Of course Zhang Chen was already prepared.

at this time.

Zhang Chen's phone rang.

"Master, it has been confirmed that there is indeed a flight from Southeast Asia that has just landed at Jiangdong International Airport."

Koto City.

But Zhang Chen's headquarters.

Everywhere, inside and out.

But they are all his people!

Especially this time, he did so with little effort.

He reached out to many yamen.

How many people accept his favor?

It's too simple to do things.

"The tool man has arrived."

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard the news.


"Young Master, confirm once again that there is indeed a Chinese girl in the first-class cabin of this flight!"


All the people he was waiting for had arrived.


The branch building of the Jiangdong Demon Slayer Division.

conference room.

Gong Wanwan and Yang Baoguo didn't even know about it.

Their every move was monitored by Zhang Chen.

The two had just finished talking.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

"Come in."

Han Bai pushed the door open, but his face was extremely nervous and serious.

"You two inspectors! Just got the news!"

He swallowed.

"We found traces of evil cultivators in the Nether Palace!"

After Han Bai finished speaking, he paused.

Added another sentence!

"Yes, it's the three Netherworld overhauls!"


Today's second update.

Chapter 116


"Xiao Han, what did you just say?!"

Yang Baoguo stood up suddenly!

Just now there was a faint smile on his face.

Suddenly became serious.

The expression in his eyes was even more solemn.

Even Gong Wanwan is the same.

She only saw a flash in her eyes, and a murderous look flashed across her eyes.

"You two Inspectors, you are evil cultivators from the Nether Palace!

Han Bai was under the gaze and pressure of two overhaul-level inspectors.

Cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead.

But he still suppressed his tension and told the story again.

And also added a sentence.

"Just 10 minutes ago! Just the latest news!

This time.

Neither Yang Baoguo nor Gong Wanwan could calm down.


"How dare they appear in Jiangdong City?"

I don't know whether it was too unexpected or extraordinarily surprised.

Yang Baoguo even mumbled to himself: "Who gave them the courage?"

What kind of organization is the Netherworld.

As inspectors of the Demon Slayer Division, no one knows better than them.

It's just that I heard that the other party showed up in Jiangdong City.

Somewhat surprised.

After all, over the years, people from the Nether Palace occasionally show up.

He also did some nasty things.

But more is still pretty low-key.

are active in Southeast Asia.

Rarely will take the initiative to enter the Huaxia Kingdom.

Not to mention!

Or will the overhaul level powerhouse come in person?

"Uncle Yang, don't hesitate. If people from the Nether Palace really show up, they must not be allowed to cause chaos!"

Gong Wanwan's character is that kind of hot-blooded girl.

And jealous.

Hearing the news, the first reaction was murderous.

Yang Baoguo also nodded, "If the news is accurate, it really cannot be ignored!"

Both are aware of the seriousness of the problem.

So I looked towards Han Bai.

"Xiao Han, is the news accurate?"

Yang Baoguo asked, "The Nether Palace has always been secretive and low-key, and their whereabouts have always been unpredictable."

In other words.

It's not that the Demon Killing Division didn't want to take action against the Nether Palace all these years.

But they are very slippery.

Don't give it to the Demon Slayer driver at all.

And one is bright and the other is dark.

The strength of the Nether Palace is not inferior to that of Demon Slayer.

This has led to the stalemate between the two sides for so many years.

How could Han Bai fail to hear the meaning behind his words?

But he still nodded very definitely!

"You two Inspectors, the news is absolutely accurate!"

"Where did the news come from?"

As inspectors, both Yang Baoguo and Gong Wanwan have higher authority.

So some particularly important intelligence.

They must be the first to know before the people below.

However, just now Yang Baoguo checked the communication device on his body.

It was found that there was no movement at all.

This also means the news brought by Han Bai.

Not through the intelligence network of the Demon Slayer Division!

That's very deserving of consideration.

Han Bai hesitated for a moment, and then explained: "Young Master Zhang asked someone to tell you this important news!"

Zhang Chen!

Hear this answer.

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