Completely from scratch.

So to deal with Ye Fan, the first son of luck, you need to be careful step by step.

Now for a joke.

He can float a little bit.

of course.

Just kidding.

Zhang Chen is very clear about dealing with the son of luck, unless he is killed completely.

Otherwise, it cannot be taken lightly.

"Everything that should be prepared is almost complete, and the net will be collected later."

At the same time, Zhang Chen actually found out.

Where I live now.

It seems a little crowded.

"Why didn't you find it before?"

Zhang Chen had a strange expression on his face.

Where he lives now, every inch of land is expensive.

An ordinary person with a net worth of over [-] million is not qualified to own a villa in such a place.

After all, a random set of villas is worth hundreds of millions.

But Zhang Chen found that the place was still a bit small.

"It seems that we need to find a new house."

Villas of five or six hundred square meters are indeed crowded now.

no way.

Who made Zhang Chen more efficient.

Many people live in the house now.

If this continues, the room is not enough to allocate.

And this time.

He also saw it in the living room.

In a rather quiet and eerie atmosphere.

Take a closer look.

Can't help but laugh.


Seeing Zhang Chen, the ghost in the wedding dress rushed up to meet him.

Therefore, the ancient traditional virtues cannot be lost.

Simply delightful.

It's nothing for the husband from the small country next door to kneel at the door to greet him.

Aren't they all from Huaxia Guoxue?

"Brother Chen, this sister is a bit scary."

Ye Yiyi also stuck out her sweet tongue at Zhang Chen.

See Zhang Chen coming over.

The girls in the living room turned their eyes to him one after another.

Now Zhang Chen dismissed a group of maids and servants who were originally in the villa.

no way.

A group of demons and ghosts live in the house.

Those ordinary people can't even notice it for a day or two.

After a long time, he must die suddenly.

"What did you say?!"

When Gong Wanwan heard about Ye Yiyi, she actually called her scary?

Immediately out of breath!

She felt wronged and aggrieved!

He was forcibly brought back by Zhang Chen and Xing Lingyun.

I wanted to take this opportunity to get to the bottom of who Zhang Chen really was.

did not expect!

Once back at the villa.

Gong Wanwan was dumbfounded.

Almost no doubt about life.

"When did your taste change?"

Xia Ruyun is still the same, wearing various cheongsams every day.

I don't know how many sets she has hidden in her closet.

Anyway so far.

Zhang Chen hasn't seen the same thing yet.

But the same thing.

All very attractive!

"Husband, like, that kind?"

The female ghost in the wedding dress tilted her head, showing a puzzled expression.

Then he looked towards Gong Wanwan.

It seems to want to see clearly, and then understand Zhang Chen's preferences.

Even Ye Yiyi's cheeks were flushed.

Also hiding behind Zhang Chen, poking out half of his head to look at the beautiful new sister.

This time.

Instead, Gong Wanwan was full of anger and had nowhere to vent.

The wedding gown ghost and Ye Yiyi are too cute.

That kind of soft and cute look.

Even if she didn't admit it, she still didn't have the strong hostility in her heart when they first met.

"Zhang Chen! Are you crazy?!"

But in momentum.

Can't lose!

Gong Wanwan became aggressive, "It's not enough for you to have my sister, but you still have other monsters at home?"

Just got back to the villa.

···Seeking flowers 0··

She was stunned!

That's all for my own sister.

It's not acceptable on the surface, but the heart has long been loose.

And it reminds me of the fact that the Jiangdong branch of the Devil Slayer Division mentioned that Zhang Chen is also a ghost slayer.

At the same time, he controlled a terrifying ghost king.

Just let Gong Wanwan make up her own mind.

It is believed that the ghost king they are talking about is her sister Xing Lingyun!

So after having this kind of guess, half push and half go.

was brought back.

Anyway, there is a step!

Although my sister degenerated into a monster, but now she is back on the right track!

She must follow closely by her side to prevent her sister from going astray again.

Who would have thought!

A scene in the villa.

Completely subverted her three views.

Ghost King!

All ghost kings!

And more than one!

At that time, Gong Wanwan's vision almost went dark, and she passed out directly.

"Jiangdong branch still says you are a ghost controller?"

"I now seriously doubt whether you have been confused by these evil women!"


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