True or false is the least suspicious means of framing.

"All of you, it's all because of the magic suppressant?"

It took Gong Wanwan a long time to finally calm down.

Then she looked at Ye Yiyi and Lin Xi apologetically.

"Sorry, my attitude just now..."

A hot-blooded justice girl is also simple-minded.

It's really easy to cheat.

Zhang Chen desperately praised him for his despicableness and shamelessness.

This is the self-cultivation that a mature villain should have.

"It's okay, it's all over."

Ye Yiyi shook her head, "And Brother Chen is very kind to me."

Lin Xi blushed, "Now you should know the ins and outs, right?"

"Sorry, I was wrong just now, I apologize to you!"

This is Gong Wanwan's character.

It is difficult to reverse what is determined, but once it is reversed.

The following things can be handled easily.

"I will definitely expose this matter!"

"Expose? Then I can guarantee that you will be like your sister soon."

Zhang Chen replied lukewarmly.

Confused Gong Wanwan, "You asked people to show me these, don't you want me to expose all of this?"

She doesn't understand.

But Zhang Chen's answer left her speechless.

"Let you expose?"

Zhang Chen sneered, "If I want to reveal these secrets, there are countless ways."

"Even after it was revealed, how can you believe that the Demon Slayer still dare not take me?"

Wanting to refute but couldn't, Gong Wanwan bit her cherry lips lightly with her white teeth.

Zhang Chen continued: "Of course, whether you expose it or ignore it from now on, it has nothing to do with me'¨."

Gong Wanwan is actually not that stupid.

She was so excited that she didn't think about anything just now.

Now calm down and think carefully.

Immediately realized that if she really did what she wanted just now.

I will die miserably!

Some of the dark side of Demon Killer.

Does she really know nothing about it?

Do not!

she knows!

Ordinary ghost slayers are not eligible to touch.

But as an inspector, she has a level 8 overhaul!

Definitely have.

It's just that under the halo of exorcising demons and defending Dao, those dark sides have been covered up.

"Could it be my sister back then?!"

Gong Wanwan even thought of another possibility that was even more frightening to think about.

What did Zhang Chen mean by that sentence just now?

A magic suppressant secretly developed by Zhanmasi.

There is another conspiracy behind it!

This conspiracy was deliberately added by Zhang Chen!

In the confidential document that Lin Xi brought.

It hints that the anti-magic agent has been successfully developed, although it can suppress the backlash of the demonic energy in the ghost hunter's body to a certain extent.

Greatly increase the lifespan of the ghost hunter.

It will not be easily corroded to death by the demons controlled by it.

But there is still a little-known secret.

That is, the magic suppressant is drinking poison to quench thirst!

Like poison.

But it is delicious and sweet poison!

The more you use, the greater the side effects.

Wait until the day when even the magic inhibitor can't suppress it.

The devilish energy in the body erupted completely, and even the ghost slayer turned into the most evil monster!

Is this fabricated by Zhang Chen?

No, no!

Seven points are true and three points are false.

A lot of it is true.

What Zhang Chen did was to add oil and vinegar to it.

He obviously didn't explain anything, but hinted at all of this everywhere.

It was all intentional by the Demon Slayer.

So what is the purpose?

"What do you think?"

Zhang Chen asked a standard rhetorical question.

The space is left for you to play freely.

And he didn't disappoint.

Gong Wanwan gave full play to her best advantages in her age group.

Cranky, great brain hole!

"Use the demon suppressant to control all the ghost hunters, and then wait for the final eruption to cultivate powerful demons!"

Gong Wanwan had indeed come into contact with some of the dark side of Demon Slayer.

such as.

There are so many ghost slayers in the Demon Slayer, many of them come from the energy of the Demon Slayer.

Find some powerful demons and wraiths to force a bond or bond with.

In other words.

The Demon Slayer advertises himself as an exorcist and guardian.

But it doesn't mean that you have to kill the monsters when you see them!

Many special and powerful monsters will be caught back!

Then I tried my best to hand it over to some powerful ghost masters.

Thereby enhancing the strength of the Demon Slayer.

Is it dark?


But Gong Wanwan didn't think too much about it before.

In her view, this is a sacrifice that must be made to eliminate demons and defend the way.

The so-called learning from the barbarians to control the barbarians!

From ancient times to the present, many such examples can be found.

but now.

After learning the 'truth' of the matter.

Everything is different.

"My sister is a strong person at the Yan Luo level! Once my sister is demonized, she will be at the nightmare level, and may even become a legend..."

Gong Wanwan's power of association is really rich.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but want to clap his hands.

She was still thinking about it, "Is there someone among the Ten Temples of Yama?"

to be frank.

He Zhi Gong Wanwan turned pale with shock.

Xing Lingyun's complexion changed slightly.

In fact, she always had doubts about what happened to her back then.

Now being guided by Zhang Chen's unintentional move.

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