Chapter 114

The impact of the turmoil last night was indeed not small.

Even if the relevant yamen join hands.

Controlled fishing boats, gossip and even major self-media.

Even came forward to warn some people.

Finally, the message was controlled within a controllable range.

The only place that can't be dealt with.

It is located in Jiangdong City, the most prosperous neighborhood in the past.

Now they have all been brought forward by the relevant yamen.

All surrounded.

The explanation given to the outside world is also very simple.

Large-scale pipeline gas leaks need to be checked one by one.

Surrounding the personal safety of the masses and residents.

All people in the area are evacuated and evacuated.

"I heard that this time, the Lin Group has arranged a safe zone for refuge?"

Those in charge of handling this matter are still a minority who really know the inside story.

They too were kept in the dark.

When chatting about what happened last night, they all asked each other.

"It's the Lin Group, but I have inside information!"

"Huh? Tell me?"

"The Lin Group is only in charge of this matter. It is someone else who actually pays for the arrangement of more than [-] residents."

Someone whispered triumphantly.


"Lin's Group is an established [-]-billion-dollar conglomerate in our Jiangdong City, who else can ask them to come forward and spend money?"

People around don't quite believe it.

Asked one after another.

And the person who claimed to have inside information just smiled.

"It's the son of the Zhang family."

After speaking, he immediately became serious, "You can't spread the word, only people in the circle know about this matter."

Everyone around looked suspicious.

Someone asked: "How do you know?"

"Young master of the Zhang family? Which Zhang family?"

The man chuckled: "Is there a second Zhang family in Jiangdong?"

Some of them are well-informed.

After all, they all work in the yamen.

There are still some news channels more or less.

Sure enough, someone exclaimed, "The only son of our Jiangdong parents?"

Others realized too.

Immediately, their faces changed.

"It turned out to be Young Master Zhang, no wonder!"

But some people were puzzled, "Why didn't you publicize it when you did such a good thing?"

"Yeah, these days there are really people who do good deeds without leaving their name?"

Anyway, they don't believe it.

But what is before their eyes now.

have to believe.

"Who knows! The Zhang family is a famous family, a scholarly family, maybe they don't care about such a false name?"

Everyone is talking about it.


Not rumored?

Give me a break!

There are no impenetrable walls in this world.

Even if the so-called secretly revealed insider information emphasized.

Let others not talk nonsense, spread nonsense.

But in less than a day.

This matter became widely known.

Not only that.

There is another rumor circulating in the major yamen in Jiangdong City.

Mr. Zhang, pay out of your own pocket!

Take out one billion as a pension.

Last night, many people were sacrificed in the patrol room and other yamen.

Even if there are funeral expenses and pensions on top.

But certainly not many.

And this time.

Zhang Chen took out so much money in his own name.

He directly won the favor and gratitude of the people in the major yamen in Jiangdong City.

Especially the patrol room!

"Young Master Zhang is righteous!"

"I did this, I have nothing to say!"

"I used to hear outsiders say that our governor's son is a playboy who eats, drinks and has fun."

Jiangdong City Patrol House.

A certain old policeman said while shaking his head with a wry smile.

"Looking at it now, it's all slander!"

"That's right, the son of Governor Zhang's family, it is said that he is young and promising, and he is a good-looking talent."

Another policeman sighed, "I'm still so righteous now, but if I want to speak ill of the young master of the Zhang family in the future, I'll be the first to talk to him forever!"

A few little things.

Directly destroy Zhang Chen's reputation.

In the upper circles of Jiangdong City, he has won a lot of praise.

But in the eyes of ordinary people.

Soon, various news about Zhang Chen were reported.

What are the top ten outstanding youths!

Excellent entrepreneur!

The youngest and caring philanthropist in Koto City.

wait wait wait!

In short.

With Zhang Chen's operation, he got the result he wanted.


All this is not accidental.

But necessarily!

Those who claim to have inside information, self-media and so on!

It's all operated by people arranged by him.

The purpose is also very simple.

Get a reputation.

Don't underestimate the uselessness of reputation, it will be of unexpected use in many cases.

such as.

It will be very useful to frame the son of luck.


"What did you say?"

Koto City.

Demon Slaying Division branch building.

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