"That's right! Have you watched too many TV shows?"

"Believe in science! Where are the monsters in this world?"

A group of people laughed one after another.

Only Xiao Han had a particularly awkward expression on his face.

And this time.

Fortunately, someone thought of him.

"Xiao Han, isn't your hometown in Xiang County?"

Hearing someone asking himself, Xiao Han could only bite the bullet and nod, "Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Didn't you just go back to your hometown some time ago? Do you know the inside story?"

"Yes, yes, Xiao Han, you are from there, do you have any definite news?"

A group of classmates in the class, regardless of the usual relationship.

Naturally, gossip cannot be ignored.

It's a pity that Xiao Han found a reason to prevaricate.

Not involved in this sensitive topic.

The next few classes.

Xiao Han is like sitting on a needle blanket.

He vaguely felt that he had done some things in the mountainous area of ​​Xiangxian County before.

It will cause a lot of trouble.

"No one should know!"

"Devil Killer will definitely help cover it up, and now I am their own!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Han secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

And this time.

He received a message on his phone.

When he opened it, it was Han Bai who came to see him a few days ago.

The content is very simple, give him an address and let him go directly.

Xiao Han left the school halfway.

I took a taxi to the address in the text message.

Looking at the dilapidated building in front of him.

Almost thought I was in the wrong place.

Fortunately, as soon as he got out of the car, he saw Han Bai waiting for him.

"Student Xiao, this way."

"Brother Han."

The two exchanged simple greetings.

Straight to the point.

"Student Xiao, you have just joined our Demon Slaying Division, and you are required to complete a demon slaying task alone as required."

Han Bai explained the purpose of calling Xiao Han today.

At the same time, he probably said it.

Xiao Han was not surprised, because of some rules of the Demon Slayer.

He already knew.

It is also a normal process.

"Originally, newcomers like you would arrange one or two missions that are less dangerous and less difficult."

Han Bai said with a wry smile, "But the supernatural disaster cases that haven't been dealt with recently are all relatively difficult."

In other words.

I want to become an official member of the Demon Killing Division.

You have to go through the process.

If not, just wait a while.

Of course Han Bai didn't tell Xiao Han.

In addition to going out on a mission alone to complete this condition.

In fact, it can be personally reviewed by a certain veteran member of the Demon Slayer Division.

As long as you pass, you can also enter the job.

Then Xiao Han didn't know this.

"Brother Han, what cases have not been resolved?"

After some hesitation, Han Bai took out several case materials.

Xiao Han is also welcome.

Look it up.

These cases are rather weird and cannot be solved by the patrol room.

will be handed over.

There are also cases that the Demon Killing Division himself discovered (promised).

was talking.

Han Bai's cell phone rang.

He didn't treat Xiao Han as an outsider, so he connected directly.

"found it?"

"What? What do you mean by no text? Wait, let's be clear, aren't they just a few students from Jiangdong University?"

Han Bai's expression became serious after hearing this.

In the end, his eyes looked a little embarrassed and hesitant towards Xiao Han.

And this move.

It naturally caught Xiao Han's attention.

After Han Bai hung up the phone, he asked, "Brother Han? Is there any news about my friends?"

"Student Xiao, I don't know if I should tell you."

"Brother Han, but it's okay to say."

"The man from the patrol house just told me that your three friends may be involved in one of the paranormal cases."

Han Bai said with a wry smile.

Xiao Han was also stunned after hearing this.

Involved in a paranormal case?

"What?! Brother Han, you won't be joking with me, will you?!"

"I also hope it's a joke, but the news from the patrol room is indeed true."

Han Bai smiled wryly, "You'd better be mentally prepared."


The third update today.

Chapter 140

Are you mentally prepared?

The words came out.

Xiao Han's heart skipped a beat immediately after hearing this!

"Brother Han! What happened?"

Xiao Han is not a child either.

Usually someone tells you to be mentally prepared.

It's either a surprise or a shock!

Judging from the expression, eyes and tone of Han Bai in front of him.

It can never be a surprise!

That's the only explanation.


"Did something happen to my three classmates?"

Xiao Han asked nervously.

At the same time, he began to think quickly in his heart.

"Is this also the impact of my rebirth?"

In his memory, the three bad friends in his dormitory have always been safe and sound.

There was never any danger.

Even a year later, he was taken away by the people from the Demon Slayer Division.

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