How can money be so easy to earn?

At least in this seemingly peaceful environment today.

It is indeed not easy to make money.

"It's hard to make money now, but wait until the second blood moon appears, then!"

Xiao Han sneered in his heart.

Because he knows very well that at that time, the world's magic energy will emerge.

A hundred ghosts travel at night, and demons are rampant.

The social structure will be completely disrupted.

Then there is class reorganization.

At that time, he has such a powerful force.

A person who can control demons and kill them.

Will become a real master!

Respected and worshiped by countless people.

wait until then.

Want money?

Isn't it just beckoning, you can get it casually?

"Unfortunately, now is not the time."

Han Bai didn't hide too much.

It will probably go through a lot of talking.

"This matter is also not a coincidence. If it is now, the Demon Slayer can intervene in the mediation."

Han Bai smiled wryly and shook his head, "Unfortunately, I didn't know that the three of them were friends of your classmate Xiao."

"Brother Han, don't say that, I can't blame you for this matter."

Xiao Han pretended to be free and easy and considerate.

Then he frowned, "Brother Han, you said they went to a community?"


Fourth more

The [-]D update is completed today.

Chapter 141

"And because the neighborhood is haunted, all the residents have left?"

So-called paranormal cases are simple.

Cases that cannot be solved by the patrol room and are suspected of being caused by demons are collectively referred to as supernatural cases.

Haunted, ~ is naturally one of them.

"That's right, because those residents evacuated in a hurry, they didn't have time to take away many important properties-"

Han Bai nodded and said, "So those residents have now offered a reward."

"As long as you help them get those things back, how much reward can you get, and this reward is worth a lot."



It's impossible for anyone to notice what's wrong with it.

Because there are indeed people who want to get back their bank cards, real estate certificates and other properties.

It is true that rewards are offered everywhere in Jiangdong City.

Find someone brave enough to help.

This matter was not at all deliberately set up by Zhang Chen.

It's just that Zhang Chen took advantage of this.

"They are stupid!"

After Xiao Han knew all this.

Couldn't help cursing.

I don't know if it's because I hate iron but not steel, or other factors.

Anyway, he now understands what happened.

Naturally began to think of a way.

"and many more!"


Xiao Han thought of something and looked up and asked: "Brother Han, you said just now, those three of my classmates went to a certain haunted community?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"is it this one?"

Xiao Han directly took out one of several supernatural cases in his hand.

When Han Bai saw it, his expression was particularly weird.

"So coincidentally?"

"What a coincidence!"

Xiao Han nodded, "Brother Han, I've decided!"

"Student Xiao, you don't want to tell me that you have to choose such a high difficulty for the first time you go out on a mission alone?"

Among the several supernatural cases that Han Bai brought out.

There are high and low levels of difficulty.

The same thing is that they are all above the dangerous level.

And the supernatural case that Xiao Han is holding in his hand at the moment.

It is one of the more difficult ones.

"I have decided!"

Xiao Han didn't hesitate, "Maybe this is destiny!"


Xiao Han sneered in disdain.

He had read the description of the supernatural case.

It's just that there are suspected dangerous ghosts doing evil.

For other novices who just joined the Demon Killing Division.

It is indeed a high difficulty, and even if you are not careful, you will die and come back alive.

But would he be worried?

"It's only dangerous, I can handle it alone!"

Xiao Han is full of confidence.

The source of his self-confidence is that his strength is far beyond the dangerous level.

"I personally suggest that you should consider changing it."

Han Bai shook his head, "Although I know Xiao, you are different from other newcomers, the risk is still too great."

"No, I decided to choose this one! It just so happened that three of my friends were also involved."

Xiao Han's tone was firm, "Whether it's dead or alive, I have to confirm it with my own eyes."

Speaking of this.

Han Bai is not dissuading either.


"It's really arrogant. I chose such a difficult one when I first came up."

Han Bai waited for Xiao Han to leave.

Only then sneered and shook his head.

In fact, he didn't know that this was Zhang Chen's guidance and promotion.

Just according to Zhang Chen's instructions, pick a few supernatural cases that happened in Jiangdong City recently to Xiao Han.

How will Xiao Han choose in the end.

Can Zhang Chen be accurate?

He really can!


After Han Bai informed the incident.

A smile appeared on Zhang Chen's face.


Everything is going according to his plan.

Why can he guess Zhang Chen's actions and thoughts?

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