"It's close to the level 9 peak overhaul realm?"

Feel the surging magic energy in the body.

You Ruo was stunned!

This level!

Although it is still not as good as it was in its heyday, this recovery speed.

Simply incredible.

"how did you do that?"

Strength is recovering, You Ruo has never been so excited and excited like now.

He even forgot the entangled special relationship with Zhang Chen.

He directly hugged Zhang Chen's neck.

He went up and kissed him hard.

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

How to do it?

That's not easy!

He lowered his head and leaned close to the girl's ear.

He breathed lightly, "Have you forgotten the happy time of our double row game so quickly?"

In a word.

It directly made the majestic master of the Nether Palace blush with embarrassment!

Shy and angry, he spat out reproachfully.

I don't want to believe it, but I'm very curious at the same time.

"Are you serious?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

Zhang Chen's answer made You Ruo a little confused.

Her feelings towards Zhang Chen were complicated.

Now you know how to work around your greatest weakness.

It turned out to be...

She thought that from now on, she would need to use this method to resolve her period of weakness.

I couldn't help but feel powerless.

"This soul is light! It's clear that I want to take advantage of my mother!"


"Aside from being taken advantage of by him, it seems that there is no other loss?"

So women's minds are very complicated.

It is impossible to guess at all.

like now.

You Ruo's emotions in just a few seconds.

Turn around.

Finally I convinced myself.


Zhang Chen admitted that he was just fooling around.

It's okay to say he's insidious.

Despicable worth mentioning.

As a villain, it is common sense to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.

So he doesn't feel any guilt.


In a way, he wasn't lying either.

You Ruo has suffered from the backlash of demon energy for many years, and the fundamental reason is that she has devoured too many demons.

Demons are the product of the birth of the cold air in the world.

Devouring demons as a living person, how could the consequences be good?

Didn't you see that many ghost hunters died early?

Unless you practice to the 7th level of overhaul, and then supplemented with some medicinal pills for conditioning.

Otherwise, Daxiu will also suffer from the backlash of demon energy.

In theory, level 7 overhaul has a lifespan of 150 years.

However, there are still a few overhauls that actually reach the end of life at the age of 150.

Isn't the solution simple?

Yin and Yang conditioning!

"¨々 After all, it is a technique of the plane of cultivating immortals, and there is no difficulty in dealing with the cold air of the terrifying recovery plane."

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

The Yin-Yang Jue of Absolute Beginning that he practiced was originally the Jue of Dual Cultivation of the Immortal Plane!

What is important is that solitary yin does not grow, and solitary yang does not grow.

The regulation of yin and yang is the way to ascend in the daytime, cultivate immortals and become gods.


Zhang Chen is still the Pure Yang Saint Physique.

It seems to be tailor-made for practicing Yin-Yang Jue in the Beginning.

"What practitioners of Yin-Yang Jue in the early days lack is a woman with a pure Yin body to cooperate with them in practicing."

"It's a pity that it is too difficult to find a woman with this physique in the Horror Recovery Plane."

"However, to a certain extent, monsters and evil cultivators are people with a strong sense of coldness."

"So it can barely be used as a cultivation furnace."

This is why Zhang Chen dared to deceive and deceive with rhetoric.

He wasn't afraid of the lie being exposed at all.

Zhang Chen even took the initiative to admit that he was lying.

The beautiful Palace Master of the Nether Palace will not believe it now.

After all, facts (Northwell) speak louder than words, don't they?

And You Ruo did not stay in Jiangdong City under Zhang Chen's signal.

Netherworld needs her to control and sit in command!

At the same time, searching for the whereabouts of other blood spar also requires the hands of the Nether Palace.

With the heart lock chain and You Ruo wanting to maintain her strength, she will not drop.

It is impossible to leave Zhang Chen's side.


It will be the master of the biggest villain force in the second main line.

Included in the bag.

"Speaking of which, the last one of the one hundred and eight blood crystals is supposed to be Xiao Han's heart, right?"

Zhang Chen calculated the time.

It's time for Xiao Han, the son of luck, to return to Jiangdong.


On a national road leading to Jiangdong City.

A bus was driving steadily on it.

Inside the bus.

Last corner.

A young man is sitting.

He looked a little dusty, and his clothes seemed to have not been changed for a long time.

The other people sitting next to him couldn't help but show disgusted expressions.

This person is Xiao Han.

There was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Obviously during this period of time, the harvest is not small!


Today's seventh post is updated

Chapter 123 was closed in the afternoon, and now the modification has been released

Thanks to book friend 'Nan Ke' for rewarding 100 points.

Chapter 130

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