There is an extra sword, surrounded by cyan flames.

"Qinglian Demon Sword?!"

Scholar Bai Yu had a joking face at first, but when he saw the magic sword in Gong Wanwan's hand.

The sound has changed.


Let out a triumphant and excited laugh!

"Haha! Qinglian Demon Sword! I never thought I would be so lucky to encounter such a powerful magic weapon!"

Without further ado, just do it.

Gong Wanwan didn't talk nonsense.

Although the power of both sides is limited, the destructive power is equally astonishing!

However, the situation was very unfavorable for Gong Wanwan.

It's not that she can't beat Bai Yu Scholar.

It was because she saw two other figures with malicious intentions.

"Nanshan old demon!"

"Impermanence of blood!"

Seeing the other two, Gong Wanwan suddenly felt that she had come alone rashly this time.

Some impulsive.

Even if she has Qinglian Demon Sword to help out.

One person can deal with three Netherworld overhauls.

Is there a chance?

and so.

Gong Wanwan turned around and left.

Without any hesitation.

(Nuo's Zhao) "If I knew it earlier, I should have called Uncle Yang to come with me!"

Regret is useless.

Gong Wanwan is now thinking of leaving temporarily, and then find Yang Baoguo to join forces.

Make a comeback.

But Nanshan Old Demon and the others would not give her a chance.


"Kill her, and dedicate the Qinglian Demon Sword to the Palace Master!"

"Don't hurt her delicate body, the old man wants to make this little girl into a blood corpse, keep it by my side and enjoy it!"

With one against three, how could it be possible to win?

monitoring room.

Zhang Chen patted Xing Lingyun's little hand, signaling her not to worry.

"People don't know how to be grateful until they are most desperate."


Gong Wanwan has not reached the most desperate moment yet.

Therefore, the heat is not enough.

This little chili.

Knocking and knocking can make the taste better.

Xing Lingyun also understands this truth.

So although the look on his face was worried, he didn't object.

"I'll kill all three of them."

Look in the monitor.

His sister was hunted down.

Xing Lingyun's eyes became more and more murderous.


Today's first update

More than [-] words are updated every day, if there are more, more will definitely be more.

Chapter 120

Zhang Chen has always been clear.

System produced.

Must be a boutique.

The facts have proven this time and time again.

Like now.

Zhang Chen purchased the Xiexie Formation through the system and spent nearly [-] contribution points.

Thousands of Taoist symbols.

In the end, such an evil formation was arranged.

Is it only possible to suppress demons and evil cultivators?

of course not!

There are many people coming and going in the hotel.

No one noticed anything wrong.

Even they can come and go freely.

There are no restrictions.



There was a huge movement on a certain floor in the hotel, and countless people fled in swarms.

The scene seemed a bit chaotic.

Fortunately, the hotel seems to have been notified in advance.

Then send people to start evacuation and guidance.

Some people were evacuated from the hotel smoothly.

But many more were trapped inside.

"Hurry up and evacuate the people in the hotel!"

"What? There are hundreds of people trapped inside?"

"Quick! Keep trying!"

At this time, outside the five-star hotel, many people came.

Journalist, media.

There are also yamen such as the patrol room and the fire department.

After all, this is the urban area of ​​Jiangdong City, surrounded by financial and commercial centers.

When this incident happened, the tense faces of many people turned pale.

"This is the property of the Zhang family!"

"Young Master Zhang?"

Outside the hotel.

The deputy head of the patrol room led the team personally, and after knowing the identity of the owner behind the hotel in front of him.

That expression almost made me cry 907.

"At all costs, get the situation under control!"

The vice president catches the head with a serious expression.

He was so nervous not only because Zhang Chen was the son of the governor of Jiangdong City.

more importantly!

Zhang Chen is now a big celebrity in Jiangdong City!

As far as their patrol room is concerned, how many patrols regard Zhang Chen as a benefactor?

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Knowing that the hotel was owned by Zhang Chen, the following police officers volunteered one by one.

This is a good opportunity to repay your favor.

And that's what they do.

at this time.

There was an explosion in the hotel.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, because the sound didn't sound like an explosion.

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