On the surface, she looks soft and weak with a smile on her face.

As if he had really accepted his fate.

In fact, I have already made up my mind!

Killed 23 women around Zhang Chen, and then broke Zhang Chen's limbs.

Bring him straight back to Southeast Asia.

Wait for that time.

She will use her own means to imprison this man by her side.

Killing is definitely not willing to kill.

One day husband and one hundred days of grace.

It is true that the Lord of the Nether Palace is a cruel and merciless person.

But at the same time, he also found that he was reluctant to kill Zhang Chen.

Finally, I thought about it for a long time.

This decision was made.

Can Zhang Chen not know that the Lord of the Nether Palace is definitely not such an easy woman to conquer?

He knows too much.

"If you don't sit in charge, the evil spirits in the Nether Palace will soon lose control."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

I heard that Zhang Chen said something out of nowhere.

The Lord of the Nether Palace didn't react for a while.

And from the beginning to the end, she never admitted that she was the Lord of the Nether Palace.

Even if Zhang Chen believed it, she would not admit it.

what reason.

The Lord of the Nether Palace couldn't figure it out himself.

I always feel that in front of Zhang Chen, she doesn't like to show others as the master of the Nether Palace.

"How many blood crystals have you collected in your hand now?"

I heard Zhang Chen mention the blood crystal.

The expression of the Lord of the Nether Palace changed, but he was soon relieved.

It's no secret after all.

In the past few years, in order to find blood crystals, she asked the group of evil cultivators from the Nether Palace to search for clues all over China.

Can we still count on those evil cultivators to be loyal and keep it secret?

If it weren't for fear and fear.

It is impossible for any evil cultivator to bow his head and obey orders.

"I have collected some, but it is very hopeless to find all the blood crystals."

The Lord of the Nether Palace also became serious when he talked about this matter.

After all, it was one of her long-planned plans.

It's just that the difficulty can be imagined.

"There are a total of one hundred and eight blood crystals."

Zhang Chen spread out his hands as he spoke, and in his palm were the five blood spar that he had snatched from the people of the Nether Palace back then.

Seeing that Zhang Chen also had blood crystals in his hands, Palace Master Nether obviously misunderstood.

Her expression changed, and then she hesitated, "Why do you know these secrets?"

One hundred and eight blood crystals!

Even the Lord of the Nether Palace doesn't know this secret.

She only knew about the death of the nightmarish corpse king.

The strength and blood of the whole body turned into countless blood spar scattered all over the place.

these years.

She has been searched for for a long time, and only a few dozen have been found so far.

Still haven't figured out how to revive the Nightmare-level Corpse King back then.

"I naturally have my news channels."

Zhang Chen smiled faintly, and the smile seemed a little unfathomable.

How did he know?

Because the settings are from his hands.

Of course he knows!

But this secret, he won't tell.

Although the Lord of the Nether Palace had many doubts in his heart, he still seemed to have made a choice in the end.

"I can give you all those blood crystals!"

Abandon the car to save handsome?

As a well-known peerless big devil.

You Ruo wisely decided to use this as an exchange condition in exchange for freedom.

A majestic generation of demons, an extremely powerful evil cultivator!

above all others.

How could Zhang Chen be willing to be raised by Zhang Chen's side like a canary?

who thought.

Just finished.

Without waiting for You Ruo to put forward conditions, Zhang Chen casually threw the five blood crystals to her.

"what do you mean?"

Looking at the five blood crystals in his hand, You Ruo's eyes flickered.

These things are an opportunity for her.

Can be met but not sought!

After all, evil cultivators are also ghost slayers!

If you can resurrect a nightmare corpse king, then enslave him.

It will have a very significant improvement in its own strength.

Not to mention.

You Ruo has controlled the Nether Palace for these years.

After investigating many ancient documents, I accidentally found a fragment of an unknown age.

An extremely evil method is recorded on it.

The ability to forcefully take away the power of demons.

these years.

It was through that method that You Ruo's strength was terribly improved.

He even created the Netherworld, which became the insurmountable mountain in the hearts of all evil cultivators.

"You want to resurrect that nightmare-level corpse king, and then take away its power through secret methods, right?"

Zhang Chen said lightly.

Let You Ruo's expression change again.

She didn't know why the man in front of her knew her so well?

Everywhere, inside and out.

There are many secrets that no one else will know except for herself.

But Zhang Chen can say it in front of her without blush on 910's face.

That feeling of being seen through.

Make her flustered.

"You don't need to deny it, I know your secret very well."

Zhang Chen continued, "Otherwise, I won't take advantage of your weakest stage to get you."

"Originally, you didn't take the initiative to throw yourself into the trap. After you recover your strength after a while, it will really cost a lot to deal with you."

"But it's a pity that you still couldn't resist the temptation of the Ghost King appearing in Jiangdong City, and came here in person."


Zhang Chen was not fully sure at first.

But the result made him very satisfied.

heard here.

Feeling tight in the chest.

"So, I delivered it myself?"

"If you throw yourself into your arms, is it possible that I still want to reject you cruelly?"

Zhang Chen smiled, "I can give you a chance to find all the blood crystals, and then resurrect the nightmare corpse king."

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