Discovered his great potential.

Xiao Han sneered in his heart.

Would not believe it at all.

"What's the great potential? Isn't it just that I found out that I can control demons? In order to prevent accidents, I decided to incorporate me into Zhao'an?"

A sneer is a sneer.

After Xiao Han pretended to hesitate a little.

I readily agreed.

After all, this was his original plan.

Temporarily break into the enemy.

It developed steadily under the eyes of Zhan Mosi.

"How could they think that I'm just using them!"

There was a smile on Xiao Han's face.

There was also a smile on Han Bai's face.

Both felt that they had accomplished a great deal.

So very satisfied.

"Brother Han."

After Xiao Han agreed, he hesitated and shouted.


The names have changed.

After all, Xiao Han is no longer the stunned young man he was in the past.

He knew very well that in a place like Demon Killing Division, fish and dragons were mixed together.

The person in front of him looked unusual.

It wouldn't do him any harm to have a good relationship for the time being.

"Student Xiao, do you have any questions?"

"That's it. I wonder if I can ask Brother Han to find out some news for me?"


"Brother Han, does he know anyone in the patrol room?"

Hearing Xiao Han's question, although Han Bai was puzzled.

But he still nodded, "Of course I know, our Demon Slayer Division is quite special."

He said with a little pride, "I have a lot of face in many yamen."

Xiao Han's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked: "Three of my roommates disappeared ten days ago, can I ask the patrol room to help find them?"

"That's it? A small problem! Keep it with your Brother Han!"

Han Bai patted his chest and agreed.

It is indeed a small matter.

And Xiao Han also showed a smile, "Then trouble Brother Han."

"My family, you're welcome!"

Things are settled.

Han Bai was also about to leave, "The formalities will be completed soon, and I will come to you again when the time comes, and take you to our Magic Slayer to find your way."

Looking at the back of Han Bai leaving.

The smile on Xiao Han's face gradually disappeared.

His eyes also narrowed.

"Devil Slayer! That's good, this saves me a lot of trouble!"


Just left Jiangdong University.

Han Bai hurriedly called Zhang Chen.

"Young Master Zhang, it's done!"

Very short, no nonsense.

Han Bai knew that he was just doing things for Zhang Chen.

Did not take the initiative to ask for credit.

"Well, well done."

The reason why Zhang Chen chose Han Bai to work for him was because he saw that this guy was clever.

And know how to judge the situation.

Such people.

There is no such thing as loyalty.

But as long as Zhang Chen himself is strong enough.

Powerful enough to be awe-inspiring.

Then Han Bai will be more loyal than anyone else!

"It's my honor to be able to solve problems for Young Master Zhang!"

Han Bai was a little excited.

He watched his immediate boss with his own eyes because he had a good relationship with Zhang Chen.

Breakout now becomes level 7 overhaul!

Is that the opportunity that many ghost hunters and demon slayers have dreamed of?

"I asked someone to send you some special products."

The phone has been hung up.

But Han Bai was extremely surprised and excited.

Can Zhang Chen's shots be bad?

Sure enough, when he returned to Zhanmasi Building, his office.

I saw the gift that Zhang Chen mentioned.

A pill!

Is courtesy light and affection heavy?

Do not!

The value of this gift.

For Han Bai, they are simply reborn parents!

Why do you say that?

Just a pill?

But don't forget.

920 How many people are there in Huaxia Guoneng who refine elixirs?

As far as Han Bai knew, he could count on one hand.

And how tall are those shelves?

Don't say it's him.

Even the inspectors of Demon Slayer Division met those people.

You have to be polite and call me old so-and-so!

It is an eternal truth that rare things are precious.

Besides, Han Bai knew it very well.

The elixir that Zhang Chen could produce was better than the elixir refined by those masters of alchemy in Zhan Mosi.

More than anything!

"Sure enough, if you follow in the footsteps of Young Master Zhang, you will be able to achieve success!"

Han Bai suppressed his excitement.

Swallowed the pill directly.

He never suspected Zhang Chen's manipulation at all.

do you need?

For a person like Zhang Chen, who has a background as high as the sky, and who can subdue even the ghost king.

He Han Bai is a fart!

A little man!


If you want to deal with him, do you need to be so troublesome?

"Sure enough, it is Qi and Blood Pill, and it is more than ten times more effective than those Qi and Blood Pills shot by Zhang Shao before!"

Han Bai's heart was surging.

Unable to calm down for a long time.

It was hard to calm down.

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