
at this time.

The ancient tomb zombie broke free from Qi Wen, and then grabbed Xiao Han in his hands.

That powerful force is enough to instantly crush the bones of ordinary people!

That is to say, Xiao Han's physical fitness has reached more than ten times that of ordinary people.

But it also screamed.

"Naughty animal! I am the son of the corpse king!"

Xiao Han was furious, but he couldn't struggle at all.

Seeing that the ancient tomb zombies pulled him to him, they opened their bloody mouths!

It's about to bite down on his neck!

"Let go of my master!"

Xiao Han struggled, but it didn't help.

He simply did not understand the successive angina pectoris that had occurred during this time.

What is the meaning behind it.

Luck, cracks have already appeared!

At this time, the experience of fighting monsters and upgrading should be at hand.

But there are dangers all around.

A scream.

Xiao Han's neck was bloody and bloody, and a large piece of flesh was bitten off by the ancient tomb zombies.

An ordinary person would have bled profusely to death with such a wound.

But Xiao Han burst out of strength directly after suffering the pain.

Finally broke free from the tomb zombies, and never looked back!

Turn around and run!


How could he still have that kind of thought now?

Escape is the most important thing!

What confidence, pride.

At this moment there is nothing left.

Xiao Han rolled and crawled to escape from the ancient tomb!


Third more.

Chapter 109

And including Xiao Han, no one would have thought of it at all.

Just because of this accident.

It directly led to the ancient tomb zombies that barely reached the dangerous level.

It quickly transformed into a deadly ancient blood zombie!

Then it will be within a few hundred miles.

At least five or six villages and towns have been turned into purgatory on earth.

Countless people died.

And this blood debt naturally fell on Xiao Han's head.

Further reduce his luck.

I have to say that it was unintentional.

By the time Zhang Chen knew about this, everything was already over.

And he couldn't help but sigh.

He was really just digging a corner, and didn't think too much about it.


The next day.

Zhang Chen felt that time always passed so fast.

I don't know if I brought newcomers to the top last night.

Unexpectedly, I couldn't hold back all of a sudden.

Straight for a whole night in double row.

It wasn't until dawn that I finally played the game and squinted for a while.

Turn around.

After spending the whole night with him on the top of the canyon, the ghost in wedding dress was obviously a little tired.


Is the female ghost still tired?

Is not this nonsensical!

Even a horror-level ghost king can't underestimate the game operation of the top of the canyon, which is a test of skill and physical strength.

As a pure newcomer.

Under the leadership of Zhang Chen, who is the king and the solo king on the top of the canyon.

It is also very tiring.


The wedding gown ghost really fully proves how important traditional virtues are.

After realizing that Zhang Chen got up.

Immediately, he got up cautiously with some panic and began to serve Zhang Chen.

Just like those good wives and mothers in historical dramas.

"So nice."

Zhang Chen did not refuse.

Although there are many maids in the family, they are all good-looking.

as long as he wants.

Even wine pools and meat forests are no problem.

But the female ghost in wedding dress served her with a distinct flavor.

"Is this the days of old men?"

Zhang Chen discovered that there are indeed many thousands of years of traditional culture that cannot be lost.

Why are such excellent etiquette rules abandoned in modern society?

Is it the loss of morality?

Or a human twist?

Zhang Chen decided to carry forward this traditional virtue.

Strive to be a pioneer in the revival of traditional culture.

A personal experience of traditional culture.

It made Zhang Chen firm up the idea in his heart.

"Sure enough, traditional virtues cannot be lost, and the protection of traditional virtues starts with me."


Villa living room.

On the huge LCD TV, the morning news is playing.

"At 8:27 am on *month*day, this is the commercial street of ** Road, Jiangdong City`¨."

"Because of a serious pipeline natural gas leak last night, at least a dozen communities, including ** Street, were ordered to evacuate urgently!"

"Now the staff of the gas company and the relevant yamen are conducting control and investigation as soon as possible."

"After more than six hours of emergency evacuation, the relevant staff worked hard day and night to repair the accident. Now the accident has been brought under control."

"The cause of the sudden accident and casualties are still being counted."

"For details, please pay attention to the follow-up official press conference."

The morning news is almost always reporting what happened last night.

Of course who would have thought.

It's not a gas leak at all.

All of this is nothing more than the guidance of fishing boats carried out by Director Wei and others in conjunction with Jiangdong City Yamen.

The purpose is simple.

The truth cannot be disclosed to ordinary people.

Otherwise, wouldn't it cause a huge panic?

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