He immediately came to the third basement floor of the building.

"Team Korea."

Here, someone has been guarding.

Seeing Han Bai coming, he was obviously a little surprised.

"Is the bottle of ancient blood zombie blood that was sealed half a year ago still in it?"


Today's second update.

Chapter 139

"Team Han? You don't want to try to blend into that bottle of ancient blood, do you?"

The people from the Demon Slayer Division are well aware of the function of the bottle of corpse blood.

The so-called ghost hunters and demon slayers.

Many of their powers come from various demons.

Such as controlling ghosts and controlling zombies.

Or forcibly swallow the blood of some demons into the body.

Use this to gain strength.

Of course, this process is very risky!

It can be said that even [-]% of the success rate cannot be guaranteed.

"My former headless horseman's undead has been broken. If I can't get other powers, I can only switch to a civilian job and stay behind."

Han Bai nodded, "Okay, I know the risks."

"Team Han! It's too dangerous! That's equivalent to deadly monster blood!"

"Open it, I will bear any consequences on my own."

All that needs to be said.

Naturally, the people below cannot be persuaded.

In fact, it was themselves instead.

Will also choose to do so.

"Team Han, if there is an emergency..."

"There is no chance! But if I can't carry it through, kill me before I completely turn into a dead body!"

Han Bai knew the rules, and walked in after explaining.

Demon Slayer, every ghost slayer and demon slayer.

All need to go through this process.

Han Bai had been hesitating before.

Because he is not confident that he can succeed again.

Any attempt is to walk around the door of hell.

He dismissed monsters with too low a level of strength.

The risk of being powerful is very high.

But the elixir given by Zhang Chen.

Gave him great confidence!

A high-level qi and blood pill is enough for him to have enough qi and blood to withstand the impact of that bottle of ancient blood zombie blood.

And this process.

It went on for three hours.

When Han Bai came out from inside again.

He has been rejuvenated.

"Ancient Blood Zombie! I now have the power of Ancient Blood Zombie!"

Han Bai was extremely excited.

Demon slaying makes ghost controller strength division.

Most of them are related to the demon power integrated into the body.

Or it is related to the ghosts and demons that are controlled.

The stronger the degree of control and integration, the stronger the strength.

The headless horseman he drove before was only dangerous.

And it just barely entered the dangerous level.

So Han Bai is only a Level 4 Impermanence Envoy.

It is very difficult to get promoted.

but now!

"If you want to become a level 6 impermanence envoy, the requirement is to slay deadly monsters alone!"

Han Bai now feels that he has great hopes.

Unlike other ghost controllers, most of the sources of power are demons and ghosts that are controlled.

It is actually very weak.

When walking outside, you usually need to go with your teammates.

Like he used to be.

Now Han Bai doesn't need it at all, he can transform himself into a demon body for a short time.

Possesses the ability to be invulnerable and powerful almost like the ancient blood zombie.

"Is this the boss?"

Han Bai couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

A casual shot is a high-level elixir.

gave him new life.

Such thick thighs must be hugged tightly!


Xiao Han didn't know that his identity had long been known.

At the moment, I am still dreaming of spring and autumn dreams.

Ever since Han Bai had personally looked for him.

Xiao Han felt relieved.

I was a little wary at first.

I'm afraid there is some conspiracy in it.

But for three days in a row.

He found himself worrying too much.

"Looks like it was just a misunderstanding."

Xiao Han is not stupid, if his identity is known by the Demon Slayer.

How could it be so peaceful?

"Have you read the news?"

"Look! Look!"

"I heard that not long ago, there was a big incident in Xiang County!"

this day.

Xiao Han was absent-mindedly attending class.

How can he be in the mood to attend class now?

My mind is full of plans for the next step.

But suddenly I heard someone talking about Xiang County.

Let the expression on his face change slightly.

"I saw it this morning, and I heard that many people died!"

"Yeah, the news didn't say how much, but it is said that several villages in Xiang County are deserted."

"Too bad, the official report said it was a landslide, but do you believe it?"

Some classmates scoffed.

People around also shook their heads.

"There must be something else hidden, but unfortunately we don't know what happened."

Another student sighs.

"I heard gossip that it was caused by evil spirits!"

A boy wearing glasses lowered his voice and said.

People around rolled their eyes.

"Come on, it's the 21st century, are you still haunted by evil spirits?"

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