The ancient tomb zombie who has just woken up after hundreds of years of sleep from the coffin.

I felt the mellowness and sweetness of 23's fresh blood.

How could it be possible to let Xiao Han go?

Straight up!

And because Xiao Han was sprayed with two mouthfuls of blood one after another.

The ancient tomb zombies actually started to metamorphose.

The originally rotten and withered body seemed to be radiating new life!

Pieces peeled away, revealing the vibrant dark muscle underneath.

At the same time, the aura of the ancient tomb zombies was stronger than when they just woke up.

It's like being beaten with chicken blood.

"how come?!"

Xiao Han was stunned!

He didn't expect the accident to happen so unexpectedly.

"Can't hold back anymore?"

It was hard to find the ancient tomb that hadn't been discovered yet.

Good luck too.

I met an ancient unknown general who was buried in the ancient tomb for hundreds of years.

According to his idea, as long as the contract can be forced to be under his control.

The strength is much stronger than the ghosts he contracted with before.

Who would have thought!

The matter is willing to do.


Zombies have been infinitely powerful since ancient times, not to mention the demonized corpse of an unknown general in ancient times.

At this moment, Xiao Han was completely chased and killed.

That is to say, the terrain of the ancient tomb is relatively complex, with various obstacles and passages.

Otherwise, Xiao Han would have been slapped into a pulp by the ancient tomb zombie.

"How can it be useless? Damn it! It shouldn't be like this!"

Xiao Han growled while running away.

Everything is going well, but at the most crucial last moment!


"It's all a sudden angina pectoris!"

Xiao Han was full of question marks.

He has never been sick since he was a child, and his health makes people wonder if there is a problem.

And he now knew why.

It has something to do with half of the demon blood in his body.

His mother is the corpse king!

Nature is different from ordinary people.

"It's impossible for me to have angina, let alone any disease!"

Xiao Han once again dodged a powerful blow from the ancient tomb zombies.

I don't know where this zombie found a Fang Tian painted halberd!

Chasing Xiao Han and waving in various ways.

If it weren't for the rancid and terrible breath.

It really makes people feel that an invincible general has been resurrected.

"No! Try again!"

Xiao Han knew that if he went on like this, he could only escape from the ancient tomb.

And this also meant that he spent several days looking for the ancient tomb and strengthening his plan.

Completely failed.

"I don't believe it, I can't surrender you!"

Xiao Han bit his finger!

Once again, blood dripped on the sheepskin scroll in his hand.

Only he can use this thing.

The reason is the need for his blood.

With the sheepskin scroll in his hand, he absorbed Xiao Han's drop of blood.

Once again, the light bloomed, and countless complex and ancient Sanskrit characters appeared from above.

In the end, it turned into a deed similar to a magic spell!

"Make it for me!"

Xiao Han flew up suddenly!

As a descendant of the corpse king, his physical fitness is indeed far beyond ordinary people.

If Xiao Han had a system like Zhang Chen.

You can definitely see that his basic physical attributes are more than ten times that of ordinary people!


Whether it's strength or agility, or even physique.

All over triple digits!

Such physical fitness.

Let him never worry about sports performance and body shape since he was a child.

but now.

Face tomb zombies.

Not far!

Reluctantly calculating mentally but not intentionally, Xiao Han single-handedly presented the deed written on the sheepskin scroll!

It slammed on the head of the ancient tomb zombie.


Xiao Han has succeeded several times before.

Regardless of ghosts or zombies, they are all within reach.

This time.

The ancient tomb zombie's body was frozen, as if it was really suppressed and unable to move.

It didn't wait for Xiao Han to show joy on his face.

Followed by.


The Qiwen actually began to crack, and the cracks spread towards the surroundings.

"How is it possible?! Failed again?!"

Xiao Han was trembling with anger, his face was glowing green.

He didn't understand, how could he fail?

Just for the first time, it can be explained by coincidence or accident.

what about now?

"The information my parents left me clearly said that monsters below the lethal level can be successfully surrendered, right?!"

Xiao Han was stunned!

He had also subdued a dangerous ghost before.

There is no obstacle, instant success.

What's going on now?

"Could it be? Fatal grade?!"

Xiao Han suddenly realized what!

The ancient tomb zombie in front of him is not dangerous at all!

The strength is already more terrifying than the dangerous level!

Fatal level!

"Am I lucky or bad luck?"

Xiao Han didn't know whether he should be happy or not.

He originally wanted to control a few monsters such as dangerous ghosts and zombies first.

Then wait for the opportunity to find a more powerful deadly monster and try.


 900 The first one to find was the fatal grade.

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