevant yamen.

Everything seemed to be going on in an orderly manner.


It was finally under control.

As for the damage caused by the supernatural disaster tonight.

That's all for later.

Zhang Chen didn't care that he paid out ~ one billion yuan as a pension.

"Master, you are too generous to pay so much money out of your own pocket."

on the way back.

Zhang San couldn't help but speak.

A billion!

How much is that?

Even in Jiangdong City, you can buy a villa in the best location, right?

How many people have struggled for dozens of lifetimes.

They can't make a billion dollars.

"Third brother, take a longer view."

Does Zhang Chen feel bad about money?

Do not make jokes.

Is he still short of money?

"I can use a small amount of money to buy people's hearts and win people's connections. Why should I refuse such a good thing?"

Zhang Chen's words made Zhang San unable to answer.

He could only smile wryly, "Young Master, you are farsighted."

"I can't do it anymore, my vision is so short-sighted, it seems that I still have to learn more from you, young master!"

Listen to this flattery.

Zhang Chen laughed and scolded directly: "Okay, I need someone who can do things by my side, and you are indispensable."

"Hey, don't worry, little one!"

Obviously, Zhang San is deliberately showing his loyalty.

I am afraid that Zhang Chen will fly higher and higher recently.

His role is dispensable.

In the end, he was forced to lose his job.

"With your words, I, Zhang San, will go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"

"Master, you pick up your sister, and the villain will watch over you!"

"You kill and set fire, and the villain will serve you all the way!"


Zhang Sanyue became more excited as he spoke.

In the end, even Zhang Chen couldn't listen anymore.

Quickly stopped, "Okay, I'm tired of hearing it."


Zhang San immediately concentrated on driving.

And this time.

Zhang Chen and Xia Ruyun were originally in the back seat of the car.

But suddenly there was another figure.

As soon as she appeared, she sat obediently in Zhang Chen's arms.

From beginning to end, it was quiet.

This scene.

Zhang San, who happened to be driving, accidentally saw it through the rearview mirror.

He was so scared that he almost slipped the steering wheel and caused a car accident.

"Drive carefully."

Zhang Chen frowned slightly and scolded.

Zhang San also swallowed, not daring to ask further questions.

In fact, he is not a fool, and he has noticed many weird things.

No matter what they saw and heard when they went to Lin's pharmaceutical research laboratory.

Or the turmoil in Jiangdong City tonight.

In short, as the world's magic energy emerges more and more frequently.

The appearance frequency of various monsters and ghosts has increased.

Many ordinary people have begun to sense that something is wrong.

A top mercenary like Zhang San is naturally very sharp!

"Good boy! The female companions next to the young master, wouldn't they be the ones mentioned on the Internet..."

Thinking of something, Zhang San immediately stopped the guessing in his head.

He told himself that he was the head of the bodyguard next to Zhang Chen.

What to do and what not to do.

"But I have to say, the young wives are really beautiful, and only the young master is qualified to have them!"

There are many big and small wealthy families in China.

Similar to the top giants like the Jiangdong Zhang family.

In fact, there are several.

But those wealthy children.

Zhang San couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

It is incomparable with Zhang Chen.

That's far away.

It's not about the appearance and temperament, but the ability, the city and all aspects.



Zhang Chen still needed to cover up a bit.

For example, the identity of Xing Lingyun is for ordinary people.

Too scary.

In addition, it is also the first mainline world view, which is not so exaggerated.

but now.

He thought about it.


The female ghost in wedding dress answered very well.

Just appeared in the car out of thin air, for a terrifying ghost king.

Simple, right?

Unless it is a specially modified vehicle.

Otherwise let alone a Rolls Royce.

Even an underground air-raid shelter protected by a ten-meter-thick alloy.

She can also come and go at will.

"It's so good, come on, give me a kiss."

Zhang Chen gave the reward.

What hobbies do young people have these days?

Pet the dog and cat?

What's the point of that.

It's still interesting to find a beautiful female ghost to masturbate like him.

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