That little face is full of curiosity and confusion.

"What? Have you ever seen a ghost king serve someone?"

Zhang Chen didn't even speak.

Xia Ruyun already gave a full smile.

Compared with her sister's wedding dress female ghost.

Xia Ruyun is much more active and forceful.

Without waiting for Zhang Chen's order, he came to Zhang Chen in person.

Then he knelt and sat there, helping Zhang Chen knock his legs.

At the same time, she smiled and said: "Little sister, sister, I am also the king of ghosts!"

It's the same as the female ghost who just got married.

Even in Zhang Chen's opinion.

Xia Ruyun did it on purpose!

Obviously he was jealous of his sister, but he was very smart to show it in this way.

An extremely strong demonic energy also enveloped the villa.

Two breaths of ghost king.

Gong Wanwan: "..."

Ye Yiyi blushed, "I, I am not the ghost king, but I will definitely become the ghost king in the future to help Brother Chen!"

No one doubts that.

At the same time, it is not important anymore.

Because this time.

A hot-blooded and righteous girl.

Has completely doubted life.

It seems that the outlook on life established in the past 20 years has been completely broken.

"You, you..."

Gong Wanwan looked at such an incredible scene.

There was no way in her mind to accept this fact in a short time.

Ghost King!

Serving people?

She admitted that Zhang Chen was handsome.


And the family background is all over the sky.

But that's from a normal person's point of view, that's why!

Do demons value family background?

Will he also be captured by his handsome appearance?

This simply overturned her three perceptions.

"Brother Wei, they should have mentioned me to you."

Zhang Chen is enjoying everything now.

This is the day a man dreams of.

Unfortunately, most people can't do it.

Day of the villains.

You should follow your own desires and heart.

"You can think of me as a ghost slayer, and they are all demons I control."

Zhang Chen said lightly.

In this regard.

Neither Xing Lingyun nor Xia Ruyun raised any objections.

Even looking at Zhang Chen's gaze was full of tenderness.

Don't they know how to maintain the relationship between the ghost slayer and the demon?

Absolutely unimaginable!

But Zhang Chen didn't!

Zhang Chen never forced them.

Ranking at the top of the canyon does not count.

"Similarly, if you don't believe me, you can also regard me as a dude who only knows how to eat, drink and play."

There are still very few people in the world who are so calm and self-deprecating.

But Zhang Chen didn't care.

Because this is the truth.

Who wants to be a social animal when he can be a playboy?

If you can eat, drink and have fun, you can also have countless money and power.

Who would want to get up early and stay late, and spend a living with a smiling face outside?

Zhang Chen beckoned...

Xing Lingyun gave him a blank look.

But in the end he got up and sat down beside Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen stretched out his arms and smiled at the same time: "Of course, I still have an identity."

"It's your brother-in-law."

The words came out.

Gong Wanwan woke up suddenly, subconsciously angrily said: "I don't admit it!"

"I need you to admit?"

Zhang Chen sneered, "I don't need to ask for your opinion, but tell you the result."

"Admit it or not, your sister is mine, but you?"

With a sneer, Zhang Chen's eyes lost the carefree look just now.

Instead, there was a frightening coldness.

"If it weren't for Yuner's sake, do you think I would waste my time saving you?"

In a word!

What Gong Wanwan said was rendered speechless.

In the end, she gritted her silver teeth lightly, "When did you save me?"

"Without me, do you think Yun'er would make a move?"

"If I hadn't said it, Yun'er would still miss you as a sister, but there is no balance between humans and demons, isn't it?"

What words hit people the hardest?

Untouched, put his own words.

Return it back without change.

as predicted.

Gong Wanwan was finally stunned and had nothing to say.

"In my eyes, you are a little white-eyed wolf."

Zhang Chen spoke mercilessly.

He continued, "You know better than anyone how your sister treats you."

"and then?"

"Just because your sister turned into a monster, and then you want people to be equal to each other?"

Gong Wanwan held her head stubbornly, "Isn't it?"


Zhang Chen scolded bluntly: "White-eyed wolf!"

"Humans and devils are incompatible, so you saw someone coming to save you?"

"In your eyes, the Demon Slayer who represents justice has come to 0.2?"

"I remember that there are many masters in the Demon Slayer Division, and there are still nine in the Ten Temple Yama?"

"What about people?"

Gong Wanwan continued to be stubborn: "Yan Luo needs to sit in an important place! Can't leave easily!"

"It's good that you can't leave easily. You are not only a white-eyed wolf, but also a brainless white-eyed wolf."


"Leaving aside the Yan Luo level, those inspectors with the strength of a 9th-level judge in the Demon Slayer Division can't leave, right?"

this time.

Gong Wanwan didn't know how to refute.

Zhang Chen snorted and smiled, "I'm very interested now."

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