And this time he will personally send Yang Baoguo's body back.

Those who died at the level of inspectors must be buried with honor.

To be blunt.

After the death of a strong person at this level, it is very likely that they will turn into demons that will cause disaster to the world.

So special handling is required.

"If there is something you can't handle, you can ask Brother Zhang for help!"

Director Wei thought for a while, "Brother Zhang, the brothers and sisters are our own."

"Don't worry, Director, I understand!"


Director Wei hurriedly called Zhang Chen.

After explaining about it.

He took Yang Baoguo's body and flew to the imperial capital.

And the other side.

Zhang Chen hung up the phone, the corner of his mouth curved.

It's even more meaningful.

"This Wei Bai really knows how to behave."

Because of that phone call just now.

Director Wei said directly and bluntly that this time he will return to the headquarters of the Zhanmo Division.

He will help fight for a job as inspector.

What do you mean?

Of course it's for Zhang Chen!

At the same time, Jiangdong is now.

Zhang Chen is definitely the underground king.

Both good and evil, take all!

So it's time to talk to little friend Xiao Han about the past.


The third update today.

Chapter 136

Jiangdong University.

Xiao Han felt a little embarrassed.

"It's been less than a month since I left, and I always feel like I'm a human being in two lives."

Looking at the familiar campus in front of me.

Xiao Han couldn't help laughing at himself.

After returning to Jiangdong.

He didn't go back to school right away.

Instead, he quietly found a nearby small hotel and settled down.

In the end, it was confirmed that no one came after him from Xiang County.

Xiao Han really let go of his guard.

"I'm not here, old Xu and the three guys don't know if they can get up in the morning-?"

Think of the three bad friends in the dormitory.

A smile appeared on his face.

Humans are social creatures.

Unless you are very withdrawn, you don't like to be alone.

So is Xiao Han.

Moreover, as a human being in two lifetimes, he values ​​this hard-won friendship even more.

"I hope they won't be too late, and when the semester is over, they will fail the class directly."

Before, he was full of travel and dust, but now Xiao Han has washed and taken care of him.

It looks a little darker than before, but the body is also a bit stronger.

Xiao Han looks good.

With a height of 1.8 meters, walking on campus can also attract some girls.

In the past, because of his orphan background, he felt somewhat inferior.

So the whole person seems a little low-key and unconfident.

But now after being reborn, plus the experience of more than half a month.

It made Xiao Han look brand new, brimming with self-confidence.

As such.

More attractive to some girls.

I noticed the hot eyes of some school girls in the surrounding campus.

Xiao Han felt a little proud in his heart.

"In the last life, I didn't know that I had such a big secret hidden in me, so I felt inferior!"

"But now, I'm different!"

In the past, Xiao Han would never take the initiative to strike up a conversation with a girl.

She even blush when she sees a prettier girl.

But now he is very bold to meet the eyes of those seniors around him.

"Those women used to ignore me, but now they can't afford me."

Xiao Han's eyes were very bold, which naturally offended many other boys.

However, in an institution of higher learning like Jiangdong University, most of the students are of good quality.

I won't make a fuss over such a trivial matter.

At most, it's a murmur or two behind the back.

Xiao Han didn't take it seriously, so he glanced coldly at the few people who were muttering behind them.

Then went back to the dormitory.

"Huh? Old Xu and the others aren't here?"

Today is Saturday, except for some special electives.

During this time, many students mostly stay in the dormitory to rest.

Xiao Han was also surprised, "Could it be that he went to an Internet cafe?"

"I have to find an opportunity to disclose some news to them. Soon the outside world will not be peaceful, and it is easy to cause accidents by running around."

In Xiao Han's memory.

last life.

It didn't take long for the world to change dramatically.

The second blood moon is coming.

What followed was the rampage of countless demons and ghosts.

At that time, Jiangdong City was in chaos for a long time.

Every day, many people die unexplained.

But most of them have been concealed by the authorities in order not to cause panic.

It's a pity that this concealment lasted for about half a year.

The situation is completely out of control.

Then ordinary people really know that it turns out that this is the world.

Demons and ghosts are not legends.

but real existence.

Then many talented people awakened and became ghost slayers.

"Now my plan has been disrupted, and I have to reconsider it."

Xiao Han lowered his head.

"With the ghost I'm controlling now, self-protection is not a problem!"

Three dangerous levels, one fatal level.

this strength.

It really made him confident.

"It was the best way to enter the Demon Slayer Division. You can easily make a lot of preparations under their noses."

"Now I can only find another chance!"

"As long as they don't discover my identity, I still have time to prepare!"

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