"Half a year? It should be enough. After half a year, if there are a few more deadly ghosts and even higher ghost kings!"

Xiao Han seemed to see a bright future.

Lying on a dormitory bed.

He breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Now the ghost master is not known to ordinary people, and I can take advantage of this opportunity to develop as much as possible."

"The only trouble is to avoid the eyes and ears of the Demon Slayer."

"Damn it! Which link has a problem?"

Xiao Han still has this knot in his heart.

Many things are different from his memories before rebirth.

It's okay if it's the butterfly effect.

Xiao Han was most afraid that some accidents beyond his imagination had happened.

Especially recently.

He covered his heart, "The sudden angina pectoris a few times before, could it be the sequelae of the awakening of the corpse king's blood in my body?"

Intuition told him that there was something else hidden.

But just can't find the reason.

Xiao Han didn't dare to go to the hospital for a full-body examination.

Previously ignorant and fearless.

Now that I know who I am.

He didn't have the courage to run to the hospital all of a sudden.

No one can guarantee that if you go to the hospital, you will be found out.

"Although there is this thing that my parents left me, it cannot be guaranteed [-]%."

Xiao Han touched the red string on his wrist.


"Going back to school?"

The lights are on, and night falls.

Zhang Chen heard the news from his subordinates.

Xiao Han has returned to Jiangdong University.

The latter didn't even know his every move.

···Seeking flowers 0··

They were watched from beginning to end.

In remote areas like Xiang County, it may be possible to avoid eyes and ears.

But wait until Jiangdong City.

Zhang Chen's territory.

Turned into ashes, they can all be found.

"Young master, this kid is very thieves, but after two days of observation, he may feel that he is all right, so he went back to school in a grand manner."

Zhang San laughed.

He is now more and more comfortable with his role as intelligence chief.

As for bodyguards?


Zhang San knew that he was unemployed, but fortunately there were other jobs.

"Okay, let everyone withdraw."

"Master? Don't stare?"

"In Jiangdong, do you still need someone to watch over?"

Zhang Chen's words made Zhang San embarrassed.

Think carefully.


This is Jiangdong City!

Still need to find someone to watch?

......... 0

Such a big living person, to find him and learn his every move.

There are too many ways.

Zhang Chen naturally had his plans.

"Xiao Han's strength is no surprise, it should have improved a lot, and if you continue to stare at it, it will be exposed."

Thinking about it, he waved his hand.

Zhang San exited the study knowingly.

"It's time to plan the next step."

After thinking about it.

Zhang Chen dialed a number.

Soon the other party connected.

The tone of voice was very respectful.

"Young Master Zhang, what are your orders?"

When Han Bai received Zhang Chen's call, he was a little flattered.

Coupled with the strength revealed by Zhang Chen in various aspects now.

He is not stupid!

Even his immediate boss was flattering Zhang Chen.

And Han Bai winked a little bit!

It has been guessed that Director Wei can successfully break through and become a level 7 overhaul.

It was from Zhang Chen that he got benefits!

He secretly guessed that it must be some kind of elixir or treasure.

As such.

After receiving Zhang Chen's call, he became more flattering and respectful.

"I can't talk about orders, but there is something that needs to be arranged by you."

Zhang Chen said politely, but didn't he mean to order?

Change to someone else.

Without further ado, Han Bai hung up the phone and cursed stupidly.

But who is Zhang Chen?

"Young Master Zhang, please tell me, I will definitely arrange it!"

this is the truth.

There is nothing shameful, and Han Bai doesn't feel ashamed of himself.

In front of the strong, the weak can please and curry favor.

Already an honor and an opportunity.

The really poor people are those ordinary people who don't even have the chance to curry favor with the strong.


Today's fourth change

The daily Guaranteed [-]D update is completed

I can't move today, and my fingers still hurt.

Chapter 137

Night falls.

In a daze.

Xiao Han woke up suddenly, drenched all over.

"That dream just now..."

It turned out that in the afternoon he waited in the dormitory and fell asleep.

Probably also spent a lot of energy running and evading for half a month.

And in sleep.

He had a nightmare.

Being teased like a fool.

And everything he valued was taken away and destroyed.

"Forget it, it's just a dream."

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