The female ghost in the wedding dress will not resist at all.

It's like believing that Zhang Chen is her husband.

Coupled with the traditional thinking in the bones of the ancients, it will not change even if it turns into a ghost.

This thought is actually more difficult to reverse than character.


Such traditional virtues.

Zhang Chen agreed with both hands and feet.

Of course, Zhang San, who just drove in front, raised the partition.

This guy is smart and never makes any mistakes.

As a result, he himself was kicked out of the house by Zhang Chen and lost his job.

Even now he finds that he has lost the role of bodyguard.

Become a coachman.

But the driver is just the driver, and there is a lot of money.

The treatment is still so good.

Where can an employer like Zhang Chen find a second one?

"Can't you consider that there are people around?"

Xia Ruyun couldn't stand it.


Zhang Chen let go of the wedding gown ghost.

The latter does not know whether it is a coincidence or intentional.

He actually raised his head and glanced at Xia Ruyun.

Although nothing was said.


Xia Ruyun was so happy!

"Xia Ruyan! You are enough!"

that moment.

The two terrifying ghost kings seem to be staged another sisterly love affair.

···Seeking flowers 0··

It was Zhang Chen who said lightly.

Stop the two women.

"Between sisters, it's okay to make small troubles, but pay attention to the scale."

Just a word.

The female ghost in wedding dress immediately looked away.

Nestling in Zhang Chen's arms obediently.

"Sure enough, she is an obedient daughter-in-law."

Zhang Chen found that he liked the traditional virtue of a female ghost in a wedding dress.

Being more obedient can almost sublimate the self-esteem of most men.

Not only beautiful, but also powerful.

The key is to be gentle and well-behaved in front of him.

"Then I'll go?"

Xia Ruyun gave someone a pretty look.

Of course she won't go.

Zhang Chen took advantage of everything, how could she leave?

Don't look at her fashionably dressed, but the thought in her heart is really similar to that of a wedding dress female ghost.

Jokes are jokes.

Zhang Chen naturally knew it too, so he put his hand on Xia Ruyun's cheongsam-dressed leg exposed while driving.

.......... 0 0

this day!

"Even if the son of luck switches identities with me, I can't agree."

Zhang Chen thinks that his life is pretty good now.

Child of luck?

Destiny protagonist?

Whoever wants to go!


On the highway from Hangzhou to Jiangdong City.

A Porsche is speeding by.

The surrounding vehicles were overtaken one after another.

That speed!

The people in the other cars who watched were dumbfounded.

If it is paired with the BGM of catching shrimp households with one hand, it may be very suitable for the occasion.


Entered the Jiangdong Expressway Toll Station.

Ignore the obstruction.

People at the toll booth can only vaguely see the taillights going away.

Just wanted to call the police.

Unexpectedly, a police officer had already appeared, and then a certificate appeared.

Let all the monitoring records just now be deleted.

The people at the toll booth immediately understood that the car just now was a special vehicle.

the other side.

The Porsche rushed from Hangzhou to Jiangdong at a speed of more than 200 yards.

At this moment, it has entered Jiangdong City.

"Didn't it mean it was out of control?"

Looking at the bright lights of Jiangdong city.

The atmosphere of an international metropolis is indeed not comparable to other cities.

However, this picture.

The woman in the car was a little surprised.

"The magic energy is very weak, what's going on?"

Inside the Porsche.

She is a young and beautiful girl in her 20s.

At this moment she frowned slightly.

Take out an instrument similar to a mobile phone from the car.

After a few seconds, look at the value above.

The doubts on his face grew stronger.

And this time.

Just as she was about to go to her destination to check the situation.

But found several cars parked in front of her car.

"Master Inspector."


Today's first update

I want to hit [-] words a day

If you do it, please remember to praise me [-].

Chapter 107

Several people got off the first car.

Very polite to take the initiative to reveal their identity.

It was a member of the Jiangdong Branch of the Devil Slayer Division.

Then the other party explained: "The specific inspector can communicate with our Director Wei."

I heard that the matter was actually resolved.

The Porsche girl had a surprised expression on her face.

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