After speaking, Zhang Chen turned and left.



Try to update another chapter before going to bed at 12 o'clock! .

Chapter 113

From the beginning to the end, it seemed that he really just came to pass on a message.

By the way, I said hello and gave a meeting gift.

But this meeting ceremony is quite special.

But is this over?

Just as the group of evil cultivators in the cemetery secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, there was a hint of viciousness and coldness in his eyes.

when considering certain ideas.

Zhang Chen's voice reached their ears.

It directly changed their expressions.

"Yiyi, use them to practice your hands, just leave a living mouth to convey the news."

Since it is a meeting ceremony.

Of course it should be more grand.

Zhang Chen's character is like this, it's the first official visit.

Sincerity is required.

So for a villain organization like Netherworld.

What meeting ceremony is more sincere?

"I hope this meeting ceremony can make that one like it."

Zhang Chen wasn't worried at all that Ye Yiyi wouldn't be able to cope.

Not even a level 7 overhaul.

Just a group of garbage that is not strong enough to see.

Ye Yiyi can handle it all by herself.

as predicted.

Zhang Chen just finished speaking.

Ye Yiyi had already made a move, only seeing her serious expression on her little face.

"Brother Chen is testing me! I must not let him down!"

In her mind, Zhang Chen's status is quite high.

Even more important than her brother Ye Fan back then.

That was the result of Zhang Chen's repeated guidance.

It is the person she values ​​and relies on 23 the most.

and so!

"I must prove that I am no worse than Sister Lingyun and the others!"

Ye Yiyi's power.

Most of them come from the Qianyuan realm in her body.

The golden finger, who was the son of luck, now came to her.

Combined with various changes after demonization.

No one really knows how much potential it has now.

Zhang Chen also wanted to see the effect.

The results are obvious.

It also made Zhang Chen quite satisfied.

Ye Yiyi only spent less than 10 minutes.

Zhang Chen's request was fulfilled.


The entire cemetery is still dark and windy.

And the group of evil cultivators just now had already died in Ye Yiyi's hands.

Even the process was so easy that Ye Yiyi didn't make a move herself.

She tried to suppress all evil cultivators with her own ghost power.

Finally, control the original puppet that was refined by her.

one by one.

kill others.

As for the group of evil cultivators, it is impossible to sit still.

At the juncture of life and death, all kinds of life-saving methods were used one after another.

Not to mention that there are many tricks.

Too bad it didn't work.

"My lord, spare my life! Madam, please spare my life!"

In the end, only the last evil cultivator was left kneeling on the ground, humbly begging for mercy.

Sadness can not be seen, only rejoicing.

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

"Yiyi, why did you keep him?"

It turned out that the last person who survived from Ye Yiyi's hands was the level 6 evil cultivator just now.

He is also the only one who still retains his human form.

Ye Yiyi's answer did not surprise Zhang Chen.

"Brother Chen, he, he doesn't look as disgusting as anyone else."


Zhang Chen knew it, "It seems to be true."

Zhang Chen has no opinion on who should be kept alive.

He also knew that Ye Yiyi didn't think she was a monster deep down in her heart.

Various cognitions and ideas.

Still pretty much the same as before.

So let her kill other evil cultivators who are not human, ghosts or ghosts.

She can do it without hesitation.

But let her kill?

It is indeed too early.

Ye Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Zhang Chen would be dissatisfied.

He was pinching the corner of his clothes anxiously.

Hearing Ye Yiyi's answer, the only surviving evil cultivator didn't know whether to cry with joy or not.

He didn't expect the reason why he could get his life back.

Is it just because he doesn't look that disgusting?

Many evil cultivators pursue power excessively because of their slanted swords.

He does whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even at the expense of his own body.

So people are different from people, and ghosts are not ghosts.

Evil cultivators who can keep their appearance unchanged are indeed rare.

"Don't forget to tell your Palace Master that I will wait for her in Jiangdong."

Zhang Chen waved his hand, then took Ye Yiyi and the girls away.

The cemetery environment has also returned to normal.

Nothing seemed to have happened.

But who would have thought.

Just in less than half an hour.

So many things happened.

"Zhang Chen? When did such a wolf appear in Jiangdong?"

The only evil cultivator who survived was terrified.

It is human instinct to fear the strong.

The same is true for evil cultivators, and they are even more in awe of the strong.

"Three horror-level ghost kings! There is also an existence close to the ghost king!"

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