Without waiting for Han Bai to make a sound, Zhang Chen spoke directly.

At the same time, he pointed to several corpses not far away.

Han Bai had a strange expression on his face.

But he didn't dare to ask more.

Come to those corpses.

Everyone is stupid!

One of the corpses, he will not admit it wrong!

It was another inspector!

Yang Baoguo!

When he saw that even inspectors like Yang Baoguo died here.

At that moment, to be honest, there were mixed feelings.

But soon he saw three other corpses and compared the information in his mind.

Immediately exclaimed!

"Nanshan old demon?"

"Is this blood impermanence? And Bai Yu Scholar?!"

Three well-known evil cultivators of the Nether Palace.

They are all dead?

If this gets out, it will definitely cause turmoil in the entire Huaxia Kingdom and even Southeast Asia...

"These are three veteran cultivators of evil ways! They just died like this?"

Look at the three corpses on the ground.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like someone was easily beheaded with a sword.

Han Bai really couldn't think of how strong he was to achieve this step?

"Properly dispose of the corpses!"

He ordered the team members under the Demon Slayer Division to deal with the corpse quickly.

Han Bai looked up and found that Zhang Chen and the girls had disappeared.

"Could it be that Young Master Zhang took action again to solve these three evil Dao repairs?"

Han Bai was terrified in his heart, and after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is the only way to explain it.

Three evil overhauls have come to the Netherworld!

And there are only two inspectors on the side of the Demon Slayer Division.

Now one is dead!

Judging from common sense, it is unlikely that the two inspectors of the Demon Slayer Division beheaded and killed the three Nanshan old demons.

the only explanation.

There is only one.

Zhang Chen made a move here.

Reminiscent of the identity of the person next to Zhang Chen.

"But the other girl..."

People from the Nether Palace appeared in Jiangdong City before.

After they investigated, they found that it was four people!

Nanshan old demon, blood impermanence and Baiyu scholar are outside the overhaul of evil ways.

There is another girl with a mysterious identity.

After investigating for a long time, they only found out that the other party was a Chinese in Southeast Asia.

No other information can be found.

Now I see the other party staying beside Zhang Chen safely.

Can't help but make people think carefully.

"Team Han, isn't that girl next to Zhang Shan just now..."

Sure enough, apart from Han Bai, other members of the Demon Slayer Division also discovered this.

One of them couldn't help but speak.

But he was immediately stopped by Han Bai's eyes.

"The demons in the Nether Palace have all been punished! Just follow this report!"

What the truth is is not 0.2 important.

The important thing is.

Who dares to provoke Zhang Chen?

Han Bai is a smart person, so he settled the matter with one sentence.

Others reacted too.

They nodded.

Afterwards, the aftermath was handled quickly.

The whole incident did not cause much disturbance.

No one would have thought that Zhang Chen was the one who promoted it.

The purpose is to successfully capture the Lord of the Nether Palace.

And the Demon Slayer here.

The news was sent back to the headquarters of the imperial capital.

It is to make many of them change their faces one after another.

An Inspector is dead!

He is also an inspector with the strength of a level 8 judge.

This kind of loss is also counted on the head of the Nether Palace.

Zhang Chen?

What does it have to do with him, Mr. Zhang?

He is a victim!

What a five-star hotel, it's almost in ruins now!

Demon Slayer is still having a headache on how to explain to the Zhang family.

How much compensation should be given is better.



Thanks to book friend 'Nan Xiaojing' for rewarding 588 points.

Chapter 128

"Recently, it's not peaceful."

Zhang Chen expressed his feelings.

Not ashamed at all, but proud.

Only when the world becomes more and more chaotic, will his life become more and more moist.

After leaving the hotel.

Palace Master Nether secretly tried several times.


Her powers are back!

Although not yet back to peak form.

But at least it has returned to level 8 overhaul.

And it will soon return to the level 9 overhaul realm.

Wait for that time.

She believed she could find a way out.

Do not!

Not only can she get away, but she also wants to ruthlessly fix this despicable and shameless man in front of her!

How dare you do such and such a thing to her!

Think of those images.

Palace Master Nether's pretty face couldn't help turning red, and he secretly spat.

But did not expect.

As soon as this idea came into being, Zhang Chen was looking at her with meaningful eyes.

"You, what are you doing looking at me like that?"

The Lord of the Nether Palace became nervous.

She hid her anger and killing intent very well.

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