Xiao Han shook his head.

What happened in the dream soon became blurred after he woke up.

Laugh at yourself.

He glanced at the sky outside the window.

"It's so late? Why haven't Lao Xu and the others come back?"

Just at this time, I heard movement outside.

Xiao Han opened the door and saw that they were people from the dormitories next door.

"Xiao Han? Where has your kid been recently?"

Seeing Xiao Han coming back, those people all asked.

The interpersonal relationship in college is actually very simple, and usually there is not much contradiction between each other.

Not necessarily as friends, but meeting each other can be counted as nodding acquaintances.

"Oh, I went back to my hometown."

Xiao Han explained briefly, and then asked: "By the way, what about Lao Xu and the others?"

"It's so late and you haven't come back yet."

"Old Xu?"

"It seems like I haven't seen them for a few days?"

"Has any of you seen Lao Xu and the others?"

Several students shook their heads, and some even said, "Has it been a few days?"

College life is rarely as regulated as it was before college.

Many students rely on self-discipline.

It's just that most of the students in an institution of higher learning like Jiangdong University are fairly stable.

"Have you not seen anyone for a few days?"

Xiao Han keenly felt that there was something wrong.

But the face did not reveal.

After saying hello to the people around me, I returned to the dormitory.

Then I sent messages to all three bad friends.

But obviously.

It was the same as the message he sent when he came back in the afternoon.

Stone sinks into the sea.

"What happened? Where did they go?"

this night.

Xiao Han slept very restlessly.

First of all, he was worried that the Demon Slayer would discover his identity and become like the one in his previous life.

He's not quite ready yet, fledgling.

Secondly, there is always an indescribable sense of depression in my heart.

I always feel like I am under some indescribable pressure.

Early the next morning.

Xiao Han frowned all the time.

Then I asked a few classmates to inquire.

The result was the same as last night.

No one knew where the three bad friends in his dormitory had gone.

In the end, a student who hadn't spoken much revealed the news.

"Old Xu and the others? I heard that they seem to have drunk too much when they went out at night, and beat them up."

Hear the news.

Xiao Han was a little stunned.

But at the same time he smiled awkwardly.

"These three guys, what are you doing if you have nothing to do?"

Drinking too much and fighting, for many boys in this age group.

Very normal.

In addition, Xiao Han also knows the temper of his three bad friends.

I was thinking of continuing to inquire.

Unexpectedly, he was called over by his professional counselor.

Arrived at the teaching building office.

Xiao Han unexpectedly found out that there is no one except the counselor of his major.

There was another strange face.

And look.

My counselors are very polite to them, and they even have a smile on their faces.

"Could it be the leader of the courtyard?"

Xiao Han had a doubt in his heart, but soon he discovered the problem.

The other party's eyes fell on him.

And that look!

Let his hair stand on end, as if there is some danger.

"Xiao Han, this is Mr. Han!"

When the counselor saw Xiao Han coming in, he quickly got up and introduced.

"Mr. Han came from the yamen and said that he needed to ask you for some information."

A brief introduction.

The counselor left very tactfully.

Only Xiao Han was left alone, but he did not show timidity.

Instead, he looked up and down the person in front of him.

Then a trace of doubt flashed across his eyes.

"Xiao Han?"

It was not someone else who appeared in front of Xiao Han at this moment.

It was Han Bai.

He smiled slightly, and then stretched out his hand to introduce himself: "Hi, student Xiao, my surname is Han."

"If you don't mind, I'm a few years older than you. You can call me Brother Han."

Very polite, not as serious as people in the yamen.

Xiao Han also stretched out his hand and shook it, "Hello, Mr. Han."

Han Bai didn't care, and said, "Do you know why you came here today?"

"do not know."

Xiao Han shook his head, but he was analyzing and calculating quickly in his heart.

He has been observing Han Bai since he entered the door.

From the eyes of the other party, temperament, clothing.

It gave him a faint guess.

But considering what happened before, he is not sure.

Han Bai was also looking at the Jiangdong University student in front of him.

"It looks ordinary."

This was his first impression of Xiao Han, but he was more cautious.


Han Bai knows Xiao Han's true identity!

Few people know this secret.

But he knows!

Otherwise, it would not be his turn to contact Xiao Han.


Do not!

In Han Bai's view, this is a fat job!

It was he who was able to hug his thigh and find a fat man to back him!

"Student Xiao, don't be restrained, let me introduce my identity first."

Han Bai smiled politely, "Have Xiao ever heard of the Emergency Management Department?"

This statement came out.

The expression on Xiao Han's face changed somewhat.

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