Both Yang Baoguo and Gong Wanwan were surprised.

The latter asked directly: "Zhang Chen?"

"Yes, it was Young Master Zhang who asked us to tell us."

Han Bai didn't hide it either.

The relationship between the Jiangdong Demon Slayer Division and Zhang Chen.

Can't hide it from anyone.

And they don't think they are breaking the law.

"It turned out to be him?!"

Gong Wanwan's expression was strange, and Yang Baoguo knew who had disclosed the news to them.

Also interested.

He didn't think too much about it, and said directly: "Old Wei is still in retreat, so I'll go over once!"

"Xiao Han, you should immediately arrange people to investigate!"

"Be sure to confirm the accuracy of the message!"

"If it is confirmed that people from the Netherworld Mansion have indeed appeared in Jiangdong, girl Wan and I will definitely not stand by and watch!"

A few simple words.

Just arrange things.

Han Bai also knew the seriousness of the problem.

Immediately nodded, "Okay! I'll make arrangements now!"



Many secrets are secrets without knowing it.

But once that veil is lifted.

On the contrary, it will suddenly become clear.

The intelligence network of Demon Killing Division is very strong!

But the so-called being in the middle of the game was blinded by the fog of war.

In addition, the people in the Nether Palace are well aware of the style of the Demon Slayer.

On the contrary, it can conceal the motive of its whereabouts.

But Zhang Chen?

He is from an outsider's point of view.

Look at things from God's perspective.

So no matter how reasonable the arrangements are for the people in the Nether Palace.

Be quiet again.

He was also the first to discover their tracks.

no way.

A strong intelligence network is a factor.

Another reason.

All of this was intentional by Zhang Chen.

It was he who pushed behind it.

Every move in the Magic Slayer building.

He could hear everything clearly.

I don't care whether the other party doubts or doesn't believe it.

"I have done everything that needs to be done, and the next step is to watch a good show."

The news was indeed that he had someone disclose it to the Demon Slayer.

···Seeking flowers 0··

The purpose is also very simple.

"Two inspectors?"

Zhang Chen had a sinister smile on his face.

"Should it last for a while?"

He looked forward to it more and more.

To become the inspector of the Demon Slayer Division, the strength is naturally not low.

But inspectors are also divided into ranks and ranks.

Unless it is a few ninth-level inspectors from the imperial capital.


Zhang Chen already guessed that this time the people from the Nether Palace would teach the Demon Slayer a good lesson.

Everything was within his expectations.


Jiangdong International Airport.

This is the largest international airport on the southeast coast of China.

I don't know how many flights take off and land every day.

And a flight from Southeast Asia landed steadily.

Countless passengers got off the plane along the passage.

......... 0 ...

One of the first-class passages.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with a pretty face.

Fashionable, youthful and beautiful.

It is definitely a very eye-catching scenery.

Especially those straight and slender legs, uncanny workmanship.

Can't find any flaws at all.

"Miss, why bother?"

By the girl's side.

Followed by three people, an old man and two middle-aged people.

But they all seem to be quite respectful to the girls.

The old man couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

Who are they?

The dignified elder of the Nether Palace.

How dare you pretend to be an ordinary passenger, just like those ordinary people?

"Any comment on my arrangement?"

the girl asked with a smile.


The old man quickly shut his mouth.

Although he groaned in his heart, he didn't dare to show it on the surface.

Girls don't care about them either.

After picking up the checked luggage, she looked like a sister next door.

At the same time in the arrival hall of the airport.

Someone is already waiting.

"Miss, everything has been arranged."

The person who came to pick him up looked gentle, like an ordinary urban white-collar worker.

Sure enough, it was outside.

A Bentley and a Toyota Alfa were parked.

The girl went straight into the Bentley.

"Three elders, this way please."

The gentle young man who picked them up respectfully led the three of them to the Toyota Alpha.

Soon the two cars drove away.

From beginning to end, it didn't attract too many people's attention.

That is to say, there are a few young people.

Seeing that the girl is beautiful, I took a few more glances.


the third

There will be a fourth update tonight, I will see if I can write more later and then add the second update.

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