"He has long been out of the mortal body, and he is far behind the palace master!"

Did you get the wrong person?

how is this possible.

Zhang Chen had a playful smile on his face.

Watching the girl in front of her performing.

The girl was still working hard, "Little brother, I know I was wrong, so you can show kindness and let him go, okay?"

"Are you okay? Little brother~"

This sound!

And coquettish posture.

Ordinary people really can't bear it.

Zhang Chen couldn't bear it either.

So without further ado, he directly picked up the Lord of the Nether Palace.

Lord of the Nether Palace: "???"

and many more!

Isn't this different from what she imagined?

Don't all men in the world follow this routine?

Although it was the first time she tried to act like a baby to a man.

But I have never eaten pork and seen pigs running.

Don't those short video platforms teach like this?

"You! You let me down!"

"I'm warning you!"

"Put me down!"

"No, you, what do you want to do?"

"Don't come here! I'm really not the Lord of the Nether Palace!"

where is this place?

A five star hotel.

Although under the fighting between Gong Wanwan and the three evil cultivators from Nether Palace.

Many places are dilapidated.

But the presidential suite is still intact.

So Zhang Chen directly carried Palace Master Nether to the room where she lived before.


It was directly thrown into the room by Zhang Chen.

This time.

The Lord of the Nether Palace panicked!His face changed again and again, and he stepped back step by step.

She didn't expect that she would come to Jiang 910 East City all the way.

It turned out to be a trap.

My heart is full of regret now.


There is no regret medicine in the world to buy.

It is not enough to be caught by someone.

He was even coerced!

What would happen next, she had never thought of before coming!

Even though she was in a weak state during this time, her strength was far from her peak.

But it wasn't just anyone who could plot against her.

just now!

It's like dreaming.

The majestic master of the Nether Palace.

It was a terrifying existence that the Demon Slayer had not dared to provoke easily for many years.

It was handled by Zhang Chen.

What a shame!

What a shame!

The essential.

The Lord of the Nether Palace wants to cry but has no tears.

She can't beat Zhang Chen!

It's useless to resist!

"Give up, you can't beat me."

Lord of the Nether Palace: "..."

Mind broke.

She admitted that she had miscalculated, and that she had no means of countering it.

Now, let the man in front of him dispose of him.

What can she do?

Calling every day should not be called, calling the earth to be ineffective!

Want to resist?

Resistance is futile.

So in the end it was arranged by Zhang Chen clearly, like a dream.

Zhang Chen even won all three rounds!

Killed all directions, and finally ended this thrilling ranking with a super god record.

【Ding!The host successfully penetrated the tempered film of You Ruo, the master of the Nether Palace, and obtained 1 contribution points]



Are you up to something again?


first change

Today will add more, at least [-] words will be updated! .

Chapter 124

Actions are always more direct than words.

That's Zhang Chen's character.

Just do it!

Absolutely not sloppy.

According to him.

They've all become villains.

In everything, you have to look forward and backward, and be indecisive.

That's not kindness, it's stupidity!

As long as his own interests are not harmed, Zhang Chen will never care what others think.

like now.

Zhang Chen poured himself a glass of red wine.

It's not that he likes to drink such astringent wine.

The key point is that in the presidential suite, only a few bottles of red wine were found in good condition.

It doesn't matter what brand it is.

A glass of wine afterwards, suppressing the shock.

"It seems that the people in the hotel need to be more diverse."

"The preparations in the presidential suite are so monotonous."

Zhang Chen had seen the financial reports of many industries under his name before.

Just the five-star hotel where he is now.

In the past two years, although I did not say that I lost money, I made very little profit.

At the same time, according to the data in the financial statement.

Passenger flow is gradually decreasing.

what reason?

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