After all, he is still too young, and the city is not that deep...

"I heard."

Xiao Han was calm on the surface, but his heart was full of waves.

If it wasn't for restraint, he would almost have made a move just now!

Emergency Management Division!

Of course he knows!

But that's just a title in the eyes of ordinary people!

The real name should be Demon Slayer!

Han Baifudong smiled darkly and said, "Since I've heard of it, it's easy to communicate."

"My purpose for coming today is very simple. I wonder if classmate Xiao would like to join us?"

He had almost revealed his inner emotions just now.


Xiao Han finally couldn't hold his expression.

He tried to look surprised, not terrified.

"Joining you guys? I'm still a student."

"Student Xiao, there are no outsiders here now, so I won't go around in circles with you."

Han Bai's expression became serious, "Our yamen has another name."

"I believe Xiao, you should know."

"Devil Slayer!"

"Student Xiao doesn't need to rush to deny it. I must have known about your situation beforehand, so I came to the door in person today."

"Of course, before that, student Xiao may have had some misunderstandings with our Demon Slayer Division."

A few words are exported.

The expression on Xiao Han's face was uncertain.

He didn't expect Zhan Mosi to come to the door in person.

The key is not to come to kill him.

It turned out to be to recruit him?

This was indeed beyond his expectations.

Xiao Han frowned: "I want to know why you chased me down before?"

This is a question he couldn't solve during this time.

The Demon Killing Division wanted to kill him, nothing more than to discover his life experience.

If he really found out in advance, it would be impossible to recruit him again.

So at this moment Xiao Han was confused.

Before Han Bai came, he had already guessed that Xiao Han would ask this question.

Not 0.2 smiled and said: "Misunderstandings, in fact, they are all misunderstandings."


"That's right. The people on our side didn't understand the situation clearly before, and mistook Classmate Xiao for another fugitive. That's why a series of misunderstandings occurred."

Han Bai explained briefly.

The reason is also beyond doubt.

The reason for chasing and killing Han Bai.

The reason is that the Demon Slayer is chasing and killing an evil cultivator.

And that evil cultivator is good at disguise and cross-dressing, and he happened to show up last.

It's in Xiang County, Xiao Han's hometown.

In this way, a misunderstanding occurred.

The members of the Demon Killing Division mistook Xiao Han for the evil cultivator who was being tracked down by them.

In addition, Xiao Han can also control demons such as ghosts and zombies.

So let the misunderstanding deepen.

Hear this explanation.

Xiao Han finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he has not completely relaxed his vigilance, at least he has solved the doubts in his mind.


Today's first update

Thanks to book friend 'gary055027' for rewarding 100 points.

Chapter 138


wrong person?

Xiao Han believed it seven or eight points.

But Han Bai sneered in his heart.

"This kid is so foolish, the reason Zhang Shao gave is really useful!"


All these explanations are all for Xiao Han to believe!

Earn his trust.

And the person behind the scenes is none other than Zhang Chen.

It was Zhang Chen's intention that Han Bai would come to see Xiao Han.

While sneering in my heart at the moment.

Han Bai showed a little apology on the surface.

"Student Xiao, this incident is indeed a major mistake in our work!"

"Don't worry, you can offer compensation for the inconvenience caused to you, and we will do our best to satisfy you as much as possible."

The words are sincere and the attitude is correct.

No matter how you look at it, it will not make people think that they are murdering themselves.

Because even Han Bai himself knew that he was lying to Xiao Han.

But he didn't know why Zhang Chen did this.

So how could it be possible to show hostility and murderous intent?

Xiao Han has been observing since the very beginning.

He was seven or eight percent sure, but it didn't mean he believed it completely.

Hearing that I can make compensation.

Xiao Han finally frowned, "If it's a misunderstanding, I can not pursue it."

"Student Xiao really understands righteousness!"

"Don't worry, I don't need to hold you accountable for mistaking me for a fugitive in Xiang County."

Xiao Han thought about his experience during this time.

Damn, I'm so depressed now that I'm about to vomit blood.

Is it a misunderstanding for a long time?

Thinking of him as some evil cultivator?

At the same time, he said, "I don't need too much financial compensation, you just look at it!"

"in addition!"

"I want to make sure, can you now tell that I am not the fugitive you are chasing?"

Sure enough, be cautious.

Xiao Han is testing.

To test the attitude of the Demon Slayer towards him.

Is there a conspiracy.

Han Bai didn't think too much, so he replied according to Zhang Chen's instructions: "Naturally!"

"We will follow the highest standard for financial compensation, but you know, Xiao Xiao, that we are a yamen, and the funds are limited."

"Yes! I'm not a greedy person either, so give as much as you want!"

"Well, since student Xiao is willing to reconcile, it would be great."

Negotiations between the two sides went relatively smoothly.

Xiao Han also gradually lowered his vigilance.

Then he finally understood.

It is precisely because of the 'misunderstanding' that occurred this time that the people from the Demon Slayer decided to recruit him.

To use a simple metaphor.

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