So at this time, Gong Wanwan was even more at a loss.


Still a little happy.

Because of that moment.

She seemed to see that in her memory, the elder sister who was strict and gentle to her had returned to her side.

"Husband, can I take her back?"

After Xing Lingyun finished moving her hands.

It's like being liberated.

It was as if a door to a new world had opened before my eyes.

This feeling.

It's like being a parent for the first time, facing your own bear child.

No matter what they say, they are all making trouble.

One last bite!

Slap down.

The whole world is clean.

Obviously, Gong Wanwan is just a spoiled brat to Xing Lingyun.

"Of course, the door of the house is always open for her."

Zhang Chen nodded with a smile, very open-minded.


He is really open-minded.

Anyway, I live in a villa with many rooms.

No more.

The bed in the bedroom where he lives is also big enough to sleep on.

"Thank you husband."

The smile on Xing Lingyun's face is meaningful, how could she not know Zhang Chen's little thoughts?

But know and don't care at all.

Because Zhang Chen is an inseparable person to her, even more important than Gong Wanwan.

"You, what do you want to do?!"

Gong Wanwan suddenly came to her senses and wanted to resist.

What a pity she resisted?

Just like a few years ago, she was in front of her sister.

Never won once.

Every time they are cleaned up docilely.

And deep down, maybe this is what she always dreamed about too.

Anyway, he doesn't want to admit it with his mouth, but his body is as honest as ever.


"How long?"

"It's been almost five hours!"

Outside the hotel.

The Department of Killing Demons, the Patrol Office and other Yamen in Jiangdong City are still looking forward to it.

Just as time goes by.

The expressions on their faces became more and more tense.

Getting restless.

"Too long! No news at all?"

"No way, we have tried various means, but there is no way to get in."

Han Bai was so anxious!

After such a long time, even if the fishing boat can be controlled.

Keep things down.

But what he's most worried about now is what's going on inside.

"The two inspectors are inside, so there should be no problem, right?"

Another Demon Slayer Division member said with a wry smile.

But who can guarantee it?

Han Bai couldn't guarantee it either.

"At this critical moment, the director is retreating!"

It's not just that he's nervous.

The chief arrester of the patrol room was present in person.

After he came, he revealed a piece of news.

"My lord governor, tell me to save the people trapped inside at all costs!"

Are the people present stupid?

Of course they can hear the subtext!

Isn't the son of the governor's family the trapped people?

This is clearly to make them desperate!

Go in and save people!

But they can't do it.

Just as a group of people were like ants on a hot pot, restless back and forth.

Some people have proposed to adopt more dangerous means when trying to enter.


Things have turned around!


"The invisible wall just now disappeared!"

Someone exclaimed!

It was not long before seeing several attempted arresters suddenly fall down.

The invisible wall blocking them suddenly disappeared.


Others get the message.

Han Bai made a decisive decision and directly prevented ordinary people from rushing in.

"Don't act rashly, the level of danger inside is beyond your ability to handle!"

After speaking, he directly arranged for the manpower of the Demon Slayer, ready to go in and have a look.


Han Bai personally led a dozen people into the hotel.

What caught the eye was a mess!

One can imagine what happened before.

This made his heart sink!

The key is to see a lot of dead bodies.

"No accident!"

Han Bai prayed in his heart, and then he saw that not far away was safe.

Several figures were sitting in the rest area of ​​the original hotel lobby.

"Master Zhang?!"

When he saw one of the figures, a look of joy appeared on his face.

hurried forward.

At the same time, it was also discovered that other than Zhang Chen.

There are others.

"Master Inspector!"

When Han Bai saw Gong Wanwan, he immediately saluted.

Then he also noticed that there were two women beside Zhang Chen.

He had seen one of them before and knew it was Zhang Chen's woman.

And another woman.

After seeing the other person's appearance clearly.

Han Bai's expression changed suddenly, and he became vigilant.

"I'll leave the aftermath to your Demon Slayer Division."

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