
Sure enough, no introduction was needed.

After all, she is also the inspector of the Demon Slayer Division, and Gong Wanwan knows a lot of secrets.

So as soon as you see what is in front of you.

Combined with Lin Xi's self-introduction just now.

Already guessed the truth.

"Suppressor potion? The Demon Slayer calls this thing a magic suppressant potion?"

Zhang Chen sneered.

"Zhang Chen, what are you trying to explain with this thing?"

As the most important secret research of the Demon Killing Division.

The importance of magic inhibitors.

It is related to the future of all demon slayers, ghost masters, and demon slayers.

Especially the fate of Yan Luo-level powerhouses like Xing Lingyun has caused the high-level executives of the Demon Slayer Division to attach great importance to it.

Gong Wanwan was also very concerned about this matter.

Deep down in her heart, she was naturally unwilling to accept her sister's fate.

"Sister Wanwan, Miss Lin and I became what we are now because of the magic suppressant in your mouth."

Ye Yiyi bravely opened her mouth to explain.

She is indeed shy and soft-tempered.

But there are some things that don't mean she will really let go.

"My brother went astray and died tragically, as well as Miss Lin and me, all because of this magic suppressant."

"What do you mean?"

Gong Wanwan showed a puzzled look, "Suppressant and you?"

Lin Xi said, "Let me explain."

"This is a new drug secretly developed by Lin's Pharmaceuticals entrusted by your Demon Killing Division."

"This program has been in place since ten years ago."

"For ten years, the research progress has been slow, but it has also made some progress."

"Miss Gong, the three magic inhibitors in front of you were developed by Lin's Pharmaceuticals based on the basic formula given by the senior management of your Demon Slayer Division."

"Although it is not yet fully developed, it is very close."

heard here.

Gong Wanwan still didn't understand.

Lin Xi went on to explain, "But it's the formula given by the senior executives of your Demon Slayer Division!"

"It's not a magic suppressant at all!"

In a word, how much impact can it bring?

Lin Xi didn't care either, she was kept in the dark before.

She is a little princess loved by countless people.

But now he is the chairman of the Lin Group.

Even if it's just symbolic.

The company is managed by Xia Yanshuang.

But she can still easily browse through many documents that outsiders could not see before.

among them.

There is the cause and effect of this magic suppressant developed by Zhanmosi.

After reading.

Subverted her three views.

Of course, Zhang Chen deliberately guided Lin Xi to see all this.

"This is all the internal information about the magic inhibitor."

Lin Xi took out a document and put it in front of Gong Wanwan.

"Miss Gong can see clearly for herself."

Zhang Chen couldn't help but admire.

In less than half of 917 months.

Lin Xi's growth surprised him a little.

The childishness in her body was gradually replaced by maturity and sophistication.

There is a faint shadow of Xia Yanshuang, a strong woman.

Of course, there is still a long way to go to grow to that point.

But at least.

Zhang Chen found that Lin Xi's value was not as unbearable as he thought before.

Gong Wanwan directly took the information file.

Then her expression followed when she saw the confidential content inside.

Again and again and again and again.

In the end, I couldn't believe it.

"Miss Gong, you don't need me to explain it myself, do you?"

Lin Xi spoke very politely, but her tone was aggressive.

"No, no need."

Gong Wanwan put down the information file in her hand.

I can't come back to God for a long time.

It is not convincing to say a thousand words and ten thousand words.

What did the document that Lin Xi brought say?

Very simple.

All the secrets about the anti-magic agent developed by Lin's Pharmaceutical under the leadership of Zhan Mosi.

"They are beasts!"


Gong Wanwan exhaled fragrantly and looked very angry.

In addition to being angry, it seemed as if all his strength had been exhausted.

He buried his head in the crook of his arms, trembling all over.

It seems to be trying to suppress, but also to cover up.

"So there is no balance between man and devil, do you still think so?"

Zhang Chen's voice, plus what he saw with his own eyes just now.

Jiang Gong Wanwan's faith.

Completely crushed!


Today's first update

Thanks to book friend 'Nan Xiaojing' for rewarding 1000 points.

Chapter 134

What is in the confidential document that Lin Xi brought?

Most of them are all the information on the research and development of the anti-magic agent led by Zhanmasi.


Zhang Chen added some serious material to it.


As an old Yinbi.

He didn't care about being dignified at all.

To achieve one's own goals, any means will be used to the extreme.

So he added some serious information to this confidential document in advance.

know about it.

Only Xia Yanshuang.

Even Xing Lingyun and the girls were kept in the dark.

What did Zhang Chen add to it?

Very simple!

Discredit the Demon Slayer!

The so-called seven points are true and three points are false.

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