He quickly sent the news back to Nether Palace.

After all, with his strength, he couldn't handle it at all.

And also afraid that Zhang Chen will turn back again, who can guarantee that he will survive the next time?


A deep mountain and old forest.

There are few people in the hundreds of miles around.

This is the most primitive area in Southeast Asia.

Some small countries in the surrounding area are not very willing to go to this kind of place to develop and explore.


It's because the small countries around have no guts to approach here.

And in this tropical rainforest.

Bones everywhere, eerie.

Even the most ferocious beasts dare not set foot on it easily.

One of the hills.

The surrounding coldness became more obvious.

But inside the mountain, there are other caves.

"Ghost King?"

An old man opened his eyes.

Those gray-white pupils exuded an extremely terrifying light.

"Elder, that's what the news says."

"There is actually a ghost king in Jiangdong City?"

The old man muttered to himself, and then let out a strange laugh, "Okay!"

"The old man was worried that he would not have the opportunity to go further, but he did not expect the opportunity to be presented to him."

"Elder, should I notify the Palace Master?"

"Why bother the Palace Master with such a trivial matter!"

The old man snorted coldly.

With a casual grab, the talkative subordinates were turned into blood skeletons.

And then the devilish energy on the old man became more intense, swallowing up all the blood energy in the air.

"This is what happens when you talk too much."

As an evil cultivator, he is moody and takes pleasure in killing people.

Even if it is his own subordinates, he can still kill them.

Just wait until he has just left his residence.

I saw two other figures.

"Hmph! You guys are well informed!"

Seeing each other, the old man snorted angrily.

But he didn't do anything.

Because the two people who appeared in front of him were comparable in strength to him.

"The king of ghosts can be met but not asked for. If you want to swallow such a good thing, you are not afraid to hold on?"

One of them laughed sinisterly.

Another person around said, "If you can refine a ghost king, you and I may be able to go a step further."

The old man was furious.

But I know that the strengths of both sides are evenly matched.

There are gaps, but not fatal.

So in the end, he said with a smile on his face: "The news says that there are three ghost kings, and it happens that you and I will get one each."

"Very good."

"Then it's settled."

All three laughed.

But there was a sinister edge in his eyes.


Give me a break!

Neither of them would mind killing the other two given the chance.

Don't ask why.

Evil cultivators never consider the reason for doing things.

And the three of them.

It is the master of the Nether Palace!

Each one is a powerhouse at the overhaul level.

In the Nether Palace, he even enjoys the position of elder.

But just as the three of them had their own calculations, they were about to set off for Jiangdong City immediately.

Unexpectedly, a terrifying aura far above them descended instantly.

Not even the slightest hesitation.

The three overhauls of the Nether Palace directly knelt down!

"See House Master 903!"

"This subordinate pays homage to the Palace Master!"

All three of them had cold sweat on their foreheads.

No one expected that the Palace Master would appear suddenly.

In fact, none of them knew where the mysterious Lord of the Nether Palace was.

This place is only the lair in name of Nether Palace.

At least as a level 7 overhaul, only one who has been promoted to an elder is eligible to have a place here.

But the master of the Nether Palace has been missing all year round.

The three dare not look up.

But in front of them was a mass of black shadows, who couldn't tell whether it was a human or a ghost.

"You three, escort this envoy to Jiangdong."


"The envoy of this seat represents this seat."

Before the words fell, the terrifying aura around him had disappeared.

The three overhaul-level evil cultivators looked at each other in blank dismay.

His back was already wet with cold sweat.

They suddenly realized that even they had received the message.

How could the master of the Nether Palace be ignorant?

And now this posture.

Is it really possible to negotiate?

When did their Nether Palace want to be so polite to others?


The three dared not object and refuse.

Even if their strength is terrifying, they would never dare to anger the master of the Nether Palace.


A flight from Southeast Asia to Jiangdong City took off steadily.

Inside the first class cabin.

A girl of seventeen or eighteen was listening to music with headphones on.

Dressed youthfully and beautifully, very beautifully.

In her hand was a travel brochure.

The above is a detailed list of food guides in Jiangdong City.

"Jiangdong Zhang Family, Zhang Chen."

The girl murmured to herself softly, and then slightly raised her small mouth.

"It's been so many years that no one has touched my heart like this."


Eighth more!

A total of more than 1000 words have been updated!

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