Everything seemed to make sense at last.


The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

"If the magic inhibitor is really successfully developed, no one will know this secret."

Xing Lingyun said in a deep voice.

She already had doubts about her sudden degeneration from a demon.

Now fully explained.

"The anti-demon potion is only a semi-finished product now, so after being used by others, it will directly turn the living into a demon."

Zhang Chen's voice was flat, but his face was serious.

Just be serious.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts to laugh out loud?

Everything is in order.

secret document.

Semi-finished anti-demon potion.

There are also two irrefutable evidences, Ye Yiyi and Lin Xi.

Including the powerful brain unique to Miss Gong Wanwan.

Finally, Zhang Chen's arrangement became more and more perfect.

(Nuo De Zhao) Even if Xia Yanshuang is present at the moment.

Maybe it will be so.

Although she knew that Zhang Chen had tampered with the document.

But who made most of the contents of the file true?

"So, your sister has become like this, and she will be beaten and killed by your sister, called a demon!"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

Gong Wanwan lowered her head in shame.

"Sister, yes, I'm sorry..."

A girl's heart is soft and fragile.

"I really don't know, really!"

A conflict and misunderstanding between sisters that was originally difficult to resolve.

Now it is under the single-handed leadership of Zhang Chen.

Perfect resolution.

Even now.

Gong Wanwan had already hugged Xing Lingyun tightly and refused to let go.

How can there be the smell of gunpowder when the sisters reunited before, either you die or I live?

"After all, she is a deceitful little girl."


today the second day

Twenty-six thousand words exploded yesterday, my liver exploded

Today is a bit empty, first complete the daily [-]D minimum guarantee update.

Chapter 135

Zhang Chen didn't feel guilty at all.

He's doing something good.

Bring about sisterly reconciliation.

Only in this way can our backyard be stable and harmonious, isn't it?


"Sister, brother-in-law."

After the drama of family reunion.

Gong Wanwan blushed.

I don't know if it's shyness or other reasons.

"Hey, learn from your sister in doing more things in the future."

Zhang Chen turned into a caring and domineering brother-in-law.

Not in a hurry.

When it comes to the meat in the bowl, I'm not afraid of her flying away.


Gong Wanwan blushed and left.

The knot was untied, and it was logical to live with Zhang Chen.

In her words.

Wherever my sister is, she will be there!

In this regard.

Zhang Chen definitely welcomes it, is there even a need to talk about this kind of thing?

One family, don't speak two languages.

The door is always open.

As for the Demon Slayer taking the blame for Zhang Chen?

Is it important?

Anyway, it wasn't really a pool of clear water, Zhang Chen didn't feel guilty at all.


Jiangdong, the office building of the Demon Slayer Division.

The underground closed room.

at last.

Accompanied by a powerful blood energy erupting from it.

Haha laughter also came out.

"Breakthrough! Finally a breakthrough!"

Followed by.

A figure with disheveled hair and a strange smell opened the door of the secret room.

Such a big movement.

Of course, it also alarmed others.

As soon as I came out, I saw that there were already people waiting for a long time.

"Director! You finally came out!"

Han Bai looked at his immediate boss who looked like a savage in front of him.

With a wry smile on his face, he breathed a sigh of relief.

 920 "Xiao Han? Nothing major happened these days, right?"

The person who came out was Director Wei.

And he finally succeeded in upgrading from level 6 to level 7!

Now it is an upright overhaul!

Finally, this position under the buttocks can be moved.

Sit tight!

"There are inspectors in charge, and Brother Zhang is in Jiangdong. Now I have successfully broken through!"

Director Wei was in high spirits.

Level 6 and Level 7 seem to be only one step away.

But neither is strength.

Or status.

It's a world of difference in every way.

From the moment he broke through to level 7 it became an overhaul.

It is equivalent to really walking into the door of practice.

Below level 7, it is a ghost hunter!

After 7th level, they are more inclined to call themselves monks.

who thought.

Han Bai said a word.

Let Director Wei's good mood collapse in an instant.

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