They also stay in school.

Just regular college students.

"Butterfly effect? ​​Is it caused by my rebirth?"

Seeing Xiao Han's uncertain and nervous look on his face.

Han Bai spoke a few words of comfort.

"Student Xiao, don't worry, there is only some preliminary news now, specifically..."

Consolation on the surface, but disapproval on the inside.

Han Bai knew who Xiao Han was.

So there was no intention of being sincere at all.

If 920 was requested by Zhang Chen, he would definitely try the corpse blood fusion of the ancient blood zombie.

How far has your own strength improved?

"This kid is the son of the nightmare-level corpse king? Doesn't he look like that?"

Han Bai has been secretly examining.

Nightmare corpse king!

That can definitely easily destroy the existence of countless cities.

The Demon Slayer also paid a huge price back then!

This is barely killing.

In Han Bai's opinion, the son of a nightmare-level monster at least has some advantages, right?

"It's very ordinary and has no special features. It can't be that the director and Zhang Shao made a mistake?"

Disdainful in his heart, Han Bai didn't show his doubts at the same time.

It doesn't matter whether the boy in front of him is the son of the Nightmare Corpse King.


He, Han Bai, wants to hug such thick thighs as Chen Chen's!

Follow Zhang Shaoyou to eat, and it's shark fin abalone!

Only a fool would refuse such a good thing.

"What specifically? Brother Han! Can you tell me?"

Xiao Han didn't know that Brother Han, who looked cheerful and enthusiastic, was in front of him.

From the bottom of my heart, I didn't think highly of him.

Everything is faked.

Perhaps because of the turmoil in his mind at this moment, he didn't notice Han Bai's strange flashing eyes.

Han Bai restrained his thoughts.

Then slightly deliberate on the sentence, and then speak.

"I've asked the people in the patrol room for you, according to the results of the investigation."

Han Bai smiled bitterly, "Those three of your classmates caused trouble a while ago and got into trouble."

"Problem? Trouble? What's the matter?"

Xiao Han didn't believe it at all, he knew the temper of the three bad friends in his dormitory.

Maybe everyone is full of blood, and it is easy to get hot-blooded.

But basic common sense is there.

Anyway, he is also a student of Jiangdong University, the most famous institution of higher learning in China.

Han Bai didn't hide it either.

Tell the news you have heard.

"More than ten days ago, they had a dispute with someone at the barbecue stall because of some quarrels."


Xiao Han frowned.

Because in school, he also heard similar rumors.

Han Bai continued: "It was just a small problem."

"But your three classmates don't seem to have a good temper, and after drinking a little wine, they started fighting with others."

"They did it?!"

Xiao Han was very surprised, but think about it carefully.

It seems to make sense.

It's just that he doesn't take this kind of thing seriously.

"that's it?"

"Of course it can't be that simple. If that's the case, I wouldn't tell you to prepare yourself mentally."

"Huh? Is there something else to hide?"

Originally, I heard that it was just because I went out to drink and play skewers in the middle of the night, arguing with others.

Xiao Han just wanted to relax.

He asked himself that he was different now.

Whether it is losing money or fighting, he has the confidence to solve it.

Besides, there is also the golden signboard of Demon Slayer.

Since the Demon Slayer wants to recruit him, he will definitely help him solve the problem.

Listen now.

Is he thinking too simply?

Han Bai nodded: "The three of them moved too far, injuring and (cdac) crippling people."

"Injured and disabled?!"

Xiao Han's eyes widened.

If there is a simple dispute and fight.

Really small issues.

But if it is causing disability!

Then the problem becomes serious.

Xiao Han is also aware of this.

"This is the troublesome part. The result of the other party's injury test is mildly disabled, unless a huge sum of money is paid!"

Han Bai shook his head, "Otherwise, he will have to be detained, and the follow-up will be even more troublesome."

"how much is it?"

heard here.

Xiao Han changed his face several times before asking.

In fact, he doesn't have much money, but his confidence relies on his current ability.

There are countless ways to make money.

"Probably more than 100 million. This is the early stage, and the medical expenses of the injured will need to be borne by them in the later stage."

Hear the number.

Xiao Han opened his mouth.

He's not a three year old either.

More than 100 million is not too much, and it is definitely not too much to say less!

Don't look at Jiangdong City as an international metropolis.

Any one suite can cost tens of millions.

But how many ordinary people can easily take out 100 million deposits?

At least Xiao Han couldn't get it out.

"They can't afford that much money."

Xiao Han said.

Han Bai also nodded and said: "They are still students, and their family conditions don't seem to be good, so they really can't afford it."

"Brother Han, even so, why do you say that my three classmates were involved in a supernatural case?"

Xiao Han suddenly thought of this question.

"Don't worry, this is the cause!"

Han Bai explained slowly: "Because of this, the three of you have nowhere to go."

"In the end, in order to repay the debt, I took a risk and took on a private job."

Xiao Han: "???"

Accepted a private job?

"If you want to repay more than 100 million debts in just a few days, even if the three people share it equally, it is not so easy."

Han Bai expressed his feelings.

But Xiao Han was speechless.

Because it's a fact.

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