"Although I don't know how much money I can make, I can't raise a bunch of trash who are just waiting to die."

Zhang Chen smiled.

Fill the other wine glass with a third.

Pass it to the people around you.

You Ruo pulled the quilt with her hands, and saw the wine glass Zhang Chen handed over.

Don't mention how weird that look was.


Or resentment?

Or, both?

"Don't waste your energy trying, the time limit for this evil-killing formation is at least several hours."

Zhang Chen could clearly guess what You Ruo was thinking.

So he smiled, and just a few words made You Ruo feel the hope that had just been ignited.

Instantly shattered.

Then she took the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"That's right, there are many people who want to follow me."

Zhang Chen's tone was quite Versailles.

In fact, this is what he said more modestly.

Just Jiangdong City.

How many women want to follow Zhang Chen?

It can probably circle around the entire Jiangdong City?

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "The method you have tried for so long is really not very good."

"But I still want to thank you for the way you practice."

Unexpected joy.

For Zhang Chen.

This time it was indeed a surprise.

Originally, he took the initiative to contact people from the Nether Palace.

The purpose is to take down the Lord of the Nether Palace!

That is to say, the young girl in front of me, You Ruo!

But at first his plan was to attract the Lord of the Nether Palace to show up step by step.

Even planned to pay some price.


He was a little surprised that things went well.

"If it weren't for your special cultivation and ghost-controlling methods, it would be quite difficult to take you down with just one formation."¨"

Zhang Chen smiled.

The words were very direct, until You Ruo finally couldn't answer the patient questions.

"who are you?!"


Who is it?

She is the majestic ruler of the Nether Palace!

For so many years, the Demon Slayer and countless evil cultivators have respected him like a god and feared him.

It actually fell today!

And it was planted in the hands of an ordinary person?

Do not!

You Ruo looked deeply at the man in front of him.

If this is still an ordinary person, there will be no second ordinary person in the world.

"I am your man!"

The answer Zhang Chen gave was overbearing.

And without further ado, he directly pulled You Ruo to start the second round of the top of the canyon.

He wanted to let the Lord of the Nether Palace understand.

From now on, everything changes!

From now on, he, Zhang Chen, will be her everything!


You Ruo was stunned, it was too late to refuse.

more than an hour later.

Zhang Chen is ready to go, and has already changed his clothes.

beside him.

Standing a pure girl.

Looking a little shy.

However, who would have thought that such a harmless girl with a pure appearance.

Could it be the terrifying Lord of the Nether Palace in the rumors?

One that terrified countless evil cultivators in China and Southeast Asia.

The peerless devil that the Demon Slayer has not dared to provoke easily for many years?

can only say.

People can't be seen.

Sea water is immeasurable.

"Remember my words, from now on, you are my woman."

Zhang Chen hugged You Ruo's slender waist, his tone was unquestionable.

At the same time, he is not blindly conceited.

I think it's just based on playing the top of the canyon a few times together.

It can make the dignified Lord of the Nether Palace fall in love and obey.

and so.

Zhang Chen spent [-] contribution points in the system store and exchanged them for something.

From the outside.

Just a simple platinum necklace.

Zhang Chen personally put it on the snow-white neck of the Lord of the Nether Palace.

"Not bad, quite suitable."

Seeing his achievements, Zhang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

This platinum necklace can be worth [-] contribution points, naturally it cannot be simple.

Follow the explanation given by the system.

This is a heart lock chain!

There is only one effect.

A person who is put on a heart lock chain, unless he can jump out of the Three Realms, is not in the Five Elements.

Otherwise, once put on the heart lock chain, it will be impossible to resist the host at all.

In other words.

It started when Zhang Chen put the heart lock chain on the neck of the Lord of the Nether Palace.

He has completely mastered all of her.


When the heart lock chain is put on.

The Lord of the Nether Palace immediately felt a strange and inexplicable force entering her body.

Before she could react.

That feeling disappeared.

"What did you wear for me?!"

The Lord of the Nether Palace is not stupid, this man in front of her is more sinister than anyone she has ever seen!

Be more despicable and shameless!

It can even be said to be bold.

Otherwise, how could he have the guts to dig a trap and wait for her to deliver it to her door?

This is no longer audacity, but eating a bear's heart and a leopard's courage!

just now.

Would you just give her a gift?

Of course not!

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