Can take a closer look.

Somewhere on the upper floors of the hotel, one of the outer walls was directly seen being destroyed by some force.

Countless broken stones, glass, etc. fell quickly.

It directly caused the people nearby to start to retreat.

"This is not the way! Organize a commando and rush in to save people!"

The deputy head of the patrol room began to give orders.

But then a scene that surprised them happened before them.


Can't get in!

It's like being blocked out by a transparent and invisible glass wall.

It's obviously close at hand, but it just can't pass through.

"No, I can't get in at all!"

"What about the ladder? Try the ladder!"

"It doesn't work either! The top is also blocked by the things above!"

"Quick! Try another method! No matter what the method is, go in and save people!"

It was bustling outside.

Especially those ordinary people who watched the accident from afar.

Still have the mood to take out the phone to take pictures.

The so-called don't panic when you encounter problems.

Take out your phone, take a photo and send it to Moments.

This is what young people do today.

At the same time, on the Internet, the incident was also heated up.

Go directly to the hot search.

"That hotel belongs to Young Master Zhang!"

"What's the matter? Good people are not rewarded?"

"Such a caring and low-key kind person, God doesn't have eyes?"

"What the hell are the relevant yamen doing? So useless?"

In short, Zhang Chen gained a wave of fame before, and now it has attracted the attention of many people who eat melons.

Especially those who benefited from Zhang Chen's favor.

They even posted messages online.

Concerned about the development of the situation.

In the end, even the governor of Jiangdong City was alarmed.


Governor's Office of Jiangdong City.

Zhang Qingsheng is dealing with official business.

As the parent officer of Jiangdong City, he has been leaving early and returning late all these years.

Busy with various official duties every day.

And this time.

The secretary opened the door and came in.

"Lord governor, there is news from the patrol room."

As the governor's secretary, after hearing the news.

Come here for the first time.


"There seems to be something wrong with the young master."

Just now, Zhang Qingsheng, who was as stable as Mount Tai, did not change his face.

Immediately, his complexion changed drastically.

But he has cultivated a very deep city for so many years, and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

The secretary explained the matter briefly.

Zhang Qingsheng didn't make a sound.

Finally, he said: "Tell the police station and other government offices to put the masses first!"

"Master Governor?"

"Do as I say!"

The secretary nodded, "Okay, I'll go right away."

After the secretary leaves.

Only then did Zhang Qingsheng show a worried expression, and his hands trembled a little.

"This brat, he stays at home and school when he has nothing to do, he knows how to run around every day!"

He is the parent officer of Jiangdong City.

At this time, the public must not be abolished for personal reasons.

Even if the worry in his heart made his hands tremble, what should he do.

He has a steelyard in his heart!


Zhang Qingsheng made a call.

"Check! No matter who it is, it must be severely punished!"


There is a lot of activity outside the hotel.

But inside the hotel.

Zhang Chen lazily put his arms around Xing Lingyun.

"The effect is not bad."

People from outside can't enter the hotel now because of the effect of the evil-killing array.

Anyway, it is also produced by the system.

How could there be mistakes at this time?

Who is allowed to enter, who is not allowed to enter.

Zhang Chen has the final say.

By monitoring.

Zhang Chen had already seen a group of people coming outside.

It is the action team member of the Demon Killing Division.

"The speed is not too slow."

Such a big thing happened, and Magic Killer would definitely not be ignorant.

as predicted.

At this moment, Master Zhanmo got the news and came here immediately.

However, looking at the five-star hotel that was blocked in front of him.

Han Bai had a headache on his face, "I knew nothing good would happen."

Others have pretty much the same reaction.

"How long has it been, come again?"

"Has it happened frequently recently?"

Ordinary people don't know what happened in the hotel in front of them.

But they know!

The essential!

is in this place!

"Communicate with the patrol room, evacuate the crowd, and minimize the impact of the situation as much as possible!"

Han Bai started to make arrangements in an orderly manner.

He has now lost the demon to drive.

The strength is greatly reduced.

But some prestige over the years.

The people below are very face-saving.

"Master Inspector, what should we do now?"

After arranging evacuation and communication.

Han Bai came to Yang Baoguo.

Outsiders don't know, don't they know?

The accidents that happened in the hotel, seven out of ten, were caused by another inspector.

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