No wonder she reacted so badly.

These women in front of me.

Or charming and moving, or pure and beautiful.

There is also a gentle like a lady in ancient times.

Count her sister Xing Lingyun.

These are four monsters!

Gong Wanwan's first reaction was that Zhang Chen might be a ghost slayer.

But now he has been backlashed by his own monsters!

Turned into a puppet!

"These two women are all ghosts at the ghost king level! And she!"

Gong Wanwan pointed to Ye Yiyi who was hiding behind Zhang Chen.

Taking a deep breath, "Why does she have two auras of a demon and a human?"


Zhang Chen waited for Gong Wanwan to finish speaking in one breath.

Finally, he said calmly, "I think it's for Yun'er's sake."

"There's a room reserved for you."

When these words came out, the eyes of the women around me were extremely subtle.

Even Ye Yiyi, a little girl, couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Obviously guessed what Zhang Chen was thinking.

"Zhang Chen, even if you are a ghost controller, it is impossible to have enough yang energy and blood energy to support you!"

Gong Wanwan didn't know why she was so excited.

"You will die!"

This time.

Zhang Chen didn't make a sound.

Xia Ruyun finally couldn't bear it and laughed.

"Little sister, it seems that you really don't know our husband's skills."

Even the ghost in the wedding dress is nodding, "No, yes, little, look, my husband!"

Good guy, every word and every word is indeed the style of a ghost in a wedding dress.

Ye Yiyi just blushed, she was still not as relaxed as her sisters.

The scene in front of you.

Gong Wanwan immediately became confused.

why are you laughing?

Did she say something wrong?

There are three horror-level ghost kings around him.

There is another ghost king who is about to enter the horror level.

Is there really anyone in the world who can hold on?


Chapter 9! ! !

It's crazy!two.

Chapter 132

"You monsters!"

Gong Wanwan didn't believe that Zhang Chen did it voluntarily.

"Zhang Chen, don't be fooled by their gorgeous appearance!"

"A monster is a monster. No matter how beautiful their appearance is, they can't hide the darkness and evil in their hearts!"

It seems to have found a reason for himself.

It also strengthened its confidence.

Gong Wanwan spoke more and more righteously.

However, as she talked, she found that the atmosphere was still not right.

In front of her eyes were a few witches who she regarded as evil and dark.

Why are you looking at her with caring eyes?

Even the girl who seemed the least timid and weakest.

He even responded with a look of sympathy and concern?

The most critical point.

Gong Wanwan noticed that even her sister was shaking her head angrily and amusedly.

That look.

As if she herself was a clown.

Over there alive and kicking, singing a one-man show.

"What, what's going on?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Am I wrong?"

"Zhang Chen, they are monsters, right?"

At the end.

Even Gong Wanwan's own voice became lower and lower.

After speaking, he pinched the corner of his clothes and became a little at a loss.

After all, it is in the living room of the villa at the moment.

She was the only one who yelled.

Then Zhang Chen and the women around him looked at her with great concern.

this scene.

It made her cheeks feel hot and flushed.

In the end, Zhang Chen spoke.

"Yes, they are all demons."

"then you?"

Zhang Chen saw Gong Wanwan's surprised and puzzled eyes.

Without explaining, he beckoned, "Ru Yan, come here."

The wedding dress female ghost came behind Zhang Chen very obediently.

There is no need for Zhang Chen to speak at all.

She began to squeeze Zhang Chen's shoulders, her movements were gentle and her attitude was submissive.

It directly made Gong Wanwan look stupid.

"How, how is this possible?"

"She! Isn't she the ghost king?"

The terrifying ghost king actually squeezed the shoulders of a living person?

It seems that the movements are skillful and the attitude is natural.

Obviously not cramming, but doing it countless times.

Practice makes perfect.

"Yes, she is indeed the ghost king."

Zhang Chen said with a smile, "Ru Yan, some people doubt your strength."

The voice just fell.

The terrifying aura of the wedding dress female ghost instantly enveloped the entire living room.

The existence of ghost king level.

Even if you don't move your hands, just release your breath.

It is enough to turn hundreds of meters around into ghosts.

In other words, Zhang Chen had already left a lot of Dao talismans around his residence.

Otherwise, I would raise so many ghost kings at home every day.

The entire villa area has long been eerie, and no one survived.

that's it.

Gong Wanwan had nothing to say.

"This breath! It is indeed a horror-level ghost king!"

After she confirmed it, it was even more incredible.

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