Although both of them are inspectors of the Demon Slayer Division.

They are also powerful overhauls.

But Yang Baoguo has lived for so many years after all.

In dealing with people, she is much smoother than a little girl like Gong Wanwan.

"Listen to what you Uncle Yang said, don't force it! Try to win over the other party in a gentle and gentle way as much as possible."

Gong Wanwan frowned slightly, obviously not agreeing with this approach.

But she didn't refuse in person.

Just that look in the eyes said it all.

"He is a member of the Zhang family, and a stalemate in the relationship will not be good for you or for the Demon Slayer."

Gong Wanwan finally interrupted: "Uncle Yang, I know what to do." (cdac)

"Hey, in short, don't be too tough. There's something wrong with the recent situation."

Mentioning this matter, Yang Baoguo looked very serious, "We really need to absorb more fresh blood now."

"If the opponent is really a ghost master who is strong enough to control the ghost king, we must fight for it!"

What are the identities of the two inspectors?

It's all about confidentiality.

There are many things that even the ordinary demon slayer, the demon slayer, does not understand.

And while talking.

Even shot to seal the meeting room.

Be foolproof.

But neither of them would have thought of it.

Be careful to this point.

The content of the conversation was still monitored.

On the back of the big round table in the conference room.

There is a Taoist affixed.

And if you don't look carefully at this Dao Talisman, you won't notice it at all.

There is no breath fluctuation, and there is no source of power.

Blends seamlessly with the desktop.

At first glance it looks like the textured pattern of the table itself.

But it is this Dao talisman.

In fact, it was left by Zhang Chen.

at this time.

Zhang Chen just left from the cemetery.

Then you will see a system notification.

"Sure enough, it's the same as I remember."

Zhang Chen smiled.

Who is Gong Wanwan?

He looked towards Xing Lingyun beside him.

"Your sister has arrived in Jiangdong."

Just a word.

Xing Lingyun, who has always been lazy and doesn't seem to care about anything.

His expression changed instantly.

There was a trace of tension and excitement in the depths of his eyes.

"Where is she?!"

Such a reaction was expected by Zhang Chen.

He didn't hide anything, and said, "The branch building of the Demon Slayer Division."

The voice just fell.

Xing Lingyun has disappeared.

Not the slightest fluctuation.

But then.

With one sentence, Zhang Chen made her return to the car.

"If you want to meet her again and clear up all misunderstandings, you can't see her now."

as predicted.

Star Rhyme appears again.

Without saying anything, he just looked at Zhang Chen.

That look was a silent inquiry.

That is to say, Zhang Chen spoke, otherwise Xing Lingyun would not listen to anyone's persuasion.

But Zhang Chen is different.

Xing Lingyun has already regarded Zhang Chen as her most important person.

To some extent, its importance has slightly surpassed that of the younger sister she once valued the most.

"I promised you that you sisters can meet again."

Zhang Chen said lightly.

Then his tone became gentle, and he put his hand on Xing Lingyun's face.

Said with affectionate eyes and tone: "Do you believe me?"

Change to someone else.

Before he could do anything, he was torn to pieces by Xing Lingyun.

But Zhang Chen can be unscrupulous.

Xing Lingyun finally nodded, "I believe in you."

"Don't worry, it won't take long."

Zhang Chen nodded and smiled in satisfaction, everything was in his plan.

Of course he will help Xing Lingyun fulfill his wish.

After all, Gong Wanwan is also a daughter of luck, and she has an excellent appearance and figure.

As an old rough skin.

How could he let it go?

"You, what are your plans?"

Xing Lingyun still couldn't help asking curiously.

She unconditionally acquiesced to what Zhang Chen did before.

But this time is different.

She is nervous!

"You should know her temper very well. If you meet now, what will happen?"

Zhang Chen asked back.

The star listening to the rhyme was instantly sad.

no answer.

Zhang Chen answered for her: "She won't listen to your explanation at all, she draws her sword and faces each other!"

"You used to be the person she chased and admired, but now you are the shame she is ashamed of and cannot be washed away."

He knew the sisters too well.

Although Xing Lingyun and Gong Wanwan are not biological sisters.

Both daughters grew up in orphanages.

Then at the same time, he was selected by the Demon Slayer.

Since then, he has become a ghost hunter.

But their relationship is much deeper than that of real sisters.

At least it is much better than the sisters Xia Ruyun and the wedding dress female ghost.

"I, what should I do?"

Xing Lingyun is a very assertive person.

But in this case.

She is bewildered.

Subconsciously pinned his hope on Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen didn't make a fool of himself either, "It's very simple, let her worship again, let her admire!"

"Let her understand that you are still the one in her eyes."

It sounds simple.

What should I do?

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