All I saw was a thin, middle-aged man.

Frowning at the moment.


He suspected that he had heard wrong, and asked again.

And this time.

Director Wei was nowhere to be seen.

Han Bai came out to greet him in person, with a very respectful attitude.

"Master Inspector, the matter has indeed been resolved."

The person in front of him is the inspector sent by the headquarters of the imperial capital.

To become an inspector, the strength has reached at least level 7 overhaul!

In the Demon Killing Division, that is a judge-level position.

And he knows.

The inspector in front of him is no ordinary level 7 judge.

He is a veteran level 8 judge!

"Where's Old Wei?"

Yang Baoguo frowned, "Before you came, didn't you say that the situation was out of control?"

"The director is retreating, and there is no way to meet the inspector for the time being."

What can Han Bai do?

His status is actually not qualified to meet the inspector in front of him.

But Director Wei is in retreat.

The other deputies found their own reasons to avoid seeing him.

They also knew that the inspectors at the headquarters of the imperial capital were not easy to get along with.

In addition, they all have a little self-esteem and don't want to grovel.

This kind of errand naturally fell on Han Bai.

"Retreat? Is he finally going to break through?"

Yang Baoguo and Director Wei are obviously old acquaintances.

He was not angry when he heard it.

Just nodded, "Tell me about what happened last night!"


Han Bai had known for a long time that there would be this link, "Master Inspector, this way please."


He had already finished the draft.

Just when he was about to lead people over, who would have thought that there would be another big boss who couldn't be offended.

"Uncle Yang?"

This voice sounds pleasant, and it should be young.

But Han Bai didn't dare to underestimate him.

Even Yang Baoguo (Nuo Dehao) had a smile on his face when he heard it, "Girl Wan, they asked you to make a special trip?"

Two inspectors!

Han Bai found himself under a lot of pressure.

He secretly said in his heart: "Fortunately, these two tempers are not bad."

No matter Yang Baoguo or Gong Wanwan.

Obviously not the kind to rely on his status as an inspector.

The character of bossing around and ordering the people below.

"Uncle Yang, why are you here?"

"It's not that fellow Wei, who is in a hurry to ask me to come and help."

Yang Baoguo laughed and cursed, "I was woken up from my sleep by someone and ran all the way here."

"It's good for him, he went to retreat by himself!"

Gong Wanwan also probably thought of that scene, and couldn't help smiling.

"Is it because of what happened last night?"

"You know that too?"

"Understood roughly."

"Walk, walk, I'm still confused, tell me."


Today's first update

It is still the old rule, at least every day to ensure that the [-]D dictionary is updated

More if you can.

Chapter 115

He watched the two inspectors enter the meeting room.

Han Bai wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Fortunately, it seems that I don't need to explain it specifically."

And in the conference room.

After about ten minutes.

Yang Baoguo's expression was serious, and there was a hint of irony in his tone.

"Girl Wan, are you sure you didn't take your Uncle Yang as my prey?"

He would never believe it, "Jiangdong Zhang's family? You mean Governor Zhang's son, Zhang Ge's grandson?"

"He's actually a ghost hunter?"

Such nonsense.

How can he believe it?

But Gong Wanwan nodded, "According to Director Wei's explanation, it is true."

"That kid from the Zhang family also controlled the ghost king?"

Yang Baoguo was even more surprised, "Do you think you, Uncle Yang, I will believe this kind of thing?"

"I don't believe it either!"

"Then you just now?"

"An hour ago, I visited the door in person, but I didn't see anyone."

The suspicion on Gong Wanwan's face was even worse than that of Yang Baoguo.

It made it clear that she didn't believe that Zhang Chen would be a ghost slayer at all!

The essential!

Or a ghost slayer who controls a ghost king?

Could it be that the ghost king is so weak these days?

They don't dare to say that they can control the ghost king with a level 7 or above overhaul!

Even the weakest ghost king wants to control the difficulty.

Outsiders can't imagine it at all.

"Then what do you mean?"

Yang Baoguo asked with a smile, "He is not a commoner."

"You can't just block the door every day, can you?"

Gong Wanwan didn't deny it, but nodded seriously: "Now that I know, I will definitely find a way to find out!"

Ghostbusters appeared in Koto City.

As the judge and inspector of the Demon Slayer Division.

Surely 903 will investigate clearly.

"As long as you are a ghost master, you must be monitored and managed by our Demon Slayer Division!"


Yang Baoguo knew this would be the result.

He sighed, "You girl, your temper has not changed."

"Uncle Yang, I am performing my duties."

Gong Wanwan didn't give in at all.

"Indeed, you are right."

Yang Baoguo nodded, but then persuaded: "But everything has a limit."

"This son of the Zhang family is not an ordinary person, you can't handle this matter the way you treat ordinary people!"

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