"I can even save you from having to endure the backlash of demonic energy and the pain of falling in strength."

If all the sweet words and gifts of magic weapons were just appetizers.

Then the impact of Zhang Chen's last sentence.

Only then did You Ruo shake directly.

"You, can you solve it?"


Today's sixth update!

Ask for flowers!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for an evaluation ticket!Ask for anything~.

Chapter 129

It can be heard that the impact is really too great.

It made You Ruo's tone and voice start to tremble a little.

How many years!

She has been trying to resolve that backlash.

But still can't find a way.

to this end.

You Ruo can only create an image of a high-ranking, dragon who sees the head but does not see the end.

Only at the critical moment will he show up!

And every time, the real body will not be revealed.

Only in this way can those evil cultivators in the Nether Palace respect them like gods.

At the same time, kill chickens to warn monkeys and establish their own prestige.

Why so much trouble?

Just because her strength is unstable!

Clearly above level 9 powerhouses!

Even Yan Luo, the tenth hall of the Demon Slayer Division, requires the cooperation of four or five people.

In order to compete with her.

But every once in a while, she will usher in weakness.

And this weakness will last for a long time.

at this stage.

Strength cuts down to something equivalent between 8th and 9th rank.


Do not!

Still going strong!

But not enough!

Once known to be the master of the majestic Nether Palace.

There is still this weakness.

There is no need to wait for Magic Slayer to act.

Among the group of elders in Guangyou Nether Palace, more than [-]% of them will turn against each other.

You Ruo understands Xie Xiu too well.

She herself will not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Why do you want to hide your identity this time and come to Jiangdong City from Southeast Asia?

"If you want to restore your strength immediately, you need to devour and refine ghost king-level monsters in a weak state."

Zhang Chen had a half-smile, piercing through the psychological defense of the ruler of the Nether Palace in front of him with every sentence.

"If you can't find a ghost king-level monster to devour for you, you need to survive half a year of weakness."

"During the six months, your strength will gradually decrease."

"From above level 9, down to level 9!"

"Then drop to level 8!"

"Finally fell below level 7!"

Every sentence directly points to the deepest fear in You Ruo's heart.

Over the years, she tried to keep her secret from being discovered.

She even personally killed the subordinates who had followed her for many years.

Even once as close as sisters, she was killed without hesitation.

Just to let no one in the world know this secret.

just now.

But it was known!

"You, what do you want?"

His biggest secret and weakness were taken advantage of.

You Ruo was completely flustered.

In fact, she had discovered doubts before, but she was not sure.

I didn't dare to ask for proof.

And Zhang Chen, put this fig leaf.

It was completely torn apart.

"I want you, regardless of body and mind."

Zhang Chen's answer was straightforward, but You Ruo didn't believe it.



The vast majority of men in the world are lustful.

But she doesn't believe that someone like Zhang Chen has status and background.

A handsome man with such power and strength.

She would go to great lengths for a mere female sex.

It can only be said that Youruo doesn't understand men, at least she doesn't understand Zhang Chen.

"You don't believe '¨?"

Zhang Chen asked with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, you just need to know!"

"I can fix your greatest weakness!"

"It can't be cured, but it can temporarily relieve your weakness!"

You Ruo, or the weakness of Palace Master Nether.

To put it simply, it is actually a deviation in cultivation.

It can also be said that the sword is going astray and going astray.

Improve yourself by devouring demons, and the stronger your strength, the greater the backlash!

Now it's just a backlash of demonic energy, and it will fall into a period of weakness after a period of time.

Wait until you continue to practice.

Once the backlash erupts at that time, it will even directly overwhelm the Lord of the Nether Palace with the devilish energy.

Wait for the last moment.

There will be an extremely terrifying, destructive evil monster in the world!

That is to say, the Lord of the Nether Palace was finally turned into a monster by the evil spirit.

In the original plot.

Such is the fate of the Lord of the Nether Palace.

A majestic generation of female owls, but the ending is extremely tragic.

You Ruo really doesn't believe that Zhang Chen can solve her biggest weakness.

It should be said to be dubious.

Zhang Chen didn't talk nonsense, "You should have felt it by now."


You Ruo was a little lost in thought, but gradually.

Found a clue.

Since leaving the range of the hotel killing evil array.

Her strength is returning.

However, she is in a weak period after all, and she wants to completely restore her strength to its full strength.

It will take at least a few months.

But now it's less than an hour.

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